Geospatial technologies (GSTs) refer to a range of modern tools used for geographical
mapping and analysis of earth’s features, which include Global Positioning System
(GPS), Geographical Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing [1]. Miniaturization
of GPS devices has enabled their integration
into mobile phones, wearables and vehicles and thus their use as part of
“mHealth” [2]. The GPS is a versatile
technology that can be used essentially to monitor any outdoor activity, and is
currently used for a wide range of purposes including transport, navigation, law
enforcement, scientific research and leisure activities [3].
GSTs have been used in the surveillance and monitoring of infectious diseases,
assessments of environmental health risk, and the analysis of disease policy and
planning. GSTs help health programmes to map geographical access to public health
resources, community transport services, or association of health events with their
environment [4-6]. GST has been used in Peru to track mobility patterns related to
the risk
of transmission of Dengue [7]; in South
Africa to trace patients receiving treatment for tuberculosis [8]; and for mapping
of Kala Azar, lymphatic filariasis and
Kyasanur forest disease in coastal regions of India [9,10]. GSTs have been used to
movement patterns of humans related to their health behaviour. GPS devices have been
used to track movement of cognitively impaired individuals such as elderly people
suffering from dementia or Alzheimer disease in order to prevent wandering [11]. They
are used to measure outdoor walking
capacity of patients suffering from peripheral artery disease, which can help to
determine severity of disease in these patients [12]. Health researchers have combined
GPS with activity monitoring to
measure exercise or sedentary behaviour of people [13].
Ascertainment of care-seeking is important in public health management in order to
national health programs and assessing quality of health care. Nguyen et al.
demonstrated use of GPS-based devices for ascertainment of hospitalisations [14].
Paz-Soldan et al. compared use of GPS-based
devices to obtain fine-scale human mobility data and compared it with semi-structured
interviews [15].
GSTs have provided health administrators and researchers with unprecedented access
personal information regarding an individual’s activities, movements at home and
in the community. This enables health information to be linked to spatio-temporal
in new ways and in much greater detail, opening up possibilities for innovative research
and insights into health-related behavior. At the same time, however, this new capacity
for surveillance has raised issues related to privacy, confidentiality, access to
information, and the possibility of misuse of location data in health research. These
and other issues manifest in particular ways when these technologies are applied for
research in the context of developing countries [16,17]. While there is an emerging
body of literature exploring the ethical considerations of location tracking, few
studies address these through the lens of scientific research and fewer still do so
the context of low- and middle-income countries [2,4-6,14].
This commentary aims to discuss ethical issues related to the use of GPS-based movement
tracking during a care-seeking study in rural India.
TrackCare, a location-aware smartphone application, was used to track care-seeking
behaviour of mothers of under-five children for common childhood illnesses in a
study conducted in 22 villages of Vadu HDSS, Pune, Maharashtra [18]. The study consisted
of phone groups and
non-phone groups and compared the potential care-seeking events identified through
TrackCare, a smartphone application with care-seeking events identified through
participant interviews. Consenting mothers in the phone group were given a dual SIM
phone which they were asked to carry with them whenever any care-seeking event took
place. They were followed up monthly for a period of six months.
TrackCare was an Android-based application designed for this study to track the
phone’s location each minute and transfer these data to a central server each
hour [19]. This information was transmitted
hourly to a central study server after which the stored data from the device were
deleted. When hourly transfer was not possible due to poor connectivity, cumulated
data were transferred during the next scheduled transfer. TrackCare was designed to
function continuously and automatically once the device was turned on and was
password-protected from uninstallation preventing its removal except by study staff.
The movement data generated by phones were stored on secured servers in University
of Edinburgh and Vadu HDSS.
The study was reviewed and approved by institutional ethics committees of KEM
Hospital Research Centre, Pune and the Centre for Population Health Sciences at the
University of Edinburgh.
All the study participants were administered a written informed consent in local
language (Marathi) after explaining the nature of the study procedures along with
risks and benefits associated with study participation. The informed consent
document was designed using simple language and covered different aspects of the
study including purpose of the study, voluntary nature of participation, type of
data shared, confidentiality of the data, risks and benefits of the study. The
participants who received a phone could use it for their personal use as well using
a second SIM card. There was no compensation paid for participation in this study,
however the participants in the phone group could retain the smartphones at the end
of the study. The consent form had a pictorial depiction of the geospatial data
archival process explaining that only data for care-seeking visits were retained
during archival and all other location data were deleted (
Figure 1
Figure 1
Pictorial depiction of data collection and data storage in informed consent
of care-seeking study. Left – geospatial data collected in GPS devices
during the study. Right – Data that were archived after the study
The ability to use GPS to trace the movements of people raises important ethical
issues [3]. Geospatial technology for personal
location tracking presents a global concern and there is geo-location privacy
legislation in place in some countries which prohibits use of this technology for
routine surveillance activities [20]. In
India, the Geospatial Information Regulation Bill (GIRB) has been drafted by
Government and is under review, which mandates prior permission to use geospatial
data from government licensing authority [21].
As our experiences during the present care-seeking study illustrate, these issues
also present challenges for the use of GPS as a health research tool in ways that
must be taken into account when designing and conducting research, especially in low
and middle-income countries.
Privacy and confidentiality
The primary concern in relation to the use of GPS is the amount of information
that can be deduced from the person’s movements and how that information
may be used [16]. In the first place,
continuous monitoring of one’s activity by a researcher, even where
consent is initially given, poses the threat of invasion of privacy and may lead
to psychological implications from the feeling of being “watched”
[17]. Bearing in mind the privacy
implications, only movement data for visiting health facilities from the
care-seeking study were archived, avoiding archival of other movement data as
agreed during the consent. The location data available to researchers were
de-identified and included geo-coordinates of households and health facilities
only. Any data that included personal identifiers were first transferred to
electronic database stored under high security. The data were then de-identified
before analysis. The phone data were identified by numeric ID assigned to each
phone and the participant was identified by study ID; identifiable data
were encrypted before storage on servers. This strategy prevented access to
unnecessary movement data by researchers as this may have ethical implications.
Field research assistants were trained to maintain necessary confidentiality
while handling probable visit data.
Photo: GPS navigation (from:
While conducting the care-seeking study, we found that the overall awareness
regarding the nature of GPS technology was low amongst the rural population.
However, concerns over confidentiality were raised by several study participants
some even asking whether the device could record conversations or videos of
their activities. There was one refusal to consent based on the issue of
Spatial re-identification risk and negligence in publication
Based on the location history of the device, it is possible to identify the
location of a particular individual and trace his or her movement with
reasonable accuracy. From the observed movements, these data may then be
associated with a specific individual, meaning that de-identification is
effectively impossible [10]. The limited
scope for anonymisation of movement data is a big challenge in global health
research for sharing of data. Accidental self-disclosure leading to breaches of
locational privacy is a possibility: if participants are given access to
GST-enabled smart phones with which they are unfamiliar, their incidental use of
the devices may result in inadvertently revealing information about themselves.
In care-seeking study, first, the electronic data were anonymised to protect
identity of an individual; second, geospatial coordinates of only health
facilities were enabled avoiding revealing of other movement data.
There are examples in literature where the exact location data for research
participants were published in academic journals and newspapers, leading to a
breach of spatial confidentiality due to scientists’ or publishers’
negligence [22,23]. To some extent, published maps with masked
confidential locations could also be reengineered to reveal the exact location
of an individual [22]. Availability of
this information in the public domain may increase the risk of identification
for the participants. While this is especially pertinent for vulnerable
populations, such as people living with HIV, protecting spatial confidentiality
and participant identity should be a consideration for GST research in
Challenges in obtaining informed consent
Due to the complex nature of the risks involved in the use of geo-location
devices, it may be difficult to ensure that participants are properly informed
regarding the possible implications of its use. The problem is likely to be
exacerbated in low- and middle-income countries due to lower levels of education
and lower availability of GSTs, leading to lack of awareness.
In the care-seeking study, more technical issues such as data encryption and
storage and third-party transfer were very difficult to communicate with
participants despite good translations of informed consent documents. This was
again primarily due to low levels of technology-related awareness among this
study population. To overcome these issues, participant information and consent
documents for the study were drafted in simple language to explain the
maintenance of confidentiality of the study data but did not include complex
technical details about data storage and transfer.
Social and relational dimensions of monitoring
Our experiences in the care-seeking study also emphasize the importance of taking
account of the social context in which GPS monitoring interventions are
deployed, and the potential impact on social relations, particularly with close
family members, of participating in a study involving GST location tracking and
unfamiliar devices.
In the case of a few study participants, the smartphones given to the mothers
were used by their husbands during their work hours, switching off the GPS
tracking facility. Based on feedback from the field research assistants, this
was partly due to the husbands’ concern for the safety and confidentiality
of their wives, but also due to the fact that they could now get access to a
smart phone (which many of them did not have earlier) for their personal use. In
fact, it could be argued that availability of smart-phones encouraged
participation in the study – though, it should be noted, not in such a way
as ought to raise the additional ethical concerns that sometimes arise with
respect to incentives and “undue inducements”. There was one
reported case of marital dispute during the study period due to the presence of
location tracking device with the wife, which led to that family’s
non-participation in the study.
Our experience is similar to the one reported by Paz-Soldan et
al in their study on acceptability of GPS units in Peru [7]. Concerns reported in
this study included
fears that the device might record their conversations, privacy and
confidentiality concerns and safety concerns. The problem of jealousy from
partners was also reported in Peru study by some women, as some men might not
trust that their wives had been asked to participate in a study and might not
believe that the device was for the stated purpose; some suggested that the
research team should provide participants with evidence that the GPS unit was
part of the study. These experiences suggest a need for better involvement of
close family members of the study participants during the consent process and
educating them about the use of location tracking technologies in research, as
well as caveats.
Accuracy of data
Geospatial data methods may not always yield accurate information about location.
When GST is used in the course of service provision, this leads to questions
about liability and responsibility, for example if misleading information leads
to financial losses (through relying on incorrect information) or even physical
harm (such as in cases where emergency services may be directed to the wrong
In the context of research, one concern is that inaccuracy can lead to
misinterpretation: for example, a person visiting a shop near a health facility
may not be distinguishable from a person sitting inside a health centre.
Likewise, a person passing by a health centre or whose place of residence is
near a health facility may be inaccurately recorded in the system as having
visited the health centre. These events were commonly encountered during the
care-seeking study by the field research assistants, but as the timing of each
visit was also recorded in the device, this helped the researchers to a large
extent to ‘clean’ the captured data. This is one of the limitations
of GST that may pose an ethical challenge, but has not been associated with any
ethical issue in the context of this care-seeking study. With advances in
technology, the accuracy of spatial data continues to improve and hence this
problem may be minimized in future [24].
Unauthorised access to data
Another danger in using GST for research is the possibility of misuse of data
through third-party access, for example by internet or Bluetooth hackers,
commercial telecommunication agencies or commercial cloud storage providers
[2]. There have been documented
instances where agencies have gained access to personal data despite data
encryption [25]. There is also the
potential danger that computer malware or viruses can utilize vulnerabilities of
data encryption to gain access to data for commercial or criminal purpose, as
for example occurred with the Ransomware scam [26]. Furthermore, security breaches
aside, there is a theoretical
possibility that the information may be subpoenaed as a part of legal
proceedings, in which case the researchers cannot guarantee protection of
participants’ privacy [2]. These are
some of the loopholes at present as regards data accessibility.
In order to minimize this risk during the care-seeking study, strict
implementation of data safety system was observed. This included provision of
secured server space, data anonymisation, data encryption, restricted access to
collection and storage of care-seeking study movement data generated by smart
phones. Nonetheless, these measures have inherent limitations with respect to
guarding against potential security breaches or other means by which data may be
accessed. The need to address ethical issues posed by the risk of data security
breach or misuse, however, goes well beyond the sphere of research; rather
than being a matter for the governance of individual research projects, it will
require broader societal consideration as to the possible harms of data misuse
and how, when absolute security cannot be guaranteed, these harms should be
compensated or protected against.
GPS-based movement tracking presents a classic example of the ‘double-edged
sword’ with respect to its use in health research, given that the detailed
information it can reveal is the source of both its value for research and the
ethical concerns it presents. The ultimate challenge lies in permitting legitimate
use without allowing misuses. Anonymisation of study participants, de-identification
of unnecessary location data, explanation of possible ethical issues and available
solutions in simple language during informed consent, selective archival of
study-related geospatial data and secure storage of data are specific measures that
were taken during care-seeking study in order to address potential ethical concerns.
Difficulty in explaining the complex nature of ethical implications to participants
in rural areas, and the potential danger of security breaches remain as