Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD) are neurodegenerative
disorders which overlap in their clinical presentation, pathology, and genetic origin.
An over-representation of autoimmune disorders exists in both ALS and FTD, but this
remains an unexplained epidemiologic observation
. Expansions of a hexanucleotide repeat (GGGGCC) in the C9orf72 gene are the most
common cause of familial ALS and FTD (C9-ALS/FTD), leading to both repeat containing
RNA and dipeptide accumulation coupled with decreased C9orf72 protein expression in
brain and peripheral blood cells
. Here we show that loss of C9orf72 in myeloid cells is sufficient to recapitulate
the age dependent lymphoid hypertrophy and autoinflammation seen in complete C9orf72
−/− mice. Dendritic cells isolated from C9orf72
−/− mice showed marked early activation of the type I interferon response, and C9orf72
−/− myeloid cells were selectively hyperresponsive to activators of STING, a key regulator
of the innate immune response to cytosolic DNA. STING degradation through the autolysosomal
pathway was diminished in C9orf72
−/− myeloid cells, and blocking STING suppressed hyperactive type I interferon responses
in C9orf72
−/− immune cells, splenomegaly and inflammation in C9orf72
−/− mice. Additionally, mice lacking one or both copies of C9orf72 were more susceptible
to experimental autoimmune encephalitis, mirroring the susceptibility to autoimmune
diseases seen in C9-ALS/FTD patients. Finally, we found that blood derived macrophages,
whole blood, and brain tissue from C9-ALS/FTD patients all showed an elevated type
I interferon signature compared to sporadic ALS/FTD subjects that could be suppressed
with a STING inhibitor. Collectively, our results suggest that C9-ALS/FTD patients
have an altered immunophenotype due to loss of C9orf72 suppression of STING/type I
interferon mediated inflammation.
C9orf72 knockout mice demonstrate lymphoid organ hyperplasia and age-related systemic
inflammation, however depending on their environment they ranged from having no tissue
injury and a normal lifespan
, to autoantibody production with renal injury
, or fatal spontaneous autoimmune disease
. In the immune system, C9orf72 is most highly expressed in myeloid cells, especially
dendritic cells
. Dendritic cells (DCs) are antigen presenting cells of the innate immune system that
regulate the adaptive immune response, playing an important role in autoimmunity and
cancer immunity
. To assess the affect of loss of C9orf72 in DCs, we analyzed the activation state
of splenic DCs from C9orf72
−/− mice at 8 weeks when minimal inflammation or lymphoid hyperplasia are present,
and 8 months when the mice have pronounced markers of systemic inflammation (Extended
Data Fig. 1). Although DC subtype development was normal in C9orf72
−/− mice (Extended Data Fig. 1a), we observed increased costimulatory molecule (CD86)
expression on CD11b+ DCs from C9orf72
mice, that became more prominent with age (Fig 1a,b). DCs are crucial for regulating
T cell homeostasis, activation and tolerance, and T cells were previously reported
to be activated in aged C9orf72
−/− mice
. T cell development in the thymus was normal in C9orf72
−/− mice (Extended Data Fig. 1f), however memory and effector memory CD4 and CD8 T
cells were increased even at 8 weeks, and became more pronounced with age (Fig 1c,d).
Given that C9orf72 is also expressed at low levels in lymphocytes, we crossed mice
containing a C9orf72 conditional null allele (C9orf72
to two different myeloid specific Cre driver lines, Cx3cr1
Cre and LysM
Cre, to determine if the phenotype was cell autonomous to myeloid cells. The loss
of C9orf72 selectively in myeloid populations (primarily monocytes, tissue macrophages,
and dendritic cells
) in C9orf72
Cre mice completely recapitulated the splenomegaly, altered DC costimulatory molecule
expression, and T cell activation seen in C9orf72 whole body knockout mice (Fig 1e,f,
Extended Data Fig. 2c,d). Similar findings were observed in C9orf72
Cre mice (Extended Data Fig. 3), although to a milder degree potentially because the
Cre driver is expressed in fewer dendritic cells (<10%) compared to the Cx3cr1
Cre driver (>90%)
. To probe the non-cell autonomous phenotypes of adaptive immune cells further, we
sorted splenocyte populations from control, C9orf72
−/−, and C9orf72
Cre mice. Pathway analysis of CD4 and CD8 T cells from C9orf72
Cre mice showed selective upregulation of type I interferon signaling, suggesting
that these cells were responding to type I interferons produced by myeloid cells (Fig
1g–i; Extended Data Fig 4).
To better characterize the drivers of activation of adaptive immune cells by C9orf72
deficient DCs, we performed RNA-sequencing on isolated splenic classical DCs (cDCs)
from young wildtype and C9orf72
−/− mice. Principle component analysis (PCA) showed separation of the two genotypes,
with C9orf72
−/− DCs having increased expression of a variety of inflammatory cytokines including
IL6, IL10 and IL12β (Extended Data Fig 5a,b). Heat map analysis with hierarchical
clustering confirmed strong upregulation of canonical type I interferon response genes
in C9orf72
−/− DCs in three of four animals, with no apparent difference in NFκB signaling (Fig.
2a,b). To identify the potential drivers of the hyperactive type I interferon response,
we cultured wildtype and C9orf72
−/− bone marrow derived macrophages (BMDMs) and stimulated them with several toll-like
and cytosolic receptor agonists. Activation of Tlr3, Tlr4 and Tlr7 signaling showed
similar IFNβ production between wildtype and C9orf72
−/− BMDMs (Extended Data Fig. 5c–e). However, stimulation with cGAMP, an agonist of
the cGAS-STING pathway for sensing cytosolic double stranded DNA
, showed a hyperactive response in IFNβ and interferon stimulated gene (ISG) production
in C9orf72
−/− BMDMs compared to wildtype BMDMs (Fig. 2c–e). STING signaling is regulated by
trafficking to the lysosome, and blocking autophagy leads to sustained activation
of the type I interferon response and inflammation
. Given that C9orf72 is involved in endosomal trafficking, autophagy and lysosomal
, we hypothesized that STING degradation was disrupted in C9orf72
−/− cells. Indeed, we observed delayed degradation of STING after stimulation with
cGAMP, and persistence of S365 phospho-STING in C9orf72
−/− BMDMs (Fig. 2f,g), indicating more STING was present to promote IFN activation
via IRF3, and that it was marked for lysosomal degradation. Basal LC3-II levels in
−/− BMDMs were increased compared to controls, and we observed that the recently reported
induction of LC3-II lipidation by cGAMP activation of STING
was further increased in C9orf72
−/− BMDMs (Fig 2h). This difference was normalized by treatment with bafilomycin A1,
suggesting that it was driven in part by decreased lysosomal degradation of LC3-II
in C9orf72 deficient cells (Fig 2h). These data support a model whereby diminished
lysosomal degradation of STING through autophagy leads to increased STING in late
endosomes serving as a platform for persistent IFN induction
. In support of this idea, the hyperactive IFNβ induction by C9orf72 BMDMs to cGAMP
was completely blocked by a STING antagonist
(Fig 2i). To further determine to what degree the elevated type I IFN signature in
−/− mice was driven by STING in vivo, we crossed C9orf72
−/− mice to STING deficient goldenticket mice (STING
). We observed a rescue of splenomegaly and the myeloid activation marker (Trem2)
in C9orf72
mice compared to C9orf72
−/− mice (Fig. 2j,k). To further characterize the rescue we performed RNA-seq on splenocytes
from wildtype, C9orf72
−/− and C9orf72
mice. We observed that the elevated type I IFN response in isolated splenic CD11b
myeloid cells, B cells, CD4 and CD8 T cells was completely rescued by the deletion
of STING (Fig 2l, Extended Data Fig 6). In contrast, myeloid and T cell activation
markers were not fully rescued in the C9orf72
mice (Extended Data Fig 7). The lack of full rescue of systemic inflammatory phenotypes
in C9orf72
mice may be because STING deletion itself promotes hyperactive TLR signaling and inflammation
, or because C9orf72 can also regulate non-STING related pathways
. Regardless, these findings support that increased STING activity in C9orf72
−/− myeloid cells drives the chronically elevated type I interferon production observed
in these cells, and is a key part of the systemic autoinflammation in C9orf72
−/− mice.
We observed strong expression of IL12β from C9orf72
−/− dendritic cells (Extended Data Fig 5b), which together with IFN-α/β can promote
Th1 T cell polarization
, and this was supported by increased IL2 and IFNγ in stimulated splenic T cells from
−/− mice (Extended Data Fig. 1h), and RNA-seq of isolated splenic T cells which showed
elevation of markers of activation and Th1 polarization (Extended Data Fig 8). There
was also a nonsignificant trend toward elevated IL17, which drives production of Th17
cells (Extended Data Fig. 8). This supports that activation of adaptive immune cells
from chronic STING/type I IFN in C9orf72
−/− mice leads to the propensity to develop autoimmune disease, similar to chronic
STING activation in mice lacking Trex1
. We therefore asked if C9orf72
−/− mice in our colony, which demonstrate autoinflammation without spontaneous autoimmune
disease, were more susceptible to experimental autoimmune encephalitis (EAE), which
has a strong Th1 and Th17 T cell component
. We observed a graded gene dose-dependent increase in clinical severity and spinal
cord inflammation in mice lacking either one or both copies of C9orf72 (Fig 3a,b,
Extended Data Figure 9a–c), together with increased infiltrating IFNγ producing Th1
polarized T cells (Extended Data Fig 9d–i). The increased EAE susceptibility in heterozygous
mice is important as only partial loss of C9orf72 expression is observed in repeat
expansion carrier tissues, and indicates that incorporation of an environmental stressor
is necessary as heterozygous DCs did not show baseline differences in immune cell
activation markers. This supports a model whereby chronic STING activation in DCs
promotes activation of Th1 polarized T cells, which infiltrate the nervous system
during EAE and drive the enhanced inflammatory response. This finding is of interest
given the recent report that C9orf72 repeat expansion mutations were overrepresented
in patients with the rare combination of ALS and multiple sclerosis, for which EAE
is used as a model
. Importantly the chronic STING activation in myeloid cells and adaptive immune cell
activation seen in C9orf72
−/− mice is distinct from acute STING activation during EAE, which mitigatews severity
by directly promoting T regulatory responses and suppressing Th1 responses
Interestingly studies have also suggested altered frequency of various cancers in
patients with ALS
. Dendritic cells play a central role in maintaining the tone of the immune system,
with a propensity toward autoimmunity also associated with enhanced anti-tumor immunity
. We therefore examined an animal model of anti-tumor immunity in C9orf72
−/− mice by measuring tumor burden after intravenous injection of mouse B16 melanoma
cells. We observed a C9orf72 gene dose dependent decrease in B16 melanoma tumor burden
in the lungs, with mice lacking either one or both copies of C9orf72 being more resistant
than wildtype mice (Fig 3c–e), accompanied by increased activated T cells in the lung
and the spleen after B16 inoculation (Extended Data Fig 10). These data are consistent
with a prior study showing that STING mediated sensing of tumor DNA is critical for
priming anti-tumor CD8 effector T cells
. Our data similarly suggest that enhanced STING/type I IFN responses to tumor derived
DNA in C9orf72
−/− DCs more effectively drive cytotoxic anti-tumor T cells. In summary, these findings
indicate that the altered immunophenotype observed in C9orf72
−/− mice from loss of even one copy of C9orf72 leads to enhanced susceptibility to
autoimmune disease, and increased anti-tumor immunity.
To assess whether a similar altered immunophenotype exists in myeloid cells from C9orf72
repeat expansion carriers, we examined blood monocyte derived macrophages (MDMs) from
normal controls, sporadic ALS patients, and C9-ALS patients using RNA-seq. Gene set
enrichment analysis (GSEA) showed marked upregulation of pathways related to IFN-α/β
signaling in C9-ALS MDMs vs. sporadic ALS MDMs, overlapping nearly identically to
upregulated pathways seen in immune cells from C9orf72
−/− mice (Fig. 4a–c; see Fig. 1g). We looked to confirm these findings in a larger
validation set, examining whole blood RNA-seq data from patients with either sporadic
ALS (n=259) or C9-ALS (n=20). We confirmed the lower expression of C9orf72 in C9-ALS
carriers previously reported (Fig. 4d, p=3.37×10−7, Mann-Whitney U test), and again
observed a significant upregulation of type I IFN signaling on GSEA in C9-ALS vs.
sALS patients (Fig 4e). To assess whether this genotype driven inflammatory signature
was present in nervous tissue, we analyzed transcriptome data from a previously published
RNA-seq dataset of ALS patients
. We examined cerebellar tissue to avoid the variability of inflammation observed
in actively degenerating regions such as frontal cortex. We again observed decreased
levels of C9orf72 expression, and upregulation of the type I interferon response by
GSEA in the cerebellum of C9-ALS patients vs. sporadic ALS patients (Fig 4f). To determine
if this elevated type I IFN signature could be from microglial cells, we examined
IFNβ production from isolated mouse microglia after cGAMP stimulation, and observed
a similar hyperactive response to STING activation comparable to peripheral macrophages
in C9orf72
−/− mice (Fig 4g). Finally, to determine if the elevated type I IFN signaling observed
in C9-ALS patient myeloid cells is driven by STING, we treated patient PBMCs or MDMs
with a STING inhibitor. We observed in mixed PBMCs that the STING inhibitor H151 did
not alter basal ISG expression in sporadic ALS patients, but consistently suppressed
ISG expression in C9-ALS PBMCs (Fig 4h). We observed a similar ISG suppression across
the broader signature using RNA-seq from H151 treated C9-ALS patient MDMs (Fig 4i).
These findings strongly support that C9-ALS/FTD carriers have a genetically determined
immunophenotype characterized by hyperactive type I interferon signaling that can
be detected in either blood or brain tissues across multiple independent datasets,
that is driven at least partly by STING activation.
In summary, C9orf72 in myeloid cells including DCs is essential for maintaining immune
homeostasis, with loss of C9orf72 promoting hyperactive type I interferon production,
and adaptive immune activation with enhanced autoimmunity and anti-tumor immunity.
The hyperactive type I IFN response in C9orf72
−/− DCs was mitigated by blocking STING, which was also recently implicated in inflammation
in Parkinson’s disease models
. Of note, DC specific knockout of Tbk1, another ALS/FTD disease gene involved in
the cGAS-STING pathway, manifested a similar immunophenotype with mice developing
systemic IFN driven inflammation, increased propensity for autoimmune disease and
cancer resistance, supporting a convergence of C9orf72 and TBK1 signaling pathways
. However the paradoxical nature of elevated type I IFN signaling in TBK1 deficient
DCs suggests that TBK1 does not solely act as a downstream effector of STING
. A key finding of our study is that the increased type I IFN signature was present
in C9-ALS carrier myeloid cells, whole blood and brain tissue, serving as a potential
biomarker of C9orf72 function in these patients. We hypothesize that decreased C9orf72
expression in C9-ALS/FTD carriers promotes this enhanced IFN production, altering
their response to environmental factors such as trauma or infection, and may influence
subsequent development of ALS, FTD and/or autoimmunity. Additionally, the loss of
function effects on microglia and peripheral dendritic cells may exacerbate the toxic
gain of function manifestations of the C9orf72 expansion in neurons or other cell
All mice were housed in pathogen-free facilities under 12-h light dark cycles with
access to food and water ad libitum. Temperature was set 74°F +/− 2° with humidity
30–70%. C9orf72
mice were as previously published
and wildtype mice were purchased from Jackson Laboratories. C9orf72
fl/fl mice were provided by the Pasterkamp lab
and were crossed with Cx3cr1Cre (B6J.B6N(Cg)-Cx3cr1
/J) and Lyz2Cre (B6.129P2-Lyz2
/J) purchased from Jackson Laboratories to obtain Cx3cr1Cre;C9orf72fl/fl and Lyz2Cre;C9orf72fl/fl
mice. The STING golden-ticket (STINGgt/gt) mouse was obtained from Jackson Laboratories
(C57BL/6J- Tmem173gt/J). C9orf72−/− mice were crossed with STINGgt/gt to obtain C9orf72
mice. All mice have the nuclear background of C57BL/6J. Mice were sex- and age-matched.
For all experiments mice were grouped according to genotype. For EAE and B16 melanoma
models genotypes were randomly separated into experimental groups. Researchers were
blinded when scoring EAE, counting tumor burden in B16 melanoma model. Husbandry and
behavioral tests were conducted in accordance with the protocols described by the
National Institutes of Health’s Guide for the Care and Use of Animals and were approved
by Cedars-Sinai Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees (IACUC #8161).
Flow cytometry and FACS sorting.
Single-cell suspensions were removed of red blood cells (RBC lysis buffer, Sigma).
Cells were incubated in Fc block (anti-CD16/anti-CD32) prior to staining to prevent
nonspecific antibody binding. An LSRFortessa (BD Bioscience) was used for flow cytometry
and data was analyzed with BDFacs Diva and FlowJo. Dendritic cells (CD11c+, PDCA1+,
CD8+, CD11b+), B cells (CD19+), CD4 T cells (CD3+CD4+), CD8 T cells (CD3+CD8+) and
CD11b+ cells were purified from splenocytes by fluorescence-activated cell sorting
(FACS) using a FACSAria II cell sorter (BD Biosciences). Gating strategies can be
found in Supplemental Information Guide.
All antibodies for flow cytometry were 1:200 dilution. CD4 PE: BioLegend: 100408,
BD Biosciences: 563106, CD8α BioLegend:100722, CD44 BD Biosciences:103011, I-Ab (MHC
II) BioLegend:116416, CD40 BD Biosciences: 561846, CD80 BD Biosciences: 565820, CD86
BioLegend:105008, CD62L BD Bioscience:560507, CD11c BioLegend:117310, CD11b: BioLegend:
101263, 101206, PDCA1 BioLegend:127008, CD3 BioLegend:100311, TNFα Biolegend:506306,
IFNγ Biolegend:505805, IL17 Biolegend:506917, Foxp3 eBioscience,17–5773-80B, CD19
BioLegend:115508, LEAF Purified anti-mouse CD3 Biolegend:100314, LEAF Purified anti-mouse
CD28 BioLegend:102112, Propidium iodide solution BioLegend:79997, Fc block 2.4G2 cell
supernatant ATCC: HB-197; RRID: AB_2103740.
T cell activation and cytokine production.
Single-cell suspension of total splenocytes were removed of red blood cells (RBC lysis
buffer, Sigma). CD4 T cells were isolated using EasySep™ Mouse Isolation Kit (StemCell
Technologies). For stimulated wells, 96-well plates were pre-coated with 2ng/μl of
anti-CD3 overnight in 4° C. Wells were washed with PBS 3x and 1×106 CD4 T cells were
plated in 100μl per well along with 2ng/μl anti-CD28. Supernatants were collected
after 72 hours and ELISAs were run for IFNγ, IL-2, IL-4, and IL-17 (BioLegend).
Treg and intracellular cytokine staining.
Cells were collected and washed with 1ml of staining buffer (0.045g Sodium Azide,
5% FBS in PBS) and resuspended in Fc Block for 20 minutes followed by incubation with
surface staining antibodies at 4°C. Intracellular staining of Foxp3 was done using
Foxp3/Transcription factor staining buffer set (eBioscience Cat#00–5523). In brief,
fixation/permeabilization buffer was added and cells were incubated for 60 minutes
room temperature in the dark. Cells were washed with 1x permeabilization buffer and
intracellular antibodies were added overnight. The following day cells were fixed
and analyzed via flow cytometry with LSRFortessa.
TNFα staining:
total splenocytes were stimulated with LPS overnight. PLUG was added to the wells
for 3 hours. Cells were collected and resuspended in Fc block for 10 minutes followed
by incubation with surface staining antibodies at 4°C for 15 minutes. Cells were washed
and resuspended in cytofix/cytoperm (BD Biosciences, Cat#554714) overnight. The next
day cells were resuspended in rat serum for 15 minutes at room temperature and intracellular
antibodies were added for another 15 minutes. Cells were washed, fixed and analyzed
via flow cytometry with LSRFortessa.
Generation and stimulation of BMDM.
Bone marrow cells were isolated from femurs and tibias of mice and cultured for 7
days in RPMI medium including 10% FBS and 1% Penicillin-Streptomycin-Glutamine with
50ng/ml hM-CSF (Peprotech). Cells were plated 350,000/700μl and stimulated with LPS
(100ng/ml), Poly I:C (10ng/ml), CpG (1μg/ml) or cGAMP (5μg/ml unless otherwise stated).
STING antagonist H151 (Cayman chemicals) was added 30 minutes before stimulation.
Peripheral blood mononuclear cells and monocyte Derived Macrophage (MDM) differentiation.
Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were isolated from human blood samples
collected in BD Vacutainer CPT tubes and centrifuged at 1600 RCF for 20 minutes. The
plasma and PBMCs were collected and centrifugation (300 xg, 10 minutes) to isolate
the PBMCs. PBMCs were plated overnight and STING antagonist H151 (Cayman chemicals)
was added for 6 hours before RNA was collected. For monocyte derived macrophages (MDMs),
the CD14+ cells were isolated from the PBMCs using the magnetic CD14 beads from Miltenyi
biotec according to the manufacturer’s instructions, then cultured in IMDM + 10% FBS
+ hMCSF (50ng/ml) for 7 days, and collected for RNA. For STING inhibitor experiments,
1μM STING antagonist H151 (Cayman chemicals) was added on day 7 for 6 hours before
RNA was collected.
Isolation and stimulation of microglia.
Microglia isolation:
Wildtype and C9 null mice were perfused with PBS/Heparin, their brains isolated and
dissociated using the Neural dissociation kit (Miltenyi Biotech) and GentleMACS dissociator
(NTDK Brain setting). The lysate was collected and passed through a 70μm strainer
to obtain a single cell suspension. Next, myelin was removed from the cells by incubating
with magnetic myelin beads (Myelin Removal Beads II, human, mouse, rat, Miltenyi Biotech)
using the AutoMACs. Cells were then incubated with CD11b+ magnetic beads (CD11b (Microglia)
MicroBeads, human and mouse, Miltenyi Biotech) and sorted using the AutoMACs. The
CD11b+ cells were counted, plated (200K cells/well) and cultured in Microglia complete
media containing DMEM/F-12, GlutaMAX™with HEPES (Invitrogen), 10% fetal bovine serum,
100μg/ml Penicillin/ Streptomycin/0.25μg/ml fungizone, with 10 ng/ml of the following
growth factors: Recombinant mouse M-CSF, Recombinant mouse GM-CSF (R&D systems) and
50ng/ml TGF-β1 (Miltenyi Biotech) for 6 days before stimulation.
Microglia stimulation:
6 days post culturing, microglia were stimulated with 10ug/ml cGAMP for 8 hrs. Post
stimulation, cells were lysed in lysis buffer and RNA isolated using Qiagen MIcro
RNA isolation kit. RNA quality was determined using Nanodrop and 200ng of RNA was
used to make cDNA.
Isolation of splenic immune cells.
Splenic immune cells were isolated by mechanical disruption of spleens in PBS with
0.4% EDTA and 0.5% FBS. The cell suspension was spun down at 1600rpm for 4 minutes
and resuspended in red blood cell lysis buffer (Sigma-Aldrich) for 2.5 minutes. Cells
were then washed, resuspended in Fc block for 10 minutes followed by incubation with
anti-CD11c and anti-PDCA1 (DCs), anti-CD3 and anti-CD4/CD8 (T cells), anti-CD11b (myeloid
cells) and anti-CD19 (B cells) at 4C for 15 minutes, washed and purified by flow cytometry
using FACSAria II flow cytometer (BD).
RNA isolation and qRT-PCR and Western blot analysis.
RNA was isolated using PureLink RNA Mini kit (Invitrogen). RNA was reverse-transcribed
to cDNA with oligo(dT) with the Promega Reverse Transcriptase System and analyzed
using SYBR Green Master Mix (Applied Biosystems). Mouse primers: IFNβ (Forward – 5’-AGCTCCAAGAAAGGACGAACAT-3’and
and Reverse- 5’-GGCTCGCAGGGATGATTTCAA-3’). Expression was normalized to mouse 18S
(Forward- 5’-GATGGTAGTCGCCGTGCC-3’ and Reverse- 5’-GCCTGCTGCCTTCCTTGG-3’). Trem 2
Expression was normalized to mouse Actin (Forward- 5’AGGTATCCTGACCCTGAAG-3’ and Reverse-
and Reverse- 5’ CCAATCACAACTGTAGCAATCC-3’). Expression was normalized to RPL13A (Forward-
Data shown are technical replicates with each experiment being repeated in the laboratory
with biological replicates 3–4 times.
For western blots, equal number of cells were lysed in 1x NuPAGE sample buffer (2.5%
BME), transferred to nitrocellulose membranes, and probed with LC3 (Novus Biologicals
#NB100–2220, 1:000), STING (Cell Signaling Technology #13647, 1:1000), phospo-STING
Ser365 (Cell Signaling Technology #72971, 1:500), Tubulin (Sigma-Aldrich #T6074, 1:1000),
and GAPDH (Sigma-Aldrich #G8795, 1:5000) primary antibodies. The proteins were detected
using the LI-COR system, blocking buffer, and secondary antibodies (1:15000).
RNA-seq of mouse splenic dendritic cells.
Splenic DC RNA quality was assessed via bioanalyzer (Agilent) and quantified via Qubit
fluorometric quantification (Thermo Fisher). RNA-seq libraries were generated using
200ng total RNA as input for the TruSeq Stranded mRNA Library Prep kit (Illumina)
according to the manufacturer’s protocol, and samples were indexed using TruSeq RNA
Single Indexes (Illumina). Library preps were analyzed via bioanalyzer (Agilent) and
quantified via Qubit fluorometric quantification (Thermo Fisher). Quantified libraries
were normalized, pooled, and sequenced on a NextSeq 500 sequencer (Illumina) using
the single-end 75 nucleotide setting. Raw sequencing reads were demultiplexed, and
FASTQ files were aligned to the mouse genome (mm10) via Tophat v2.1.1 and Bowtie v2.3.2.
BAM files were indexed with Samtools v1.6 and annotated using Partek software v7.17.0918
to generate RPKM values for each gene.
RNA-seq library preparation and Gene Set Enrichment Analysis of mouse B cells, CD4+
T cells, CD8+ T cells and CD11b+ cells
RNA quality was assessed via bioanalyzer (Agilent) and quantified via Qubit fluorometric
quantification (Thermo Fisher). RNA-seq libraries were generated using 200ng total
RNA as input for the TruSeq Stranded mRNA Library Prep kit (Illumina) according to
the manufacturer’s protocol, and samples were indexed using TruSeq RNA Single Indexes
(Illumina). Library preps were analyzed via bioanalyzer (Agilent) and quantified via
Qubit fluorometric quantification (Thermo Fisher). Quantified libraries were normalized,
pooled, and sequenced on a NextSeq 500 sequencer (Illumina) using the single-end 75
nucleotide setting. Raw sequencing reads were demultiplexed, and FASTQ files were
used to generate estimated transcript counts against the mouse transcriptome (mm10)
via Salmon v0.8.2. TPM values summed to the gene level were generated using the R
Bioconductor package DEseq2. Median TPM values were calculated within each cell type.
Genes with a median TPM value less than 0.5 within each cell type were discarded.
The union of the remaining genes from each cell type were combined, and the signal-to-noise
metric (difference in mean expression divided by the sum of standard deviations, (μA
– μB)/(σA + σB)) was calculated for each of these remaining 12,174 genes when comparing
between each genotype group within each cell type. These gene values were ranked from
highest to lowest, indicating which genes were most upregulated and downregulated
with the least variation. These sorted lists of genes were used as inputs for Gene
Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA), using 1000 permutations of the gene sets. A false
discovery rate P-value less than 0.05 was accepted as significant.
RNA-seq of monocyte derived macrophages.
RNA quality was assessed via bioanalyzer (Agilent) and quantified via Qubit fluorometric
quantification (Thermo Fisher). RNA-seq libraries were generated using an average
of ~150ng total RNA as input for the TruSeq Stranded mRNA Library Prep kit (Illumina)
according to the manufacturer’s protocol, and samples were indexed using TruSeq RNA
Single Indexes (Illumina). Library preps were analyzed via bioanalyzer (Agilent) and
quantified via Qubit fluorometric quantification (Thermo Fisher). Quantified libraries
were normalized, pooled, and sequenced on a NextSeq 500 sequencer (Illumina) using
the single-end 75 nucleotide setting. Raw sequencing reads were demultiplexed, and
FASTQ files were aligned to the human genome (hg38) via Tophat v2.1.1 and Bowtie v2.3.2.
BAM files were indexed with Samtools v1.6 and annotated using Partek software v7.17.0918
to generate RPKM values for each gene. RPKM values were log2 transformed after adding
a pseudocount of 1. Genes with a median log2 transformed RPKM value less than 0.5
were discarded. Signal to noise ratios of the remaining genes were calculated for
each group comparison, and the sorted list of these genes was used as the input for
GSEA using 1000 permutations of the gene sets. A false discovery rate P-value of less
than 0.05 was accepted as significant.
RNA-seq analysis of human whole-blood data.
RNA-seq libraries were generated using total RNA as input for the TruSeq mRNA Library
Prep kit (Illumina) according to the manufacturer’s protocol, and samples were indexed
using TruSeq RNA Single Indexes (Illumina). Samples were pooled and sequenced on a
NovaSeq 6000 sequencer (Illumina) using the paired-end 151nt setting. Due to read
2 sequencing errors in a subset of the samples, all samples were aligned as single-ended
datasets using read 1 only. RNA-seq reads were aligned to hg19 using STAR (v.2.5.3).
Expression was quantified using RSEM (v1.3.0) with the following flags: --fragment-length-max
1000, --no-bam-output, --estimate-rspd. Given the heterogeneity in expression signatures
from whole blood expression data, expression data were first normalized using PEER
v1.3 (Probabilistic Estimation of Expression Residuals, PMID #22343431), setting 35
hidden determinants (K=35) and allowing up to 1000 iterations. In addition, the following
known co-variates were included: sex, collection subsite, age at onset, years to diagnosis,
ALS functional rating scale, and sample ancestry estimated by PCA, with categorical
variables binarized before inclusion. After filtering against non-expressed genes
(TPM<1 for all individuals), differential expression analysis was performed using
a trans-QTL approach using the R/qtl package (version 1.44–9) on PEER residuals using
the C9orf72 locus repeat expansion genotype against the entire transcriptome (see
step 13 in PMID 22343431 for additional details). GSEA analysis was performed against
the GO gene sets category in MSigDB, and enrichments were visualized using the Enrichment
Map plug-in (v3.2.0, PMID 21085593) in Cytoscape (v.3.7.1).
RNA-seq analysis of human cerebellum.
For the human GSEA, the raw count table was obtained from (Prudencio et al, 2015)
series GSE67196 for the control, sporadic, and C9orf72 repeat carrier patient frontal
cortex and cerebellum samples. RPKM values were derived for these samples using the
edgR package in R Bioconductor. Total raw counts in each sample were used as the library
size, and the transcript lengths for each HGNC identifier were obtained from Ensembl
BioMart. Calculating the median RPKM values for each gene and discarding all genes
with a median value below 1 filtered for 11912 genes used in GSEA. The signal-to-noise
metric (difference in mean expression divided by the sum of standard deviations, (μA
– μB)/(σA + σB)) was calculated for each gene when comparing frontal cortices or cerebella
between sporadic or C9orf72 ALS cases to control groups. These gene values were ranked
from highest to lowest, indicating which genes are most up-regulated and downregulated
with the least variation. GSEA was performed on these ranked gene lists with 1000
permutations of the gene sets and a false discovery rate P-value of less than 0.05
was accepted as significant.
Gene Set Enrichment Analysis.
RPKM or FPKM values were log2 transformed after adding a pseudocount of 1. Genes with
a median log2 transformed R/FPKM value less than 0.5 were discarded. Signal to noise
ratios of the remaining genes were calculated for each group comparison, and the sorted
list of these genes was used as the input for GSEA.
Induction and assessment of EAE.
Disease induction was as described by Hooke labs and lot #1004 and lot #1006 were
used in this study. In brief, females aged 10–13 weeks were immunized s.c with MOG35–55
peptide mixed with CFA on day 0. Pertussis toxin was administered at 120ng/dose i.p
on days 0 and 1. Mice were examined daily starting at day 7 and scored for disease
severity on the scale: 0, no clinical score; 0.5, tip of the tail paralysis; 1, total
tail paralysis; 1.5, limp tail and hind leg inhibition; 2, limp tail and weakness
of hind legs; 2.5, limp tail and dragging of hind legs; 3, limp tail and complete
paralysis of hind legs; 3.5, limp tails, paralysis of hind legs and unable to right
themselves; 4, limp tails, complete hind legs and partial front leg paralysis; 4.5,
no movement around cage; 5, euthanasia. After onset of disease, mice are singly housed
and food and water are provided on the cage floor. For time course experiment, mice
were taken down at onset (day 11) and peak (day 15) and spleens and brain were collected.
Myelin was removed from the brain (Miltenyi Biotec Cat. # 130–096-733). Single cell
suspension was stained intracellularly with IFNγ and IL-17.
Cells and tumor models.
The mouse melanoma cell line B16F10 was obtained from ATCC® (CRL-6475) and was maintained
in Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s Medium (DMEM) supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum
(FBS), penicillin (100 U/ml), and streptomycin (100 μg/ml). For lung metastatic models,
B16 (2×105) cells were injected via tail vein and were enumerated visually facilitated
by the use of a magnifying glass and a lamp or by extracted melanin determined by
spectrophotometry. Tumour measurements/volumes did not exceed what is permitted by
Cedars-Sinai IACUC. To extract melanin, the entire left lobe was placed into a homogenizer
and was digested in 300 μL of PBS. The sample was then centrifuged for 10 minutes
at max speed and the supernatant was removed. The samples were then processed in 1
mL of lysis buffer contained 1M tris-Hcl, 10%SDS, 0.5 M EDTA, 10 μg/mL Proteinase
K, and water in a shaker at 56°C until completely dissolved. This process can take
up to 48 hours and was aided by the addition of additional proteinase K and processing
through an 18 gauge needle. Once the melanin was dissolved, samples were centrifuged
for 10 minutes at max speed and the supernatant was discarded so that a black pellet
remained at the bottom. 200 μL of 2N NaOH was added and the sample was placed in a
shaker at 95°C overnight or until completely dissolved. Once the melanin was dissolved,
100 μL of 2 chloroform:1 methanol were added and the sample was mixed well before
being centrifuged for 10 minutes at max speed. 100 μL of the top layer was read on
a SpectraMax spectrophotometer: OD405-OD570. Resulting values were analyzed directly.
For T cell activation studies, mice were sacrified 14 days after i.v injection and
lungs and spleens were collected. The lung was selected and the tissue was manually
digested in a lysis buffer containing HBSS, collagenase, and DNAseI with two 10 minute
incubations at 37°C. Samples were centrifuged for 5 min at 3000 RPM and the red blood
cells were lysed using 1X RBC lysis buffer (eBioscience). The cells were then washed
and stained with an Fc blocker to prevent any non-specific binding. Single cells from
digested lung were stained with anti-CD3, anti-CD4, anti-CD8 and anti-CD44 and were
washed and fixed. Spleens were collected as described previously, stained for anti-CD3,
anti-CD4, anti-CD8 and anti-CD44, washed, fixed and analyzed via flow cytometry with
LSRFortessa. Age matched T cells from naïve mice were used to compare the activation
state of T cells with and without B16 inoculation.
Statistical Analyses.
Statistical tests used are indicated in figure legends. All data are shown as mean
± SEM, and all analyses were conducted using Prism software (Graphpad).
Extended Data
Extended Data Fig. 1|
Dendritic cells and T cells develop normally in C9orf72
−/− mice, but show markers of immune activation and inflammatory cytokine production
from a young age.
a. Percentage of dendritic cell (DC) populations from total splenocytes of 8-week
old mice (n=5). b. MFI measured via flow cytometry for MHCII and co-stimulatory molecules
(CD80, CD86, and CD40) of three splenic DC populations (CD11b, CD8a, and pDC) from
8-week old mice (n=5). c. Percentage of DC populations from total splenocytes of 8-month
old mice (n=6). d. MFI measured via flow cytometry for MHCII and co-stimulatory molecules
of splenic DC populations of 8-month old mice (n=6). e. Intracellular TNFα staining
of splenic DCs from 10-week old mice after LPS (100ng/ml) stimulation (n=3). f. Quantification
of double negative (DN), double positive (DP) and single positive CD4 and CD8 T cell
populations in thymus of 8-week old mice (n=3). g. Percentage of Foxp3+ CD4 T cells
in the spleen of 8 week old mice (n=3) showing no change in T regulatory cell populations.
h. ELISA of supernatants collected from isolated CD4 T cells of 6-month old mice from
spleen after anti-CD3/anti-CD28 treatment for 72 hours, graphs duplicate measurements
from two independent experiments. a-h. One-way ANOVA. e,h,i. Data are presented as
mean values +/− SEM. h. Data are presented as mean values +/− SD.
Extended Data Fig. 2|
Profiling of splenocytes from myeloid specific deletion of C9orf72 via Cx3cr1-Cre.
a. Proportion of immune cell populations in 12-month old C9orf72
:Cx3cr1Cre mice. b. Proportion of splenic DC populations in 5-month old C9orf72
:Cx3cr1Cre mice (n=7). c.
:Cx3cr1Cre CD11b splenic DCs have increased MFI of CD86 in 5-month old mice (n=4).
d. MFI of splenic DC MHCII and co-stimulatory molecules in 5-month old C9orf72
:Cx3cr1Cre mice (n=7). Unpaired, two-tailed Students t-test. b,c. Data are presented
as mean values +/− SEM.
Extended Data Fig. 3|
Immune profiling of C9orf72
:LysMCre mice.
a. Gross images of splenomegaly in C9orf72
:LysMCre (left) Spleen weights of C9orf72
:LysMCre (mg) normalized to body weight (g) at 5 months (right) (n=4). b. Proportion
of splenic DC populations in 5-month old C9orf72
:LysMCre mice (n=4) c. Proportion of splenic DC populations in 12-month old C9orf72
:LysMCre mice (n=4). d. MFI of splenic DC MHCII and co-stimulatory molecules in 5-month
old C9orf72
:LysMCre mice (n=4). e. MFI measured via flow cytometry for MHCII and co-stimulatory
molecules of splenic DC populations of 12-month old C9orf72
:LysMCre mice (n=4). f. Percentage of CD4 and CD8 T cells in splenocytes. g. CD4 T
cell and h. CD8 T cell activation states in 5-month of C9orf72
:LysMCre mice. i. Percentage of CD4 and CD8 T cells in splenocytes in 12-month old
mice. j. CD4 T cell and k. CD8 T cell activation states in 12-month old C9orf72
:LysMCre mice (n=4). Unpaired, two-tailed Students t-test. a-c. Data are presented
as mean values +/− SEM.
Extended Data Fig. 4|
RNA-seq values for type I interferon stimulated genes in different immune populations
of total body versus myeloid cell specific deletion of C9orf72.
a. RNA-sequencing of CD11b cells (a) and B cells (b) from wildtype (WT; n=4), total
knockout (C9(−/−);n=3) and C9orf72
:Cx3cr1Cre (n=4) mice, similar to that observed in dendritic cells of the total body
nulls (Fig 2), showing activation of ISGs. T cells from the same data set are shown
in main Fig 1. Two-way ANOVA. Data are presented as mean values +/− SEM.
Extended Data Fig. 5|
RNA-seq of C9orf72 deficient DCs, ISG responses in BMDM to TLR agonists, and amelioration
of type I IFN responses by deleting STING.
a. PCA plot of RNA sequencing of freshly isolated splenic classical DCs from 10-week
old mice (n=4). b. TPM of indicated cytokines and inflammatory genes (WT n=4, C9(−/−)
n=4 biologically independent samples). c-e. qRT-PCR of Ifnβ, Mx1 and Cxcl10 in WT
and C9(−/−) BMDMs after stimulation of c. CpG, d. Poly IC and e. LPS (representative
of 3 experiments) f. STING antagonist H151 blocks the hyperactive ISG response to
cGAMP stimulation (representative of 3 experiments). g. qRT-PCR of IFNβ in total BMDMs
of WT, Gt(−/−), C9(−/−) and C9(−/−):Gt(−/−) mice after cGAMP stimulation. Representative
of 3 independent experiments. b-e. Unpaired, two-tailed t-test. f,g. One-way ANOVA.
b. Data are presented as mean values +/− SEM. c-g. Data are presented as mean values
+/− SD.
Extended Data Fig. 6|
Deletion of STING mitigates the elevated type I IFN response signature in C9orf72
−/− immune cells.
a. Heat maps of ISGs from RNA-sequencing of isolated splenocyte populations from 3
month old animals. Cell types are indicated and included a. CD11b myeloid cells, b.
CD4 T cells, c. CD8 T cells and d. B cells from wildtype (WT), C9orf72 knockouts (C9(−/−))
and C9orf72:STING double knockout (C9(−/−)/Gt(−/−)) mice. e-g. TPM values of indicated
ISGs in e. CD4 T cells (WT n=4), C9orf72 knockouts (C9(−/−)n=3) and C9orf72:STING
double knockout (C9(−/−)/Gt(−/−)n=4), f. CD8 T cells(WT n=4), C9orf72 knockouts (C9(−/−)n=3)
and C9orf72:STING double knockout (C9(−/−)/Gt(−/−)n=4) and g. B cells (WT n=4), C9orf72
knockouts (C9(−/−)n=3) and C9orf72:STING double knockout (C9(−/−)/Gt(−/−)n=4). Deletion
of STING showed marked rescue of the ISG expression across all cell types. e-g. Two-way
ANOVA. e-g. Data are presented as mean values +/− SEM.
Extended Data Fig. 7|
Activation markers of splenocyte populations in wildtype (WT), C9orf72−/− (C9(−/−))
and STING knockout (Gt(−/−) mice.
a, b. Flow cytometry of splenic CD11c co-stimulatory markers in 3-month old WT (n=4),
C9(−/−) (n=5) and C9(−/−)/Gt(−/−) (n=4) mice. c. RNA-sequencing of splenic CD11b cells
in 3-month old WT (n=4), C9(−/−) (n=3) and C9(−/−)/Gt(−/−) (n=4) mice. d. Flow cytometry
of splenic CD4 T cells and e. CD8 T cells of 3-month old mice. One-way ANOVA. a,b,d,e.
Data are presented as mean values +/− SEM.
Extended Data Fig. 8 |
−/− T cells show increased activation and markers of Th1 polarization.
Heat map of RNA-sequencing data from isolated CD4 T cells (a), CD8 T cells (b), and
B cells (c) from spleens of 3 month old WT(n=4) and C9(−/−) (n=3) mice. Shown are
markers of d. Th1 e. Th2 and f. Th17 polarization genes of CD4 T cells. Two-way ANOVA.
d-f. Data are presented as mean values +/− SEM
Extended Data Fig. 9|
−/− mice are more susceptible to EAE than wildtype mice and increased infiltration
of Th1 polarized T cells into nervous tissue.
a. Representative luxol fast blue (LFB) staining of spinal cord of WT (n=3), C9(+/−)(n=3)
and C9(−/−) (n=3) mice. b. Representative H&E staining of spinal cords from WT (n=3),
C9(+/−) (n=3) and C9(−/−) (n=3) mice at end stage. c. Iba1 staining of spinal cord
of indicated genotypes (n=3). d. Splenic C9(−/−) CD4 and e. CD8 T cells produce increased
levels of IFNγ during pre-onset (day 9) (WT n=4, C9(+/−) n=4), C9(−/−) n=3 biologically
independent samples) and peak (day 15) (WT n=3, C9(+/−) n=3, C9(−/−) n=3 biologically
independent samples) of EAE f. Total number of CD3+ T cells g. IFNγ + CD4 T cells,
h. IL17+ CD4 T cells and i. IFNγ+IL17+ CD4 T cells in whole brain of WT (n=2), C9(+/−)
(n=3) and C9(−/−) (n=3) mice during peak (day 15) of disease. f-i. One-way ANOVA.
f-i. Data are presented as mean values +/− SEM.
Extended Data Fig. 10|
−/− mice resistant to B16 melanoma tumors show an enhanced cytotoxic T cell response.
a. Percent CD44+ CD4 T cells (left) and CD8 T cells (right) in the lung of WT (n=2),
C9(+/−) (n=3) and C9(−/−) (n=3) mice day 14 of B16 melanoma challenge. b. Percent
of naïve CD4 T cells and c. Memory CD4 T cells in the spleens of WT, C9(+/−) and C9(−/−)
mice with and without B16 inoculation (n=5). d. Percent of naïve CD8 T cells, e. memory
CD8 T cells and f. effector memory CD8 T cells in the spleens of wildtype, C9(+/−)
and C9(−/−) mice with and without B16 inoculation (n=5). One-way ANOVA. Data are presented
as mean values +/− SEM.
Supplementary Material