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      Remodelación autóloga mamaria. Importancia de la transferencia grasa y uso de los colgajos dermograsos locales en las grandes pérdidas ponderales Translated title: Autologous breast remodeling. Importance of fat transfer and use of local dermal-fat flaps in the massive weigth loss


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          Resumen Introducción y objetivo. El aumento de la cirugía bariátrica como alternativa al tratamiento tanto del síndrome metabólico como de la obesidad y el sobrepeso, conlleva múltiples deformidades corporales, entre las que unas de las más complejas son las alteraciones mamarias. Su tratamiento quirúrgico depende de un diagnóstico y técnica adecuados, capaces de remodelar la estética mamaria. El objetivo de esta investigación es definir la importancia del injerto de grasa como procedimiento previo a la mamoplastia en pacientes que han sufrido grandes pérdidas ponderales. Material y método. Realizamos un estudio retrospectivo, lineal, en 124 pacientes sometidas a 158 procedimientos quirúrgicos consecutivos entre enero de 2009 y diciembre de 2019, con rango de edad entre 18 y 72 años. Evaluamos los procedimientos para la corrección de las diversas deformidades mamarias tales como, hipotrofia o atrofia mamaria, ptosis, asimetrías, posicionamiento lateralizado del complejo areola pezón, pérdida de la proyección del polo superior, flacidez cutánea asociada a lipodistrofia corporal persistente, cirugías previas de contorno corporal, así como la edad y el índice de masa corporal (IMC). Resultados. El mayor porcentaje de procedimientos correspondió a la triple interposición de colgajos (28%, 44 procedimientos), seguida del injerto de grasa mamaria (27%, 42 procedimientos) y la triple interposición de colgajos con implante de silicona (19%, 30 procedimientos). Se realizó injerto graso mamario en un 40.50% de los procedimientos realizados, con una media de volumen graso infiltrado de 450.60 ml. Conclusiones. Recomendamos la realización de injertos de grasa en todas las pacientes sometidas a cirugía de remodelación mamaria secundaria a pérdida masiva de peso con el fin de recomponer volumétricamente la mama y reconstruir estructuras cutáneas, parenquimatosas y musculares, siendo la transferencia de grasa mamaria la única forma de relleno definitiva del polo superior. Los colgajos locales representan no solo una forma de aumento volumétrico de la mama sino también una posibilidad de mejorar el contorno mamario y el segmento superior del cuerpo.

          Translated abstract

          Abstract Backgraund and objective. The increase in bariatric surgery as an alternative to the treatment of both the metabolic syndrome and obesity and overweight leads to multiple bodily deformities, among these one of the most complex are mammary alterations. The surgical treatment of these alterations depends on an adequate diagnosis and a suitable technique able to reshape the mammary aesthetics. The objective of this research is to define the importance of fat grafting as a procedure prior to breast-plasty in patients with post-weight loss. Methods. A retrospective and linear study was performed in 124 patients, who underwent 158 consecutive procedures between January 2009 and December 2019, age range between 18 and 72 years. The evaluated procedures allowed correction of different breast deformities such as hypotrophy or breast atrophy, ptosis, asymmetries, lateral positioning of the nipple areola complex, loss of the upper pole projection, skin flaccidity associated with persistent body lipodystrophy, previous body contour surgeries, and patient´s age and body mass index (BMI). Results. A total of 158 procedures were performed which the highest percentage was of triple flap interposition (28%, 44 procedures), followed by breast fat grafting (27%, 42 procedures) and triple flap interposition with silicone implants (19%, 30 procedures). The fat graft to breast was performed in 40.50% of the total procedures performed, with a mean infiltrated fat volume corresponded to 450.60 ml. Conclusions. We recommend performing fat grafts in all patients undergoing breast remodeling procedures after massive weight loss in order to volumetrically recompose the breast and rebuild skin, parenchymal and muscular structures, with breast fat transfer being the only way definitive filling of the upper pole. In addition, local flaps represent not only a form of volumetric augmentation of the breast but also a possibility of improving the breast contour and upper body segment.

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          Most cited references24

          • Record: found
          • Abstract: not found
          • Article: not found

          Prevalencia de obesidad general y obesidad abdominal en la población adulta española (25–64 años) 2014–2015: estudio ENPE

            • Record: found
            • Abstract: found
            • Article: not found

            Erythropoietin, erythropoiesis and beyond.

            Erythropoietin (EPO) is a glycoprotein that is mainly produced in the adult kidney, and it was initially highlighted for its action on the hematopoietic system. Moreover, EPO is also expressed in several non-hematopoietic tissues, where it plays a role in the protection from apoptosis and inflammation due to hypoxia, toxicity or injury. These protective effects are mainly known and studied in cardioprotection and neuroprotection but are also reported in retina degeneration, auditory injury and pancreatic-related diseases. The tissue protective effect of EPO is mainly mediated through the interaction with the heterodimeric receptor EPOR/βcR. Human recombinant EPO (HuREPO), which has been developed to treat anemia, is not adequate for tissue protection. The low affinity of the alternative receptor for EPO involves the injection of excessive concentration of erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs), implicating side effects due to the cross-talk with hematopoietic activity. For these reasons, EPO derivatives with less affinity for the EPO homodimeric receptor are under development. In this review, we provide an overview of the erythroid and non-erythroid functions of EPO by detailing the molecular mechanisms activated by the binding of EPO to its receptors in different tissues. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
              • Record: found
              • Abstract: found
              • Article: not found

              Mastopexy preferences: a survey of board-certified plastic surgeons.

              The purpose of this survey was to assess the current trends in mastopexy techniques and to compare satisfaction rates and complications associated with different techniques. In September of 2002, a mastopexy survey was sent to 1500 members of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery; 487 complete responses were received, for a response rate of 32.5 percent. Questions elicited categorical answers, and the data were evaluated using the chi-square test and the comparison of two proportions. The inverted-T incision technique is the most popular. Satisfaction was reported to be highest with the short scar periareolar inferior pedicle reduction (or SPAIR) and Hall-Findlay techniques. Physician satisfaction was lowest with the periareolar technique. The three most common complications for all techniques were suture spitting, excess scarring, and bottoming out. The periareolar group had a greater frequency of revision (p = 0.002). The inverted-T group had a greater frequency of bottoming out (p = 0.043). The short scar group had a greater frequency of asymmetry (p = 0.008). The traditional inverted-T technique is the most popular, but the newer short scar techniques have become more popular in the last 5 years. The inverted-T incision continues to be associated with bottoming out and excess scarring. The periareolar technique has the greatest need for revision and the lowest physician satisfaction, despite its application to a greater volume of mastopexies per year.

                Author and article information

                Cirugía Plástica Ibero-Latinoamericana
                Cir. plást. iberolatinoam.
                Sociedad Española de Cirugía Plástica, Reparadora y Estética (SECPRE) (Madrid, Madrid, Spain )
                June 2020
                : 46
                : 2
                : 141-155
                [2] Río de Janeiro orgnameUniversidad Santa Úrsula orgdiv1Hospital Casa de Portugal Brasil
                [3] Río de Janeiro orgnameHospital Casa de Portugal Brasil
                [1] Río de Janeiro orgnameUniversidad Federal de Río de Janeiro orgdiv1Instituto Avanzado de Cirugía Plástica orgdiv2Departamento de Cirugía Plástica Brasil
                S0376-78922020000300004 S0376-7892(20)04600200004

                This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

                : 23 May 2020
                : 15 January 2020
                Page count
                Figures: 0, Tables: 0, Equations: 0, References: 25, Pages: 15

                SciELO Spain

                Cirugía Mamaria

                Mamoplastia,Lipotransferencia,Injerto graso,Cirugía posbariátrica,Mastopexia,Mastopexy,Lipotransference,Mamoplasty,Postbariatric surgery,Faf graft


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