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      Los indicadores censales como herramienta para evaluar la vulnerabilidad social frente a la caída de ceniza volcánica: El caso de Villa La Angostura (Argentina) durante la erupción del Cordón Caulle 2011


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          La vulnerabilidad está definida por las condiciones socioeconómicas previas a la ocurrencia de un evento catastrófico. La erupción del Cordón Caulle iniciada en junio de 2011 trajo consecuencias a la región del Nahuel Huapi, principalmente Villa La Angostura, en actividades económicas, servicios básicos, transportes y comunicaciones, entre otras. El objetivo del trabajo es desarrollar una herramienta metodológica para evaluar la vulnerabilidad social frente a la caída de ceniza volcánica a partir de indicadores provistos por el Censo Nacional de Población, Hogares y Viviendas realizado en el año 2010, que muestra el escenario previo a dicha erupción, a la vez que facilita su replicabilidad a partir de datos disponibles a nivel nacional. Los indicadores fueron mapeados, analizados por radios censales y se cotejaron con información disponible sobre las medidas adoptadas durante la emergencia y se elaboró un mapa final de vulnerabilidad. Se destacó la oportunidad y pertinencia que presentan los datos censales para anticipar sitios vulnerables, especialmente cuando se consideran las condiciones habitacionales, el abastecimiento de agua potable y los materiales e inclinación de los techos, así como también las mejoras realizadas luego de la emergencia, por ejemplo, en el sistema de abastecimiento y distribución del agua de red.

          Translated abstract

          Vulnerability is defined by the socioeconomic conditions prior to the occurrence of a catastrophic event. The eruption of Cordón Caulle in June 2011 brought consequences to the Nahuel Huapi region, mainly in Villa La Angostura. Economic activities, basic services, transport and communication systems, among others, were all affected by the ash fall. The objective of this paper is to develop a methodological tool to assess the social vulnerability to the fall of volcanic ash from the indicators provided by the 2010 National Household and Housing Population Census which shows the scenario prior to the eruption. At the same time, it facilitates its replicability based on data available at the national level. The indicators were mapped, analyzed by census radios and collated with available information on the measures adopted during the emergency so that a final vulnerability map was drawn up. The opportunity and relevance of census data to anticipate vulnerable sites was highlighted especially when considering the housing conditions, drinking water supply system and the materials and roof’s slope, as well as the improvements made after the emergency (e.g. drinking water supply and distribution systems).

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            Volcanic ash forecast during the June 2011 Cordón Caulle eruption

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              Multiple melt bodies fed the AD 2011 eruption of Puyehue-Cordón Caulle, Chile

              Within the volcanological community there is a growing awareness that many large- to small-scale, point-source eruptive events can be fed by multiple melt bodies rather than from a single magma reservoir. In this study, glass shard major- and trace-element compositions were determined from tephra systematically sampled from the outset of the Puyehue-Cordón Caulle (PCC) eruption (~1 km3) in southern Chile which commenced on June 4th, 2011. Three distinct but cogenetic magma bodies were simultaneously tapped during the paroxysmal phase of this eruption. These are readily identified by clear compositional gaps in CaO, and by Sr/Zr and Sr/Y ratios, resulting from dominantly plagioclase extraction at slightly different pressures, with incompatible elements controlled by zircon crystallisation. Our results clearly demonstrate the utility of glass shard major- and trace-element data in defining the contribution of multiple magma bodies to an explosive eruption. The complex spatial association of the PCC fissure zone with the Liquiñe-Ofqui Fault zone was likely an influential factor that impeded the ascent of the parent magma and allowed the formation of discrete melt bodies within the sub-volcanic system that continued to independently fractionate.

                Author and article information

                Role: ND
                Role: ND
                Role: ND
                Role: ND
                Role: ND
                Role: ND
                Revista Universitaria de Geografía
                Rev. Univ. geogr.
                Departamento de Geografía y Turismo. Universidad Nacional del Sur. (Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires, Argentina )
                December 2018
                : 27
                : 2
                : 11-42
                [04] orgnameCONICET-UNCOMA outesv@ 123456comahue-conicet.gob.ar
                [01] Bariloche orgnameUNCo villarosag@ 123456comahue-conicet.gob.ar
                [05] orgnameCONICET-UNLP miandrade@ 123456fahce.unlp.edu.ar
                [03] orgnameCONICET-UNCOMA dbeigt@ 123456comahue-conicet.gob.ar
                [02] Bariloche orgnameUNCo villarosag@ 123456comahue-conicet.gob.ar
                [06] orgnameUNCo


                : 28 February 2018
                : 14 May 2018
                Page count
                Figures: 0, Tables: 0, Equations: 0, References: 34, Pages: 32

                SciELO Argentina


                Vulnerability,Eruption,Volcanic ash fall,Census indicators,Cordón Caulle,Caída de ceniza volcánica,Erupción,Vulnerabilidad,Indicadores censales


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