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      Case series: Cystic degeneration in uterine leiomyomas


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          Uterine leiomyomas are the commonest gynecological neoplasms. The typical appearances of leiomyomas are easily recognized on imaging. However, the atypical appearances that follow degenerative changes may cause confusion in diagnosis. Here we present the USG and MRI findings in two different patients with uterine leiomyomas that had undergone cystic degenerative changes, mimicking a complex adnexal cyst of ovarian origin in one case and a large myometrial cyst in the other. Case 1 A 35-year-old woman presented with a history of lower abdominal pain and distension for a period of around 6 months. On abdominal examination, vague right abdominal fullness was felt. Per vaginal examination revealed an adnexal mass. A pelvic USG examination revealed a large, complex, predominantly cystic mass, approximately 10.0 × 8.5 × 7.0 cm in size, with multiple fine internal septae, arising from the right side of the pelvis and extending into the upper abdomen [Figure 1]. The uterine body appeared pushed towards the periphery and both ovaries could not be identified separately. The diagnosis of a complex adnexal cystic mass of probable ovarian origin was made. Figure 1 Transvaginal sonography showing a complex cystic mass with multiple internal septations in the right adnexal region MRI showed a midline, well-circumscribed cystic mass, with multiple fine internal septae and signal intensities consistent with fluid. The images revealed continuity of the cyst wall with the remainder of the uterine myometrium, thus indicating a myometrial origin [Figures 2–4]. The signal intensity of the cyst wall followed the signal intensity of the uterine myometrium. The mass was seen to arise from the anterior uterine wall with slight posterior displacement of the uterine endometrium [Figure 4]. On the basis of these findings, subserosal myoma or an intra-ligamentary fibroid with cystic degeneration were considered as differential diagnoses. Figure 2 Fat-suppressed axial T1W MRI of the pelvis reveals a well-demarcated, thick-walled mass (black arrow), with the internal contents showing hypointense signal and multiple internal septae (white arrows) Figure 4 Gradient-echo MRI in the sagittal section shows a posteriorly displaced endometrial stripe (white arrow) and a cystic mass in the anterior myometrium (black arrow) The patient underwent laparotomy. A large mass was found to arise from the anterior uterine body; the ovaries were not involved. The mass was resected and this was followed by hysterectomy. Histopathological examination revealed a leiomyoma with extensive cystic degeneration. Figure 3 Coronal T2W fat-suppressed MRI shows a hypointense wall (black arrows) and hyperintense internal contents, suggestive of cystic degeneration Case 2 A 38-year-old lady presented with a history of long-standing menorrhagia. Abdominal and pelvic examinations were normal. USG evaluation revealed a well-circumscribed, anechoic lesion in the posterior uterine wall, measuring approximately 10.0 × 8.0 × 6.2 cm in size [Figure 5]. Both ovaries could be separately identified and were normal in size and echo pattern. The diagnosis of a uterine leiomyoma with cystic degeneration or a cystic adenomyoma of the uterus was made. Figure 5 Transvaginal USG in the sagittal plane shows an intrauterine anechoic mass (white arrow) and the uterine myometrium (black arrow) MRI revealed a cyst with a hypointense signal on T1W images and hyperintense signal on T2W images [Figures 6 and 7]. The lesion showed an irregular outline and a few internal septae. Both ovaries could be identified and revealed normal signal intensities. The diagnosis of a uterine fibroid with cystic degeneration was made. Figure 6 Sagittal T1W MRI reveals cystic degeneration in a hypointense intrauterine fibroid (white arrow) Figure 7 Coronal T2W fat-suppressed MRI shows a hypointense wall (white arrow) and hyperintense internal contents suggestive of cystic degeneration The patient underwent hysterectomy and histopathological examination revealed a uterine fibroid with marked cystic degeneration. Discussion Leiomyomas are the commonest uterine neoplasms, occurring in around 20-30% of women in the reproductive age group.[1–3] They are composed of smooth muscle and fibrous tissue and are benign in nature.[1] Based on their location within the uterine wall, leiomyomas are classified into submucosal/subendometrial, intramural/myometrial or subserosal leiomyomas. The latter may be pedunculated and simulate adnexal masses.[1] It is a useful classification system as it relates to the clinical presentation and treatment options.[4] As leiomyomas enlarge, they may outgrow their blood supply, which results in various types of degeneration; these include hyaline, cystic, myxoid, or red degeneration and dystrophic calcification.[1 4] Hyalinization is the most common type of degeneration, occurring in 60% of tumors.[1] Cystic degeneration, observed in 4% of leiomyomas, may be considered an extreme sequel of edema.[1 2] USG is the primary modality for diagnosing clinically suspected uterine fibroids.[4] USG commonly shows a hypoechoic or heterogeneous uterine mass, whose texture depends on the relative ratio of fibrous tissue to smooth muscle and the presence and type of degeneration.[1] Hence, Ieiomyomas may be minimally echogenic and irregular anechoic areas may be seen if cystic degeneration is present. Clusters of high-level echoes with distal acoustic shadowing are quite common with calcific degeneration.[1] Transvaginal USG provides better detail than transabdominal USG and can detect very small lesions and provide better differentiation of submucosal from mural lesions.[5] To differentiate between subserosal fibroids and adnexal masses, the ‘interface vessel sign’ may be of help. Seen both on color Doppler and MRI, tortuous vessels at the interface of the mass with the uterus indicate a uterine origin.[6] However, degenerative changes may result in heterogeneous or unusual presentations that may lead to a diagnostic dilemma.[4] MRI plays a crucial role in determining the origin and nature of a pelvic mass in cases with inconclusive USG features.[5] MRI appearances of leiomyomas vary widely and may present a diagnostic problem.[7] On T2W images, leiomyomas are usually well-circumscribed masses which are sharply demarcated from the surrounding myometrium. Distinct low signal on T2W images is a typical MRI finding and is due to extensive hyalinization.[3 5] Degenerated leiomyomas show variable MR appearances. Red degeneration is characterized by the presence of a peripheral rim which shows low signal on T2W images and high signal on T1W images, corresponding to the obstructed veins at the periphery of the mass.[5] Cystic leiomyomas typically show decreased T1W and increased T2W signal intensities, with no enhancement of the cystic areas.[3] MRI is a useful imaging tool to demonstrate the pedicle or the presence of a normal uninvolved ovary - findings which are likely to enable a more accurate preoperative diagnosis.[1] In conclusion, although fibroids usually have a characteristic USG appearance, degenerating fibroids can have variable patterns and pose diagnostic challenges. However, clinical and USG correlation, together with a knowledge of the variable USG appearances of degenerating fibroids, will generally lead to the correct diagnosis. A pedunculated, subserosal uterine leiomyoma with extensive cystic degeneration may mimic an ovarian tumor. MRI may be helpful in complicated cases.[2 3 7]

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          Most cited references7

          • Record: found
          • Abstract: found
          • Article: not found

          Uterine leiomyomas: correlation of MR, histopathologic findings, and symptoms.

          Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging, symptoms, and pathologic findings were correlated in 59 uterine leiomyomas from 23 patients. The tumors varied from less than 1 cm to 18 cm in diameter. Fifty-seven leiomyomas were identified in the corpus uterus, one was located within the broad ligament, and another was detected in the cervix. Among the corpus lesions, 9 were correctly identified on MR images as subserosal and 37 as intramural. Of 11 tumors assigned at surgery to the submucosal group, 10 had been accurately defined with MR. On MR, myomas associated with hypermenorrhea produced an anatomic disruption of the "junctional zone" (the low-intensity band seen at the myometrium-endometrium junction on T2 contrast images). Long TR (2 sec) and TE (56 msec) parameters (T2 contrast images) yielded the best contrast resolution between leiomyoma and surrounding myometrium. Correlation of MR with histologic features demonstrated 2 groups of lesions. Leiomyomas free of degenerative changes emitted homogeneous signals of low intensity. Contrast between tumor and myometrium was -16% on the T1 contrast image and increased to -44 +/- 16% on the T2 contrast image. Leiomyomas with hyaline, myxomatous, or fatty degeneration demonstrated various degrees of inhomogeneity, best seen on images obtained with long TR and TE. It is concluded that MR is an accurate modality for imaging uterine leiomyomas, since it clearly demonstrates tumor number, size, location, and the presence and extent of degeneration.
            • Record: found
            • Abstract: found
            • Article: not found

            A case of cystic leiomyoma mimicking an ovarian malignancy.

            We report an unusual case of a large cystic, pedunculated uterine leiomyoma mimicking a primary malignant ovarian tumour on sonography and computed tomography (CT). A 56-year-old post-menopausal woman presented with a right pelviabdominal mass. Sonography and CT examination showed a large extrauterine mass arising from the right adnexa and extending into the abdomen. The mass was predominantly cystic with a solid component at the periphery. A preoperative diagnosis of a primary malignant ovarian tumour was made. The patient underwent laparotomy. The large mass was found to arise from the uterine fundus; the ovary was not involved. The mass was resected, followed by total hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. Histology was that of a leiomyoma with extensive cystic degeneration. The patient made an uneventful recovery. A pedunculated, subserosal uterine leiomyoma with extensive cystic degeneration can mimic an ovarian tumour on imaging and should be considered in the differential diagnosis of an adnexal mass.
              • Record: found
              • Abstract: found
              • Article: not found

              MR detection of degenerating uterine leiomyomas.

              Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) analogues have been advocated for the conservative management of uterine leiomyoma. These drugs induce a hypoestrogenic state and affect undegenerated myoma cells. Therefore, we evaluated the usefulness of MRI for distinguishing undegenerated and degenerated leiomyomas. Twenty lesions were studied in 16 patients with surgically resected leiomyoma. A 1.5 T unit was used to obtain T1- and T2-weighted images and Gd-DTPA-enhanced T1-weighted images. Signal intensity maps were made for each pulse sequence, and detailed histological maps were also made in the same plane as the MR images. Then the MR maps were compared with the histological maps of the resected specimens. Interstitial edema, the initial sign of degeneration, was detected as a high signal intensity region on T2-weighted images and showed enhancement with Gd-DTPA. Hyaline degeneration could not be distinguished from smooth muscle whorls on T1- and T2-weighted images. However, undegenerated leiomyoma could be distinguished from hyaline degeneration, because the former was slightly enhanced by Gd-DTPA but the latter was not. These findings showed that Gd-DTPA-enhanced MRI can distinguish undegenerated leiomyomas from degenerated leiomyomas and suggest that MRI may be useful for predicting the response of this tumor to GnRH analogue therapy.

                Author and article information

                Indian J Radiol Imaging
                The Indian Journal of Radiology & Imaging
                Medknow Publications (India )
                February 2008
                : 18
                : 1
                : 69-72
                Department of Radiodiagnosis, Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, New Delhi - 110 001, India
                Author notes
                Correspondence: Dr. Chhavi Kaushik, C/o Sh. AP Kaushik, 516 Nimri Colony, Ashok Vihar phase 4, Delhi - 110 052, India. E-mail: drchhavi_images@ 123456yahoo.com
                © Indian Journal of Radiology and Imaging

                This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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