In this paper, we introduce the software suite, Hermes, which provides fast, novel algorithms for RNA secondary structure kinetics. Using the fast Fourier transform to e?ciently compute the Boltzmann probability that a secondary structure S of a given RNA sequence has base pair distance x [resp. y] from reference structure A [resp. B], Hermes computes the exact kinetics of folding from A to B in this coarse-grained model. In particular, Hermes computes the mean ?rst passage time from the transition probability matrix by using matrix inversion, and also computes the equilibrium time from the rate matrix by using spectral decomposition. Due to the model granularity and the speed of Hermes, it is capable of determining secondary structure refolding kinetics for large RNA sequences, beyond the range of other methods. Comparative benchmarking of Hermes with other methods indicates that Hermes provides refolding kinetics of accuracy suitable for use in computational design of RNA, an important area of synthetic biology. Source code and documentation for Hermes are available at http://bioinformatics.