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      Patrón de desarrollo bilingüe, habilidades lingüísticas y metalingüísticas: grados 2° y 5° en una institución educativa bilingüe piloto del Quindío, Colombia Translated title: Bilingual developmental pattern, linguistic and metalinguistic skills: 2nd and 5th graders in a pilot bilingual school in Quindío, Colombia Translated title: Modèle de développement bilingue, habiletés linguistiques et métalinguistiques: en deux cours de l'école primaire dans une institution éducative bilingue pilote du Département de Quindío en Colombie


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          Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación no experimental en la que participaron sujetos colombianos de 2° y 5° grados. Se determinó el análisis y el control de la información en pruebas de juicio gramatical y de fluidez verbal en español e inglés. Se halló que el grado 5° determina, con la misma facilidad, la agramaticalidad de oraciones semánticas y asemánticas en LM, pero no sucedió lo mismo en la L2; también, las pruebas de fluidez verbal categoriales y fonológicas en LM y en L2 fueron resueltas con la misma facilidad. Finalmente, el grado 5° superó al grado 2° en las pruebas de fluidez verbal en LM y en L2, y en la determinación de la agramaticalidad de oraciones asemánticas y semánticas en LM. Se concluyó que existe una asociación entre el análisis y el control de la información que varía según la lengua involucrada y la tarea por realizar

          Translated abstract

          This article presents the results of a non- experimental research in which Colombian subjects of 2nd and 5th grade participated. It was determined the analysis and control of information in tests of grammatical judgment and verbal fluency in Spanish and English. It was found that 5th graders provide, with the same ease, the ungrammaticality of semantic and non-semantic sentences in L1, but it did not happen in the L2; also, the categorical and phonological verbal fluency tests in L1 and L2 were solved with the same ease. Finally, the 5th grade outperformed the 2nd grade in tests of verbal fluency in L1 and L2, and in determining the ungrammaticality of semantic and non-semantic sentences in L1. It was concluded that there is an association between the analysis and control of the information that varies according to the language and the task involved

          Translated abstract

          Cet article présente les résultats d'une recherche non expérimentale à laquelle ont participé des élèves colombiens de 2° et 5° année de l'école primaire. On a décidé d'effectuer l'analyse et le contrôle de l'information à travers des épreuves de jugement grammatical et de fluidité verbale en espagnol et en anglais. On a constaté que les sujets de niveau 5° discriminent avec la même facilité, les propositions sémantiques et asémantiques agrammaticales en LM, mais nous n'avons pas constaté la même chose en L2 ; par ailleurs, les épreuves de fluidité verbale catégoriale et phonologique en LM et en L2 ont été résolues avec la même facilité. Finalement, les résultats du niveau 5° ont été meilleurs que ceux du niveau 2° aux épreuves de fluidité verbale en LM et en L2, et pour déterminer l'aspect agrammatical de propositions asémantiques et sémantiques en LM. On a conclu qu'il existait un lien entre l'analyse et le contrôle de l'information qui varie selon la langue impliquée et la tâche à réaliser

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          Most cited references38

          • Record: found
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          Cognitive control and lexical access in younger and older bilinguals.

          Ninety-six participants, who were younger (20 years) or older (68 years) adults and either monolingual or bilingual, completed tasks assessing working memory, lexical retrieval, and executive control. Younger participants performed most of the tasks better than older participants, confirming the effect of aging on these processes. The effect of language group was different for each type of task: Monolinguals and bilinguals performed similarly on working memory tasks, monolinguals performed better on lexical retrieval tasks, and bilinguals performed better on executive control tasks, with some evidence for larger language group differences in older participants on the executive control tasks. These results replicate findings from individual studies obtained using only 1 type of task and different participants. The confirmation of this pattern in the same participants is discussed in terms of a suggested explanation of how the need to manage 2 language systems leads to these different outcomes for cognitive and linguistic functions. (c) 2008 APA
            • Record: found
            • Abstract: found
            • Article: not found

            Executive functions in children aged 6 to 13: a dimensional and developmental study.

            A cross-sectional study using 92 children aged 6 to 13 years investigated the dimensionality and the development of executive functioning. The measures were drawn from developmentally relevant conceptualizations of executive functioning and included a go/no-go task, a verbal fluency task, a continuous performance task, a Stroop-like task, a hand movements task, and a digit span task. Analyses revealed 3 dimensions interpreted as Disinhibition, Speed/arousal, and Working memory/Fluency. Age and sex differences were analyzed for the delineated functions, which means that the results may be taken to represent age effects at the level of specific processes within the executive domain rather than on single tests. Age-dependent changes in children's performance on all 3 dimensions were demonstrated, with 3 particularly active stages of maturation: early childhood (6-8 years of age), middle childhood (9-12 years of age), and during early adolescence. Sex differences were only found for the speed/arousal dimension. The results are discussed in terms of 2 developmental executive function frameworks (Barkley, 1997b; Roberts & Pennington, 1996), where inhibition and the interaction between inhibition and working memory, respectively, are seen as key in the development of executive functioning.
              • Record: found
              • Abstract: not found
              • Article: not found

              Factors in the Growth of Linguistic Awareness


                Author and article information

                Role: ND
                Role: ND
                Universidad del Valle, Escuela de Ciencias del Lenguaje (Cali, Valle, Colombia )
                December 2016
                : 44
                : 2
                : 313-339
                [02] Armenia orgnameUniversidad del Quindío orgdiv1Programa de Lenguas Modernas Colombia mabotero@ 123456uniquindio.edu.co
                [01] Armenia orgnameUniversidad del Quindío orgdiv1Programa de Lenguas Modernas Colombia agalindo@ 123456uniquindio.edu.co

                This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

                : 22 February 2016
                : 01 July 2016
                Page count
                Figures: 0, Tables: 0, Equations: 0, References: 38, Pages: 27

                SciELO Colombia

                bilingualism,bilingual education,language immersion,metalinguistic skills,bilinguisme,éducation bilingue,immersion linguistique,habiletés métalinguistiques,Bilingüismo,educación bilingüe,inmersión lingüística,habilidades metalingüísticas


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