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      The effect of climate and soil conditions on tree species turnover in a Tropical Montane Cloud Forest in Costa Rica


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          On a global level, Tropical Montane Cloud Forests constitute important centers of vascular plant diversity. Tree species turnover along environmental gradients plays an important role in larger scale diversity patterns in tropical mountains. This study aims to estimate the magnitude of beta diversity across the Tilarán mountain range in North-Western Costa Rica, and to elucidate the impact of climate and soil conditions on tree species turnover at a local scale. Seven climate stations measuring rainfall, horizontal precipitation (clouds and wind-driven rain) and temperatures were installed along a 2.5km transect ranging from 1 200m.a.s.l. on the Atlantic to 1 200m.a.s.l. on the Pacific slope. The ridge top climate station was located at 1 500m.a.s.l. Climate data were recorded from March through December 2003. Additionally, seven 0.05ha plots were established. On all plots soil moisture was monitored for one year, furthermore soil type and soil chemistry were assessed. Woody plants with a diameter at breast height (dbh) ≥5cm were identified to species. Species’ distributions were explored by feeding pairwise Sørensen measures between plots into a Principal Component Analysis. Relationships between floristic similarity and environmental variables were analyzed using Mantel tests. Pronounced gradients in horizontal precipitation, temperatures and soil conditions were found across the transect. In total, 483 woody plants were identified, belonging to 132 species. Environmental gradients were paralleled by tree species turnover; the plots could be divided in three distinctive floristic units which reflected different topographic positions on the transect (lower slopes, mid slopes and ridge). Most notably there was a complete species turnover between the ridge and the lower Pacific slope. Floristic similarity was negatively correlated with differences in elevation, horizontal precipitation, temperatures and soil conditions between plots. It is suggested that beta-diversity in the study area is largely driven by species with narrow spatial ranges, due to the interactions between topography, climate and soil formation processes, especially around the wind-exposed and cloud covered ridge area. The findings emphasize the extraordinary conservation value of tropical montane cloud forests in environmentally heterogeneous areas at mid-elevations. Rev. Biol. Trop. 58 (4): 1489-1506. Epub 2010 December 01.

          Translated abstract

          A nivel global, los bosques nubosos tropicales constituyen importantes centros de diversidad florística. El recambio de especies a través de gradientes ambientales juega un papel importante en los patrones de diversidad en las montañas tropicales. Este estudio tiene como objetivo estimar la diversidad beta de plantas leñosas a través de la Cordillera de Tilarán en el noroeste de Costa Rica y aclarar el impacto del clima y las condiciones del suelo en la distribución de especies a una escala local. Se instalaron siete estaciones meteorológicas, en las cuáles se midió lluvia, precipitación horizontal y temperatura, a lo largo de un transecto de 2.5km desde 1 200msnm de altitud en la vertiente Atlántica a 1 200msnm en la vertiente Pacífica. La estación de la cima se localizó a 1 500msnm. Los datos climáticos se registraron entre marzo y diciembre del 2003. Además, se establecieron siete parcelas de 0.05ha. En cada parcela se monitoreó la humedad del suelo por un año. Se determinaron los tipos de suelo y sus propiedades químicas. Las plantas leñosas con un diámetro ≥5cm fueron identificadas. La distribución de las especies fue explorada insertando las medidas Sørensen entre parcelas en un Análisis de Componentes Principales. Las relaciones entre la similitud florística y las variables ambientales se analizaron mediante pruebas de Mantel. Se encontraron gradientes pronunciados en la precipitación horizontal, temperaturas y condiciones del suelo a través del transecto. En total, se identificaron 483 plantas leñosas, pertenecientes a 132 especies. El recambio de especies leñosas se efectuó de forma paralela a los gradientes ambientales; según los análisis las parcelas se dividen en tres unidades distintivas florísticas que reflejan diferentes posiciones topográficas del transecto. Notablemente se produjo un recambio total de especies entre la cima y la vertiente Pacifica inferior. La similitud florística fue correlacionada negativamente con las diferencias de altitud, precipitación horizontal, temperaturas y condiciones del suelo entre las parcelas. Se sugiere que la diversidad beta en el área de estudio resulta en gran parte de la distribución de especies con rangos limitados, debido a las interacciones entre la topografía, el clima y los procesos de formación del suelo, especialmente alrededor de la cima que está expuesta a los vientos alisios y frecuentemente cubierta de nubes. Los resultados subrayan el valor de conservación extraordinaria que tienen los Bosques Nubosos Tropicales en áreas ambientalmente heterogéneas en alturas medianas.

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          Beta-diversity in tropical forest trees.

          The high alpha-diversity of tropical forests has been amply documented, but beta-diversity-how species composition changes with distance-has seldom been studied. We present quantitative estimates of beta-diversity for tropical trees by comparing species composition of plots in lowland terra firme forest in Panama, Ecuador, and Peru. We compare observations with predictions derived from a neutral model in which habitat is uniform and only dispersal and speciation influence species turnover. We find that beta-diversity is higher in Panama than in western Amazonia and that patterns in both areas are inconsistent with the neutral model. In Panama, habitat variation appears to increase species turnover relative to Amazonia, where unexpectedly low turnover over great distances suggests that population densities of some species are bounded by as yet unidentified processes. At intermediate scales in both regions, observations can be matched by theory, suggesting that dispersal limitation, with speciation, influences species turnover.
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            A comprehensive framework for global patterns in biodiversity

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                Author and article information

                Role: ND
                Revista de Biología Tropical
                Rev. biol. trop
                Universidad de Costa Rica (San José )
                December 2010
                : 58
                : 4
                : 1489-1506
                [1 ] Studies School for Field Studies Costa Rica



                SciELO Costa Rica

                Self URI (journal page): http://www.scielo.sa.cr/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=0034-7744&lng=en
                Biodiversity Conservation

                General life sciences,Animal science & Zoology
                beta diversity,environmental gradients,horizontal precipitation,Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve,soil acidity,soil water,acidez de suelo,diversidad beta,humedad de suelo,Reserva Biológica de Bosque Nuboso Monteverde,precipitación horizontal


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