Current study on e-Learning user’s behaviour model obtained the specific models. In many cases, the e-Learning user’s behaviour model for open source e-Learning system such as Moodle, which can predict learning outcome or learning performance is still defi cient and cannot generally apply in many institutions due to the fact that the majority of prediction models were developed particularly for certain institutions. This study proposes to produce a general model that can make a prediction of learning outcome inspired by Skinner’s theory, which explains the relationship between learner, achievement, and learner reinforcement. This study proposes similar patterns in e-Learning user’s behaviour models of different institutions by the data-mining technique based on the learning environment theory. Therefore, this research is conducted in three main phases; include data preparation from weblog of different institutions with the same e-Learning system, data extraction by the accurate classifi er model fi nding process and model verification for generating a verification pattern. The research outcome will be a similar pattern that could be used as a direction for creating a more appropriate e-Learning users’ behaviour model and could be used broadly in other higher institutions.