Nevus lipomatosus cutaneous superficialis (NLCS) is an uncommon benign hamartomatous condition characterized by the presence of mature ectopic adiopocytes in the dermis. Clinically they are classified into two forms. The classical form is characterized by groups of multiple, non-tender, soft, pedunculated, cerebriform, yellowish or skin-colored papules, nodules, or plaques. The other form of NLCS clinically manifests as a solitary dome-shaped or sessile papule. The classical NLCS is mostly reported to involve the pelvic or gluteal region. We report here a case of adult-onset classical NLCS on the pinna because of its rarity and unusual location. In addition, our patient also had some rare features of NLCS, such as onset in the latter part of life, presence of foul-smelling discharge, and comedo-like plugs on the lesions.