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      Adaptación a la prisión y ajuste psicológico en una muestra de internos en centros penitenciarios Translated title: Adaptation to prison and psychological adjustment in a sample of prison inmates


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          Resumen Aunque la literatura ha abordado ampliamente el estudio de la prisionización, el análisis de los efectos de las variables criminológicas en la adaptación a prisión y del estatus social en prisión, y de éstas en el ajuste psicológico y las destrezas cognitivas que emplean los internos no ha sido suficientemente trabajado. Para conocer de ello, evaluamos en variables criminológicas, adaptación a prisión, estatus social en prisión, ajuste psicológico y destrezas cognitivas a una muestra de 112 internos varones en cumplimiento de una pena privativa de libertad de una prisión portuguesa, con edades entre 23 y 74 años (M = 40.40, DT = 1.04), 77 (68.8%) con antecedentes penales (reincidentes). Los resultados revelaron que las variables criminológicas (e.g., problemas en la familia) estaban relacionados con niveles más bajos de adaptación a la prisión. Además, los internos presentaban peor ajuste psicológico que la población general, y los reincidentes que los primarios. Asimismo, también pusieron de manifiesto que los internos se caracterizaban en la resolución de problemas por recurrir a estrategias de afrontamiento evitativas (i.e., Evitación cognitiva, Aceptación o Resignación, Búsqueda de recompensas alternativas, Descarga emocional), en detrimento de las aproximativas (i.e., Análisis lógico). Se discuten las implicaciones de los resultados para el diseño de programas de intervención dentro de prisión y la preparación para la vida en libertad (i.e., tercer grado).

          Translated abstract

          Abstract Although prisonization has been studied in previous literature, the effects of criminological variables on prison adaption and prison social status; and of the latter on psychological adjustment and cognitive skills have not been sufficiently analysed. As for knowing about this, 112 male prison inmates with an age range between 23 and 74 years (M = 40.40, SD = 1.04), 77 (68.8 %) with criminal records (recidivists) serving sentences in a Portuguese prison were evaluated in prison adaption, prison social status, psychological adjustment and cognitive skills. The results showed that criminological variables (e.g., family problems) were related with lower levels of adaption to prison. Furthermore, prison inmates exhibited a significant worse psychological adjustment than the normative population, and recidivists than primary offenders. Likewise, the results revealed that prison inmates were characterized in problem solving tasks by adopting an avoidant coping style (i.e., Cognitive avoidance, Acceptance or Resignation, Seeking alternative rewards, Emotional discharge), at the expense of an approach coping style (i.e., Logical analysis). The implications of the results for in-prison intervention programmes design and the preparation for a third-degree life i.e., under parole, are discussed.

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          Most cited references47

          • Record: found
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          Serious mental disorder in 23000 prisoners: a systematic review of 62 surveys.

          About 9 million people are imprisoned worldwide, but the number with serious mental disorders (psychosis, major depression, and antisocial personality disorder) is unknown. We did a systematic review of surveys on such disorders in general prison populations in western countries. We searched for psychiatric surveys that were based on interviews of unselected prison populations and included diagnoses of psychotic illnesses or major depression within the previous 6 months, or a history of any personality disorder. We did computer-assisted searches, scanned reference lists, searched journals, and corresponded with authors. We determined prevalence rates of serious mental disorders, sex, type of prisoner (detainee or sentenced inmate), and other characteristics. 62 surveys from 12 countries included 22790 prisoners (mean age 29 years, 18530 [81%] men, 2568 [26%] of 9776 were violent offenders). 3.7% of men (95% CI 3.3--4.1) had psychotic illnesses, 10% (9--11) major depression, and 65% (61--68) a personality disorder, including 47% (46--48) with antisocial personality disorder. 4.0% of women (3.2--5.1) had psychotic illnesses, 12% (11--14) major depression, and 42% (38--45) a personality disorder, including 21% (19--23) with antisocial personality disorder. Although there was substantial heterogeneity among studies (especially for antisocial personality disorder), only a small proportion was explained by differences in prevalence rates between detainees and sentenced inmates. Prisoners were several times more likely to have psychosis and major depression, and about ten times more likely to have antisocial personality disorder, than the general population. Worldwide, several million prisoners probably have serious mental disorders, but how well prison services are addressing these problems is not known.
            • Record: found
            • Abstract: found
            • Article: not found

            Severe mental illness in 33,588 prisoners worldwide: systematic review and meta-regression analysis.

            High levels of psychiatric morbidity in prisoners have been documented in many countries, but it is not known whether rates of mental illness have been increasing over time or whether the prevalence differs between low-middle-income countries compared with high-income ones. To systematically review prevalence studies for psychotic illness and major depression in prisoners, provide summary estimates and investigate sources of heterogeneity between studies using meta-regression. Studies from 1966 to 2010 were identified using ten bibliographic indexes and reference lists. Inclusion criteria were unselected prison samples and that clinical examination or semi-structured instruments were used to make DSM or ICD diagnoses of the relevant disorders. We identified 109 samples including 33 588 prisoners in 24 countries. Data were meta-analysed using random-effects models, and we found a pooled prevalence of psychosis of 3.6% (95% CI 3.1-4.2) in male prisoners and 3.9% (95% CI 2.7-5.0) in female prisoners. There were high levels of heterogeneity, some of which was explained by studies in low-middle-income countries reporting higher prevalences of psychosis (5.5%, 95% CI 4.2-6.8; P = 0.035 on meta-regression). The pooled prevalence of major depression was 10.2% (95% CI 8.8-11.7) in male prisoners and 14.1% (95% CI 10.2-18.1) in female prisoners. The prevalence of these disorders did not appear to be increasing over time, apart from depression in the USA (P = 0.008). High levels of psychiatric morbidity are consistently reported in prisoners from many countries over four decades. Further research is needed to confirm whether higher rates of mental illness are found in low- and middle-income nations, and examine trends over time within nations with large prison populations.
              • Record: found
              • Abstract: not found
              • Book: not found

              Coping, Behavior, and Adaptation in Prison Inmates


                Author and article information

                Acción Psicológica
                Acción psicol.
                Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) (Madrid, Madrid, Spain )
                December 2017
                : 14
                : 2
                : 113-128
                [2] orgnameUniversidade de Santiago de Compostela orgdiv1Unidade de Psicoloxía Forense España
                [1] orgnameUniversidade de Santiago de Compostela orgdiv1Facultade de Psicoloxía España
                [3] Galicia orgnameUniversidade de Vigo orgdiv1Departame nto AIPSE Spain
                S1578-908X2017000200008 S1578-908X(17)01400200008

                This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

                : 17 July 2017
                : 19 September 2017
                Page count
                Figures: 0, Tables: 0, Equations: 0, References: 47, Pages: 16

                SciELO Spain

                Artículos del monográfico

                Cognitive skills,Ajuste psicológico,Afrontamiento,Estatus social,Adaptación a prisión,Psychological adjustment,Coping,Social status,Adaptation to prison,Destrezas cognitivas


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