Extracellular vesicles (EVs) provide a novel mechanism of intercellular communication
via the transfer of proteins, lipids, and miRNAs between cells. It is now widely accepted
that cargo content of EVs depends on cell type and its physiological state. Accordingly,
EVs derived from healthy cells may have a comparable therapeutic potential as cells
themselves. Indeed, several studies confirmed this notion and demonstrated therapeutic
potential of EVs in different clinical settings. Exosomes represent a class of EVs,
that can cross blood-brain barrier (Alvarez-Erviti et al., 2011), therefore they can
be delivered into the CNS using intravenous, or intranasal routes avoiding the need
for neurosurgical interventions. This property makes them particularly attractive
as a new tool for the neuroregenerative therapies. However, new protocols require
large amounts of EVs which can be obtained only from cells expanded in vitro. In this
respect human mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) represent one of the most promising cellular
sources of EVs.
In this perspective, we briefly summarize the current state of knowledge about neuroprotective
properties of MSC-derived EVs and also discuss challenges that lie ahead.
Despite extensive experimental and clinical studies, the true nature and function
of the MSCs in vivo remain elusive (Bianco, 2014). However, from a practical standpoint,
considering therapeutic applications, several key properties of MSCs should be taken
into account. The same considerations may also apply for the EVs secreted by MSCs.
First, MSC cultures comprise functionally different heterogeneous subpopulations.
In other words, only a small fraction of freshly isolated MSCs will contribute to
the formation of a new tissue when transplanted in vivo, assuming that, cellular heterogeneity
is also reflected in cargo content and functional properties of secreted EVs. Since
currently accepted sets of surface markers characterize the whole stromal cell cultures
of MSCs and do not reflect their heterogeneic nature, generation of functionally homogeneic
EV populations from these cultures is problematic.
It is also important to note that MSCs isolated from different tissues are not equivalent
and display distinct tissue-specific differentiation capacities (Bianco, 2014), implying
they also produce EVs with different properties. Here we will summarize current data
about neuroprotective properties of EVs produced by MSCs derived from different tissues
Table 1
Table 1
Comparison of extracellular vesicles produced by mesenchymal stem cells derived from
different tissues
Genetic lineage tracing revealed that MSCs isolated from dental pulp, also known as
dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs), or stem cells derived from the dental pulp of human
exfoliated deciduous teeth (SHEDs) originate from the peripheral nerve-associated
glia (Kaukua et al., 2014). Therefore, in contrast to the MSCs derived from other
mesodermal tissues, DPSCs and SHEDs might be particularly useful for studies of neuronal
and glial differentiation. Indeed, several studies demonstrated that DPSCs and SHEDs
can be efficiently differentiated into neuronal and Schwann cells in vitro and even
more importantly, these cells displayed neuroprotective properties in vivo. Several
lines of evidence demonstrated the importance of paracrine signalling during neuroregeneration
induced by DPSCs and SHEDs. For instance, DPSCs produced neurotrophic factors in culture,
promoted survival of trigeminal neurons in vitro and also rescued motor neurons after
spinal cord injury (Nosrat et al., 2001). Another recent study demonstrated that dopaminergic
neuron-like cells derived from SHEDs contributed to neuroprotection against 6-OHDA-induced
neurodegeneration by using paracrine mechanisms (Fujii et al., 2015). These findings
suggest the importance of paracrine mechanisms in the neuroprotective action of DPSCs
and SHEDs. However, much less is known about the role of EVs in this process. We recently
asked, whether EVs (exosomes and microvesicles) derived from SHEDs display neuroprotective
properties during 6-OHDA-induced apoptosis in human dopaminergic neurons. Our results
indicate that exosomes, but not microvesicles derived from SHEDs grown on the laminin-coated
alginate microcarriers, suppressed 6-OHDA-induced apoptosis in dopaminergic neurons
(Jarmalaviciute et al., 2015). Importantly, no such effects were observed for the
exosomes derived from SHEDs grown under standard culture conditions, showing that
culture conditions had a profound influence on functional properties and cargo content
(unpublished data) of exosomes. Future studies will identify unique proteins and (or)
microRNAs responsible for the neuroprotective action of SHED-derived exosomes. In
conclusion, MSCs derived from dental pulp have unique neurogenic properties and therefore
represent useful source of EVs for the neurotherapeutic applications. The main disadvantage
of dental pulp as a source of MSCs is relatively low availability limiting collection
of large amounts of EVs necessary for therapeutic applications.
In contrast to dental pulp, adipose tissue (AT) represents an abundant and easily
accessible source of MSC-like cells. It must be noted, however, that therapeutic potential
of AT-MSCs depends on different factors like age, disease condition, anatomical harvest
site, or body mass index. It is therefore easy to predict that all these factors may
also affect therapeutic properties of EVs. Several studies demonstrated neuroprotective
properties of EVs derived from AT-MSCs. For instance, AT-MSCs secreted functional
neprilysin-bound exosomes and contributed to decrease of both secreted and intracellular
levels of β-amyloid peptide in N2a neuroblastoma cells (Katsuda et al., 2013). Importantly,
exosomes from AT-MSCs expressed significantly higher levels of neprilysin than MSCs
derived from bone marrow (BM-MSCs), highlighting the differences between functional
properties of exosomes derived from different tissues (Katsuda et al., 2013). Another
study demonstrated that EVs (exosomes and microvesicles) derived from the murine AT-MSCs
rescued human neuroblastoma cells SH-SY5Y and primary murine hippocampal neurons exposed
to oxidative damage with H2O2(Farinazzo et al., 2015). Interestingly, authors observed
an inverse dose-dependent effects of EVs on cell viability. In addition, EVs derived
from murine AT-MSCs increased the process of remyelination and activated nestin-positive
oligodendroglial progenitors in cerebellar slice cultures demyelinated with lysophosphatidylcholine
(Farinazzo et al., 2015). More recently, the same group presented evidence for neuroprotective
effects of exosomes derived from murine AT-MSCs using in vitro model of amyotrophic
lateral sclerosis (Bonafede et al., 2016). Exosomes were able to protect motor neuron-like
cell line NSC-34 overexpressing different mutants of human superoxide dismutase 1
from oxidative damage showing potential for future therapeutic applications in motor
neuron disease (Bonafede et al., 2016).
Bone marrow, represents the most common source of MSCs, but relatively few studies
have focused on the neuroprotective properties of BM-MSC-derived EVs. Interestingly,
human BM-MSCs and BM-MSC-derived EVs similarly improved post-stroke neuroregeneration
in C57BL6 mice (Doeppner et al., 2015). EVs promoted neuroregeneration and neurological
recovery and also modulated systemic immune responses as evidenced by attenuated post-ischemic
immunosuppression. These findings demonstrate the importance of EVs as modulators
of systemic immune responses for neurological recovery. Thus, EVs may promote neuroregeneration
by acting simultaneously on local (at the site of injury) and systemic (modulation
of immune response) levels. EVs derived from rat BM-MSCs also promoted functional
recovery and neurovascular plasticity after traumatic brain injury.
Human umbilical cord (UC) tissue is another excellent alternative source for MSCs.
Thus, MSCs isolated from the Wharton's jelly of the UC provided better neuroprotection
efficacy than BM-MSCs in an oxygen-glucose deprivation culture model (Hsieh et al.,
2013). These neuroprotective effects were related to unique secretion patterns of
paracrine factors involved in angiogenesis and neurogenesis (Hsieh et al., 2013).
However, currently there is no reliable data about neuroprotective properties of EVs
derived from UC-MSCs.
All these studies clearly demonstrated therapeutic potential of MSC-derived EVs. However,
there are a number of key challenges that need to be addressed before EVs can enter
clinical development. First of all, we still have limited knowledge about the molecular
mechanisms underlying neuroprotective actions of EVs. Since EVs carry complex and
variable cargo, it is likely that neuroprotection is achieved by simultaneous action
of several miRNAs and (or) proteins making the identification of these mechanisms
a difficult task. Another problem is related to the heterogeneic nature of in vitro
MSC cultures complicating isolation of functionally homogeneic EV populations. Therefore,
systematic and comprehensive studies are required to compare proteomic and RNAomic
profiles of EVs produced by MSCs derived from different tissues and grown under standard
conditions (preferably using animal component-free cell culture medium). In addition,
MSCs polarized into pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory phenotypes should be included
into these studies. Most recently, similar approach has been used to compare proteomic
profiles and angiogenic properties of exosomes derived from BM-MSCs cultured under
expansion conditions and under ischemic tissue-simulated conditions (Anderson et al.,
2016). At the next stage, neuroprotective properties of EVs could be systematically
explored using validated in vitro models (for example, human neural cell lines ReN
cell VM andSH-SY5Y, or different types of neurons derived from human iPSCs) and then
extended using in vivo experimental models. This strategy may help to establish specific
screening tests for different lots of EVs ensuring better reproducibility and therapeutic
efficacy. Last but not least, it should be kept in mind that the whole field of EV
research is still in its infancy and that there are many unresolved issues regarding
nomenclature, isolation, characterization and quantification that need to be addressed
to ensure better reproducibility. Nevertheless, despite all these challenges, EVs
have great potential as a novel therapeutic tool against neurodegenerative diseases.
This work was supported by National Research Programme, “Healthy ageing” (Grant No.
SEN-15090) from Research Council of Lithuania.