Resumen: A la luz de la distinción elaborada por E. Tugendhat entre religión y mística, retomada a su modo por el teólogo J. Ratzinger, se examina la idea hegeliana según la cual la filosofía eleva la forma representativa propia de la religión a concepto. ¿Significa esto que la religión cristiana es reducida por Hegel a una mística? Se examinan los pros y contras de esta lectura, dejando abierta la pregunta, al condicionarla a una mejor comprensión del concepto hegeliano de libertad.
Abstract: On the basis of Tugendhat's distinction between religion and mysticism, which has been taken up in his own way by J. Ratzinger, this paper examines the Hegelian idea according to which philosophy subsumes the representational form of religion into the concept. Does this imply that the Christian Religion is reduced by Hegel to some kind of mysticism? The paper explores the pros and cons of this reading, leaving the question open by conditioning it to a better understanding of the Hegelian concept of freedom.