Stricter legislation on formaldehyde emissions as well as growing consumer interest in sustainable raw materials and products are the main driving factors behind research on bio-based adhesives, as alternatives to amino-based ones, for wood panels. Changes in both formaldehyde legislations and voluntary requirements ( e.g. Germany RAL) are currently the driving factors behind research on alternatives to amino-based adhesives; moreover, consumer interest in healthy and sustainable products is increasing in bio-based adhesives. Sources of formaldehyde emissions in wood-based panels as well as different emission test methods have been discussed, and the main focus of this review is on the research conducted on sustainable bio-based adhesive systems for wood panels. Lignin, tannin, protein, and starch have been evaluated as both raw materials and adhesive alternatives to existing amino-based thermosetting adhesives. Adhesion improving modifications of these bio-based raw materials as well as the available and experimental crosslinkers have also been taken into account.