We used 3D maps of 862nm DIB equivalent width (EW) and extinction, DIB catalogues, and measured parameters of dust extinction law and dust emission to study relationships between DIB and extinction level, total-to-selective extinction ratio Rv, dust emission spectral index beta. We revisited the link between several DIBs and the 220nm absorption bump. The ratio, DIBn862, between the 862nm DIB carrier density and the extinction density is increasing in low density clouds, confirming with local values the line-of-sight data. A fitted power law ranks this DIB in the high increase range among the 20 bands measured toward SDSS targets. Using map-integrated 862nm DIB EWs and extinctions along the paths to APOGEE targets with proxies R'v for Rv, we found that DIBn862 increases with R'v for low to moderate extinctions (Av<2-3 mag). Based on stars outside the thin disk, DIBn862 is found to be globally anti-correlated with the Planck opacity spectral index beta. In the light of a recent result on the variability of the carbon/silicate ratio in dust grains as a source of the Rv-beta anti-correlation, it suggests that DIBn862 increases with this ratio, in agreement with the carbonaceous nature of carriers and recent evidences for a spatial correlation between DIBn862 and carbon-rich ejecta of AGBs. At higher Av, both trends disappear. We found that two factors explain the absence of clear results on the link between the UV absorption bump height and DIBs: the correlation disappears when we move from sigma- to zeta-type DIBs and/or from single-cloud lines of sight to paths crossing multiple clouds distant from each other. We show examples of simple models of the bump height based on DIBs. We found an anti-correlation between DIBn and the bump width, similarly disappearing from sigma- to zeta-type DIBs. This suggests that a fraction of the bump is generated outside the dense molecular clouds.