Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has surprised the world
with its range of disease manifestations, from asymptomatic infection to critical
illness leading to hospital admission and death.1, 2 Due to the high proportion of
asymptomatic or mild infections (approximately 80%), data restricted to laboratory-confirmed
cases do not capture the true extent of the spread or burden of the virus, or its
infection-fatality ratio.
Therefore, serological detection of specific antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 can better
estimate the true number of infections. Due to co-circulation of other human coronaviruses,
serology for SARS-CoV-2 is not trivial. Antibody cross-reactivity with other human
coronaviruses has been largely overcome by using selected viral antigens, and several
commercial assays are now available for SARS-CoV-2 serology. However, despite high
sensitivity and specificity, a setting with a low pretest probability, such as current
population-based seroprevalence studies, warrants careful validation of results.
Extensive previous assay validation in well characterised serum samples and confirmation
of positive results are thus necessary to prevent false-positive findings from confounding
seroprevalence rates.
The first SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence studies from cohorts representing the general
population have become available from COVID-19 hotspots such as China, the USA, Switzerland,
and Spain.4, 5, 6, 7, 8 In The Lancet, Marina Pollán and colleagues
and Silvia Stringhini and colleagues
separately report representative population-based seroprevalence data from Spain and
Switzerland collected from April to early May this year. Studies were done in both
the severely affected urban area of Geneva, Switzerland, and the whole of Spain, capturing
both strongly and less affected provinces. Both studies recruited randomly selected
participants but excluded institutionalised populations (ie, permanent residents of
institutions such as prisons or care homes, as well as hospitalised residents), which
is a clear limitation. They relied on IgG as a marker for previous exposure, which
was detected by two assays for confirmation of positive results.
The Spanish study,
which included more than 60 000 participants, showed a nationwide seroprevalence of
5·0% (95% CI 4·7–5·4; specificity–sensitivity range of 3·7% [both tests positive]
to 6·2% [at least one test positive]), with urban areas around Madrid exceeding 10%
(eg, seroprevalence by immunoassay in Cuenca of 13·6% [95% CI 10·2–17·8]). These differences
in seroprevalence are also reflected in laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases, which
were much higher in urban areas than in rural areas. Similar numbers were obtained
across the 2766 participants in the Swiss study,
with seroprevalence data from Geneva reaching 10·8% (8·2–13·9) in early May. The rather
low seroprevalence in COVID-19 hotspots in both studies is in line with data from
Wuhan, the epicentre and presumed origin of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Surprisingly,
the study done in Wuhan approximately 4–8 weeks after the peak of infection reported
a low seroprevalence of 3·8% (2·6–5·4) even in highly exposed health-care workers,
despite an overwhelmed health-care system.
None of the studies reported sex differences, and both the studies from Geneva and
Spain reported lower seroprevalence in children than in adults.6, 7 Whether this reflects
a lower susceptibility of children to infection in general, or rather that the studies
were undertaken while schools and day-care centres were closed, remains to be elucidated.
The key finding from these representative cohorts is that most of the population appears
to have remained unexposed to SARS-CoV-2, even in areas with widespread virus circulation.
These findings are further supported by the observation that even countries without
strict lockdown measures have reported similarly low seroprevalence—eg, Sweden, which
reported a prevalence of 7·3% at the end of April—leaving them far from reaching natural
herd immunity in the population.
Such seroprevalence studies provide information only about previous exposure, rather
than immunity, as no neutralising antibodies are measured. Since no correlate of protection
for SARS-CoV-2 has been formally defined, we do not know what titre of neutralising
antibodies would protect recovered patients from secondary infection or if non-neutralising
antibodies could also contribute to protection. By analogy to common-cold coronaviruses,
immunity after SARS-CoV-2 infection is thought to be incomplete and temporary, lasting
only several months to a few years.10, 11 A subset of asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 cases
shows a lower antibody response and titres that wane quickly.
It is unknown whether these patients are protected by other immune functions, such
as cellular immunity. In summary, such individuals would not be detected by serological
assays but might confound the true exposure rate.
In light of these findings, any proposed approach to achieve herd immunity through
natural infection is not only highly unethical, but also unachievable. With a large
majority of the population being infection naive, virus circulation can quickly return
to early pandemic dimensions in a second wave once measures are lifted. In addition,
the geographical variability and the dynamic of weekly increasing seroprevalence rates
during the early phase of the pandemic highlight that these studies are only snapshots
in time and space, and reflect the circumstances of the period in which they were
done. As we are still in the midst of an unprecedented global health crisis, such
seroprevalence data will continue to be necessary for public health authorities to
estimate exposure rates, especially in areas with little testing capacity for acute
cases. If and when a vaccine is widely available, ongoing seroprevalence studies will
be able to provide information about the extent and duration of vaccine-induced herd
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