We theoretically investigate multinucleon transfer (MNT) processes in 238U+124Sn reaction at Elab=5.7 MeV/A using the time-dependent Hartree-Fock (TDHF) theory. For this reaction, measurements of MNT processes have been reported, showing substantial MNT cross sections accompanying more than ten protons. From the calculation, we find that the amount of transferred nucleons depends much on the relative orientation between the deformation axis of 238U and the relative vector connecting centers of 238U and 124Sn nuclei. We find a formation of thick neck when the 238U collides from its tip with 124Sn. However, the neck formation is substantially suppressed when 238U collides from its side. We have found that a large number of protons are transferred in the tip collision. This is caused by the breaking of the neck and subsequent absorption of nucleons in the neck region. We thus conclude that the measured MNT processes involving about ten protons originate from the neck breaking dynamics in the tip collisions of a deformed 238U nucleus.