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      Desnutrição protéica no início da vida prejudica memória social em ratos adultos Translated title: Early protein malnutrition impairs social memory in adult rats


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          OBJETIVO: Avaliar se a desnutrição protéica imposta no início da vida produz prejuízos em um procedimento experimental de memória social em ratos (Rattus norvegicus). MÉTODOS: Os animais receberam dietas isocalóricas contendo 6% ou 16% de proteína do nascimento aos 21 dias, e dieta comercial a partir de 22 dias de idade. O teste de memória social consistiu em, após duas sessões de habituação (7 minutos/sessão), introduzir um animal adulto (100-114 dias de idade) e um outro jovem (30-44 dias de idade) em uma arena de acrílico (90cm x 90cm x 45cm) em duas sessões separadas por intervalos de 30 (experimento 1) ou 15 minutos (experimento 2). O contato social foi definido como investigação (ato de cheirar/inspecionar a região anogenital). A diferença no tempo de contato entre a primeira e a segunda exposição é considerada um índice de memória social. RESULTADOS: Nenhuma diferença devida à dieta foi observada no experimento 1. No experimento 2 houve redução no tempo de contato social dos animais-controle da primeira para a segunda exposição (p<0,05) e não houve alteração nos animais desnutridos. CONCLUSÃO: Esses resultados sugerem que a desnutrição protéica precoce prejudica a memória social de ratos adultos.

          Translated abstract

          OBJECTIVE: The objective of the present study was to investigate the effects of early protein malnutrition on the social memory of adult rats (Rattus norvegicus) using an experimental procedure. METHODS: The animals received isocaloric diets containing 6% or 16% of protein during the lactation phase (0-21 days of age) and a commercial lab chow as from 22 days of age. The social memory test consisted of, after 2 daily habituation sessions (7minutes/session), to introduce an adult rat (100-114 days of age) and a young rat (30-44 days of age) into an acrylic cage (90cm.x.90cm.x.45cm), for two sessions separated by intervals of 30 (Experiment 1) or 15 (Experiment 2) minutes. Social contact was defined as exploration/sniffing the anogenital region of the rat. The difference in the time spent in social contact between the first and second sessions was defined as the memory index. RESULTS: No differences were observed in Experiment 1 due to the diet conditions. In Experiment 2, social contact decreased from the first to the second session in the controls (p<0.05) in contrast to the malnourished animals, who showed no differences. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that early protein malnutrition impairs the social memory in adult rats.

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          Most cited references27

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          Prenatal malnutrition and development of the brain

            • Record: found
            • Abstract: not found
            • Article: not found

            A descriptive study of social development in the rat (Rattus norvegicus)

              • Record: found
              • Abstract: found
              • Article: not found

              Enduring cognitive effects of early malnutrition: a theoretical reappraisal.

              This article presents a reappraisal of the literature on the enduring cognitive effects of early malnutrition. In addition to summarizing the existing empirical literature, we present a theoretical framework for determining whether the processes likely to be most vulnerable to early malnutrition were adequately assessed. The two types of information used to make this determination are clinical and experimental behavioral data as well as reported neural changes. One point of clear consensus is that animals exposed to early malnutrition exhibit lasting changes in the realm of emotionality, motivation, and/or anxiety. Because these alterations profoundly affect all aspects of behavioral functioning, including cognition, it is suggested that future research focus on these changes, rather than control for them as many past studies have done. The functional integrity of specific cognitive processes is less clear. The only cognitive processes for which enduring cognitive changes were demonstrated in rehabilitated animals--outside of effects mediated by these affective changes--are cognitive flexibility and, possibly, susceptibility to proactive interference. However, the inference that these are the only processes affected does not appear to be warranted on the basis of the evidence that several cognitive processes likely to be affected have not been fully assessed. Examples include executive functions linked to the prefrontal cortex (for example, attention), transfer of learning, procedural learning and long-term memory. Future research focusing on these specific cognitive functions as well as on these unequivocal affective changes should allow a more definitive conclusion regarding the enduring functional consequences of early malnutrition.

                Author and article information

                Revista de Nutrição
                Rev. Nutr.
                Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas (Campinas, SP, Brazil )
                April 2006
                : 19
                : 2
                : 195-201
                [01] Ribeirão Preto SP orgnameUniversidade de São Paulo orgdiv1Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto orgdiv2Laboratório de Nutrição e Comportamento Brasil
                S1415-52732006000200007 S1415-5273(06)01900207

                This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

                : 05 January 2005
                : 15 March 2004
                : 02 February 2005
                Page count
                Figures: 0, Tables: 0, Equations: 0, References: 27, Pages: 7

                SciELO Brazil

                Self URI: Texto completo somente em PDF (PT)
                Artigos Originais

                comportamento social,rats,social behavior,ratos,protein malnutrition,desnutrição protéica


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