To the editor
Blood transfusion is a supportive therapy improperly performed in sub-Saharan Africa
(SSA).1 The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends establishing national blood
transfusion systems based on voluntary unpaid blood donors. Unfortunately, countries
of SSA continue to struggle with inadequate resources and infrastructure for a safer
blood supply despite the important need for blood transfusion to treat severe and
chronic anemia resulting from tropical diseases, sickle cell disease and other haemoglobinopathies,
severe parasitic infections, nutritional anaemia in a condition of low or moderate
safety of transfusion.1,2 As a routine practice in front of a deficit of blood products,
prescribers appeal to the patient’s family members to donate to minimize the impact
of blood shortages on patient care. This type of family-aware blood donors, known
as familial/replacement donors (FRBD), despite the risk of transfusion safety, account
for 20% of blood donation in Senegal, for 88.6% in Nigeria,3 and in several other
African countries (69.5% in Yaounde and 80.2% in Sierra Leone). During the COVID-19
pandemic, the supply of safe blood was threatened by the measures taken to fight this
virus spread, like the advice to stay at home and the fear of infection at the blood
transfusion centers, limiting donors’ access to blood services. These measures to
prevent the spreading of the COVID-19 pandemic have led to a sharp decline in stocks
of blood products and to an increase of the number of FRBD. To evaluate the impact
of this COVID-19 pandemic on the infectious safety of blood transfusion, we performed
a descriptive and analytical study carried out during the first period of COVID-19,
aiming to compare the seroprevalence of HIV, HBV, HCV, and syphilis in FRBD versus
voluntary unpaid blood donors (VUBD). The goal is to evaluate the threats to familial
blood donation during catastrophic periods such as pandemics, wars, and so on and
to help define a policy in improving the recruitment, retention, and medical screening
of blood donors in SSA. After answering a pre-donation questionnaire, a social worker
received the blood donor, who opened the donor file with an identifier in the donor
management software (Inlog®). At this stage, the blood donor indicates whether he
has come for a voluntary or family/replacement donation. Subsequently, the donor was
interviewed by the medical practitioner for the pre-donation medical screening, based
on questionnaires of effective blood donors, to verify if the serological results
were indeterminate or discordant in our analysis. The donors’ serology and blood grouping
results were taken from the Inlog® software. The serological tests for HBV, HIV, and
HCV were performed with AlinityTM automated, which uses ChemiflexTM (ABBOTT, Germany)
chemiluminescence technology to screen for infectious markers. According to the manufacturer’s
instructions, the Rapid Plasma Reagent test was used to find treponemal antibodies.
The determination of ABO and Rh, blood group typing, was performed with the standard
methods as a globular method with monoclonal antibodies of blood grouping antisera
and serologic method with red blood cells (globule tests) on a plate. Data analysis
was performed using Epi-info software (version 3.5.4). This software allows the application
of the Chi2 test to accept or reject the statistical hypotheses posed (p < 0.05) and
to give the odd ratio (OR) between the dependent variables and the independent variables,
as well as their 95% confidence interval (CI). During this pandemic period, 5002 blood
donors were collected at the fixed location of the National Centre of Blood Transfusion.
The mean age of the donors was 32.23 ± 9.9 years. Young people aged from 25 to 34
years constitute the majority of blood donors (35.7%). Male donors represented 75%;
new donors (52.6%) and FRBD (54%) were the majority of blood donors (Table 1). Analysis
of donor status by type of donation showed more FRBD donors among new donors (66.7%)
(p<0.001). Voluntary donors were more represented in the regular known donor group
(63.8%) (p<0.001). Blood group O Rh+ was more represented in this population (49.4%),
followed by group A+ (20.6%) and B+ (17.8%); Rh-negative donors represented only 8.8%.
This study revealed a higher number of FRBD than VUBD (p <0.001) during the blood
shortage due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This was the case in Nigeria, where 61.7% of
paid donors and 30.6% of family/replacement blood donors were reported. All these
results highlight that family replacement blood donation is still a common practice
in Africa and is exacerbated during times of blood shortage such as COVID-19 pandemic
period. The prevalence of transfusion transmissible infections (TTIs) was statistically
higher in the FRBD group (9.2%) compared to VUBD (4.3%) (p<0.001). The prevalence
of infectious markers was higher in new unknown donors (10.6%) than in regular known
donors (2.9%) (p<0.001, OR=1.9) (Table 2).
The prevalence of TTI markers was statistically higher in the new FRBD group compared
to the new VUBD population (11.7% vs. 8.3%) (p=0.003, OR=1.4). The comparison of HIV,
HCV and syphilis marker seroprevalences, only in new donors, showed no statistically
significant difference between both categories of new FRBD and new VUBD (p>0.05).
However, for HBV, the prevalence was higher in new FRBD with a statistically significant
difference (p=0.002; Table 3). Our results showed that FRBD increases the risk of
having at least one positive serological result for one of the infectious markers
tested (p < 0.001; OR = 2.2), in line with different studies in the World.4 Furthermore,
a statistically higher seroprevalence of infectious agents in new donors was found
compared to regular donors in Africa, notably in Mali and Niger.5 The comparison of
HIV, HCV, and syphilis seroprevalences between new FRBD and new VUBD showed no statistically
significant difference in the prevalence for these three markers. However, a statistically
higher prevalence among new FRBD for HIV, HCV, and syphilis markers was found in the
Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).6 Previously, in Cameroon, a study found a statistically
higher prevalence of HCV and HIV in first-time FRBD.7 In our study, the lack of statistically
significant difference between voluntary and replacement donors for these three markers
could be explained by the effectiveness of medical screening and the low prevalence
of these infectious markers, especially HIV, in the general population. However, in
our study, the prevalence of HBV is significantly higher in new FRBD (6.4%) than in
new VUBD (2.9%; (p<0.001). These results are similar to those of the study in the
DRC, with higher values in the new FRBD.6 Nonetheless, in Tanzania, there is no statistical
difference in the prevalence of HIV, HCV, and syphilis, but the prevalence of HBV
was significantly higher in new FRBD.8 This higher prevalence of HBsAg in FRBD could
be explained by the risk factor of transmission linked to living in a common household
with a person infected with HBV. Indeed, previous studies revealed that the HBV virus
can be transmitted between people living in the same household.9,10 Finally, it is
obvious that HBV-carried parents increase the risk of virus transmission to their
children and relatives. The COVID-19 pandemic impacted the proper supply of blood
products by increasing more than 2X the number of FRBD. Thus, replacement donations
have played an important role in limiting the damage observed with blood shortages
despite the increased risk of TTIs. Our study highlights and strengthens the WHO recommendations
for selecting voluntary unpaid donors. Our results will allow to continue collecting
family/replacement donors in blood shortage situations while taking into account the
prevalence of infectious blood markers in the new donor population.