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      Misoprostol en la interrupción temprana del embarazo en pacientes adolescentes Translated title: Misoprostol in early termination of pregnancy in adolescents


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          OBJETIVO: evaluar la eficacia y seguridad del misoprostol vaginal como abortivo y la indicación de este proceder en la adolescencia. MÉTODOS: nuestra investigación se trata de un ensayo clínico aleatorio, abierto, monocéntrico, con un grupo de tratamiento para extender el uso de un método abortivo farmacológico en pacientes que solicitan interrupción de la gestación hasta las 12 sem de embarazo y hasta los 20 años de edad. Se incluyeron todas las pacientes adolescentes que acudieron a la consulta de interrupción de embarazo del hospital Ramón González Coro y que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión, en un cohorte de 100 casos. RESULTADOS: los resultados encontrados muestran que el 89 % de las adolescentes tenían más de 16 años, las primeras relaciones sexuales (76 %) fueron antes de los 16 años y las infecciones de tramisión sexual (ITS) aparecen en el 51 %. Con respecto al método el 71 % expulsó antes de las 16 h de impuesto (primera y segunda dosis) con una tasa de fallo del 8 %.Todas fueron estudiadas con US a las 72 h. El 85 % considera satisfactorio el método y 96 salieron con algún método anticonceptivo. CONCLUSIÓN: el uso del misoprostol por vía vaginal en la adolescencia resultó ser un método útil y confiable como alternativa para la interrupción del embarazo en el primer trimestre.

          Translated abstract

          OBJECTIVE: To assess the effectiveness and safety of vaginal Misoprostol as abortive method and indication of this procedure during adolescence. METHODS: Present research is a monocenter, open, randomized clinical trial with a group of treatment to extend the use of a pharmacologic abortive method in patients requesting pregnancy termination until the12 weeks and also until 20 years old. All the adolescent patients seen in pregnancy termination consultation of «Ramón González Coro» Gynecology and Obstetrics Hospital fulfilling with inclusion criteria in a group of 100 cases are included. RESULTS: Results achieved show that the 89% of adolescents aged over 16, their first sexual intercourses were before 16 years and ITS (appear in the 51%. Regarding the method, the 71% had a expulsion rate before the 16 h of application (first and second dose) with an 8% failure rate. All were studied using US at 72 h. The 85% considers that the method was satisfactory and in the 96% some contraceptive method was used. CONCLUSION: The use of vaginal Misoprostol during the adolescence was a useful and reliable method as alternative for pregnancy termination at first trimester.

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          Most cited references19

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          Comparison between oral and vaginal administration of misoprostol on uterine contractility.

          To compare the degree of absorption and the effect on uterine contractility of the prostaglandin E1 analogue misoprostol after vaginal and oral administration. Thirty women with a normal intrauterine pregnancy between 8 and 11 weeks' gestation who requested termination of pregnancy were given either 0.2 mg (orally n = 5; vaginally n = 6) or 0.4 mg (orally n = 10; vaginally n = 9) of misoprostol. Intrauterine pressure was recorded using a Grass polygraph connected to a pressure transducer 30 minutes before misoprostol was given and for 4 hours thereafter. At the end of the recording, suction curettage was performed. Blood samples were obtained at 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, and 6 hours for measurement of misoprostol, which was assayed by high-pressure liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. In all patients, the first effect was an increase in uterine tonus. After 0.4 mg of misoprostol administered orally, uterine tonus started to increase after a mean (+/- standard deviation) time of 7.8+/-3.0 minutes and reached its maximum after 25.5+/-5.0 minutes. The corresponding times after vaginal administration were 20.9+/-5.3 minutes and 46.3+/-20.7 minutes, respectively. The initial increase in tonus was also more pronounced after oral than after vaginal administration. After vaginal administration, all patients developed uterine contractions; the activity, measured in Montevideo units, increased continuously during the observation period. This was not the case after oral administration. Plasma levels of misoprostol were measured in 18 patients. The highest levels were found 30 minutes after oral treatment and 1-2 hours after vaginal administration. The long-lasting and continuously increasing uterine contractility after vaginal administration can be explained only in part by a direct effect of misoprostol. The longer period of elevated plasma levels of misoprostol may also have initiated the prolonged events leading to increased uterine contractility.
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            Abortion among adolescents in Cuba

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              Ginecología pediátrica y de la adolescente.


                Author and article information

                Role: ND
                Role: ND
                Role: ND
                Role: ND
                Revista Cubana de Obstetricia y Ginecología
                Rev Cubana Obstet Ginecol
                Editorial Ciencias Médicas (Ciudad de la Habana )
                March 2010
                : 36
                : 1
                : 97-108
                [1 ] Hospital Docente Ginecoobstétrico Ramón González Coro Cuba



                SciELO Cuba

                Self URI (journal page): http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=0138-600X&lng=en

                Obstetrics & Gynecology
                Misoprostol in Gynecology,adolescence abortion drug abortion,Misoprostol en ginecología,aborto en la adolescencia,aborto medicamentoso


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