Let G denote a linear algebraic group over Q and K and L two number fields. Assume that there is a group isomorphism of points on G over the finite adeles of K and L, respectively. We establish conditions on the group G, related to the structure of its Borel groups, under which K and L have isomorphic adele rings. Under these conditions, if K or L is a Galois extension of Q and G(AK,f) and G(AL,f) are isomorphic, then K and L are isomorphic as fields. We use this result to show that if for two number fields K and L that are Galois over Q, the finite Hecke algebras for GL(n) (for fixed n>1) are isomorphic by an isometry for the L1-norm, then the fields K and L are isomorphic. This can be viewed as an analogue in the theory of automorphic representations of the theorem of Neukirch that the absolute Galois group of a number field determines the field if it is Galois over Q.