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      Trasplante renal y cuidados de enfermería a la luz de la Teoría de Roy Translated title: The kidney transplantation and nursing care in the light of Roy's Theory


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          Resumen Objetivo principal: Reflexionar sobre los supuestos de la teoría de la Adaptación de Roy en el contexto de la vida de los pacientes trasplantados renales y los cuidados de enfermería. Metodología: Se trata de un estudio de reflexión teórica. Resultados principales: Los receptores de trasplante renal están sujetos a varios cambios ambientales, que a su vez estimulan comportamientos efectivos o no, siendo el papel de la enfermería, la asistencia en estas adaptaciones, con el objetivo de restaurar la integridad del individuo. Conclusión principal: El estudio concluyó que la sistematización de los cuidados de enfermería a pacientes trasplantados renales, basada en la teoría de Roy, permite el reconocimiento de las personas a través de los estímulos que las afectan y, en consecuencia, la definición de estrategias centradas en posibles fallos de adaptación.

          Translated abstract

          Abstract Main objective: To reflect on the assumptions of Roy's Adaptation theory in the context of life of renal transplant patients and nursing care. Methodology: This is a study of theoretical reflection. Main results: The renal transplant patient is subject to several environmental changes, which in turn, stimulate effective behaviours or not, being the role of nursing to assist in these adaptations, aiming to restore the integrity of the individual. Main conclusion: The study concluded that the systematization of nursing care for kidney transplant patients, based on Roy's theory, allows the recognition of people through the stimuli they affect and, consequently, the definition of strategies focused on possible adaptation failures.

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          Association of sociodemographic and clinical factors with self-image, self-esteem and locus of health control in patients with an intestinal stoma

          ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the sociodemographic and clinical factors related to patients with an intestinal stoma and to correlate them with locus of health control, self-esteem and self-image. Method: 44 patients with an intestinal stoma participated in the study. The following instruments were used: Scale for Locus of Health Control, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale/UNIFESP-EPM and Body Investment Scale. Results: With regard to Locus Health Control variables, sociodemographic variables with alterations were: unemployed (28.13); retirees (27.79); age up to 50 years (28.44); and singles (27.89). Regarding Body Investment Scale, the sociodemographic variables with alterations were: age up to 50 years (21.79); single (19.15) or married (17.53); retired (18.79) or unemployed (19.83); and can read and write (20.13). Regarding Rosenberg-EPM Self-esteem Scale, all sociodemographic variables were altered. Conclusions: Ostomized patients presented alterations in the following variables: unemployed, retired, aged up to 50 years and unmarried. There were also alterations in individuals whose cause of the stoma was neoplasia, a temporary stoma, stoma time <4 years, and ostomized non-participants of an association or support group, and who also did not practice physical activities. We conclude from these findings that ostomized individuals who participated in the study and who were included in these variables showed negative feelings about their body and believed that only they could control their health and that the people involved in their care and rehabilitation did not could contribute to their improvement.
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            Percepções, significados e adaptações à hemodiálise como um espaço liminar: a perspectiva do paciente

            Este trabalho apresenta um olhar etnográfico sobre a experiência das pessoas que dependem da hemodiálise para continuar vivendo. Neste artigo, o foco é o paciente, apresentamos suas percepções e experiências, tomando como base seu convívio com a doença e suas estratégias de enfrentamento, pois as características bastante peculiares desse tratamento geram uma relação complexa, acompanhada de contradições e ambiguidades. Os entrevistados, com idades entre 18 e setenta anos, estavam há mais de um ano nesse tratamento e revelaram vidas marcadas pela experiência da doença, além de depoimentos que nos levam a analisar a hemodiálise como espaço de liminaridade. Interpretamos, aqui, à luz da teoria antropológica e a partir de alguns depoimentos dos 117 entrevistados, que todo paciente com insuficiência renal crônica, dependente da hemodiálise, vive em um espaço liminar que pode durar meses ou anos.
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              Diagnósticos de enfermagem da NANDA: definições e classificação -2018 -2020


                Author and article information

                Index de Enfermería
                Index Enferm
                Fundación Index (Granada, Granada, Spain )
                September 2022
                : 31
                : 3
                : 194-198
                [1] Natal Rio Grande do Norte orgnameUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte orgdiv1Departamento de Enfermagem Brazil
                [2] Maranhão orgnameUniversidade Federal do Maran-hão orgdiv1Departamento de Enfermagem Brasil
                S1132-12962022000300012 S1132-1296(22)03100300012

                This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

                : 17 August 2022
                : 07 October 2021
                Page count
                Figures: 0, Tables: 0, Equations: 0, References: 23, Pages: 5

                SciELO Spain


                Kidney Transplantation,Nursing Care,Nursing Theory,Atención de enfermería,Teoría de enfermería,Trasplante de riñón


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