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      Cambios horméticos por efecto de radiación gamma 60Co en plantas M1 de chile apaxtleco Translated title: Hormetic changes by gamma 60Co radiation effect in chille apaxtleco M1 plants


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          Resumen: El estado de Guerrero cuenta con gran diversidad de chiles nativos que son aprovechados a nivel local y regional, entre ellos, el chile apaxtleco. El objetivo de la investigación fue evaluar los efectos de la radiación a la semilla con rayos gamma 60Co en aspectos morfológicos, parámetros de rendimiento y calidad del fruto de plantas M1 de tres fenotipos de chile apaxtleco. La combinación de las dosis de radiación (0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 y 300 Gy) con los tres fenotipos de chile originó 21 tratamientos, que se distribuyeron en un diseño completamente al azar con seis repeticiones. La radiación gamma no afectó la altura, el diámetro del tallo y la formación de ramas, ni los componentes del rendimiento (número y peso de frutos) de las plantas. En calidad del fruto; las dosis intermedias (100 a 200 Gy) incrementaron el peso (fresco y seco) y diámetro (polar y ecuatorial) de los frutos; mientras que, dosis altas redujeron la formación de semillas. Sin embargo, la interacción de las dosis de radiación con el fenotipo de chile mostró significancia estadística (α ≤ 0.05) en crecimiento, rendimiento y calidad del fruto; ya que el Ancho liso presentó plantas con mayor altura y número de ramas; mientras que, el Ancho chino 1 y 2 tuvieron mayor rendimiento y tamaño de frutos. Los individuos resultantes de semillas tratadas con 100 a 200 Gy pueden usarse a futuro en investigaciones de mejoramiento genético para la selección y obtención de variantes de importancia económica.

          Translated abstract

          Abstract: The state of Guerrero has a great diversity of native chiles that are used locally and regionally, among them, the apaxtleco chili. The objective of the research was to evaluate the effects of radiation to the seed with gamma rays 60Co in morphological aspects, yield parameters and quality of the fruit of M1 plants of three phenotypes of apaxtleco chili. The combination of radiation doses (0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 and 300 Gy) with the three chili phenotypes resulted in 21 treatments, which were distributed in a completely randomized design with six replications. Gamma radiation did not affect the height, stem diameter and branch formation, nor yield components (number and weight of fruits) of the plants. In quality of the fruit; intermediate doses (100 to 200 Gy) increased the weight (fresh and dry) and diameter (polar and equatorial) of the fruits; whereas, high doses reduced seed formation. However, the interaction of radiation doses with the chili phenotype showed statistical significance (α ≤ 0.05) in growth, yield and fruit quality; since the smooth width presented plants with greater height and number of branches; while Chinese Width 1 and 2 had higher yield and fruit size. Individuals resulting from seeds treated with 100 to 200 Gy can be used in future genetic improvement research for the selection and production of variants of economic importance.

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          Most cited references52

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          Genetic Consequences of Acute/Chronic Gamma and Carbon Ion Irradiation of Arabidopsis thaliana

          Gamma rays are the most frequently used ionizing radiation in plant mutagenesis; however, few studies are available on the characteristics of mutations at a genome-wide level. Here, we quantitatively and qualitatively characterized the mutations induced by acute/chronic gamma ray irradiation in Arabidopsis. The data were then compared with those previously obtained for carbon ion irradiation. In the acute irradiation of dry seeds at the same effective survival dose, gamma rays and carbon ions differed substantially, with the former inducing a significantly greater number of total mutation events, while the number of gene-affecting mutation events did not differ between the treatments. This may result from the gamma rays predominantly inducing single-base substitutions, while carbon ions frequently induced deletions ≥2 bp. Mutation accumulation lines prepared by chronic gamma irradiation with 100–500 mGy/h in five successive generations showed higher mutation frequencies per dose compared with acute irradiation of dry seeds. Chronic gamma ray irradiation may induce larger genetic changes compared with acute gamma ray irradiation. In addition, the transition/transversion ratio decreased as the dose rate increased, suggesting that plants responded to very low dose rates of gamma rays (∼1 mGy/h), even though the overall mutation frequency did not increase. These data will aid our understanding of the effects of radiation types and be useful in selecting suitable radiation treatments for mutagenesis.
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              Inducing Potential Mutants in Bread Wheat Using Different Doses of Certain Physical and Chemical Mutagens


                Author and article information

                Ecosistemas y recursos agropecuarios
                Ecosistemas y recur. agropecuarios
                Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco, Dirección de Investigación y Posgrado (Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico )
                August 2023
                : 10
                : 2
                : e3444
                [2] Iguala de la Independencia orgnameInstituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias orgdiv1Campo Experimental Iguala Mexico
                [3] Montecillo orgnameColegio de Postgraduados Mexico
                [1] Iguala de la Independencia orgnameUniversidad Autónoma de Guerrero orgdiv1Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias y Ambientales Mexico
                S2007-90282023000200013 S2007-9028(23)01000200013

                This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

                : 05 June 2023
                : 11 August 2022
                Page count
                Figures: 0, Tables: 0, Equations: 0, References: 52, Pages: 0

                SciELO Mexico

                Artículos científicos

                rayos gamma,seeds,mutagenesis,yield,gamma rays,Growth,semillas,mutagénesis,rendimiento,Crecimiento


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