The supertwistor and bi-supertwistor formulations for N-extended anti-de Sitter (AdS) superspace in four dimensions, AdS4|4N, were derived two years ago in arXiv:2108.03907. In the present paper, we introduce a novel realisation of the N-extended AdS supergroup OSp(N|4;R) and apply it to develop a coset construction for AdS4|4N and the corresponding differential geometry. This realisation naturally leads to an atlas on AdS4|4N (that is a generalisation of the stereographic projection for a sphere) that consists of two charts with chiral transition functions for N>0. A manifestly OSp(N|4;R) invariant model for a superparticle in AdS4|4N is proposed. Additionally, by employing a conformal superspace approach, we describe the most general conformally flat N-extended supergeometry. This construction is then specialised to the case of AdS4|4N.