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    Review of 'Mpemba Effect- the Effect of Time'

    Mpemba Effect- the Effect of TimeCrossref
    An interesting alternative view of space and time but the argument is not convincing.
    Average rating:
        Rated 1.5 of 5.
    Level of importance:
        Rated 2 of 5.
    Level of validity:
        Rated 1 of 5.
    Level of completeness:
        Rated 1 of 5.
    Level of comprehensibility:
        Rated 1 of 5.
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    Reviewed article

    • Record: found
    • Abstract: found
    • Article: found
    Is Open Access

    Mpemba Effect- the Effect of Time

    By analyzing the relation between time and speed, the relation between time and gravitational field, the gravitational redshift of photon and the black-body radiation theorem, the conclusion that time on an object is proportional to the fourth power of the absolute temperature of the object is obtained. Applying the above conclusion about the nature of time, the author analyzes the Mpemba effect and the inverse Mpemba effect, and reaches the following conclusion: the Mpemba effect is the time effect produced when heat flows from objects into space, and the "inverse" Mpemba effect is the time effect produced when heat flows from space into objects.

      Review information

      This work has been published open access under Creative Commons Attribution License CC BY 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Conditions, terms of use and publishing policy can be found at www.scienceopen.com.

      Mpemba effect, inverse Mpamba effect, nature of time , time

      Review text

      On the one hand, the challenges of contemporary physics forces us to open new horizons and pose some of the old questions differently. But on the other hand any new idea must be tested against an ever going set of experimental knowledge. The result is that the progress about the fundamental nature of physical concept is painfully slow and any new idea is welcomed.

      The author proposes an unconventional point of view of several fundamental issues on physics. His idea merits attention and careful considerations. However the way the new vision is presented in Ref. [10] and this paper is too naive. For instance it is a nice intuitive picture to imagine etheric layer [10] but such a qualitative idea can not be balanced with effort spent to understand the null result of the Michelson-Morley experiment. In a similar manner, the opinion "the higher the energy density of space, the slower the time" is not more than a qualitative idea, against the careful considerations in Special Relativity about the apparent time dilation. In order to consider these ideas seriously the author should match the care and the details of the traditional theories and to point out precisely where his ideas are supposed to be more appropriate. Otherwise any apparent agreement between some particular observations and an intuitive idea seem to be not more than an accident.


      Many thanks to the reviewer for his valuable time and effort in reviewing this work. The following are the reviewer's two main comments and my replies to the comments:


      Comment 1:

      Reviewer said that " For instance it is a nice intuitive picture to imagine etheric layer [10] but such a qualitative idea can not be balanced with effort spent to understand the null result of the Michelson-Morley experiment".


      Reply to Comment 1:

      In reference [10], the author posits that every galaxy, planet, object or particle has an etheric layer that surrounds and moves with it. These etheric layers constitute the so-called absolute reference systems, and the so-called invariant principle of light speed can be expressed as the propagation speed of light in these etheric layers is constant C (299792458m/s), independent of the movement of light source or etheric layer.

      Since the earth's etheric layer does not move relative to the earth's surface, the speed of light entering the earth's etheric layer relative to the earth's surface is always C(299792458m/s). It follows that the result of the Michelson-Morley experiment must be zero (no movement of interference provisions)


      Comment 2:

      Reviewer said that “In a similar manner, the opinion "the higher the energy density of space, the slower the time" is not more than a qualitative idea, against the careful considerations in Special Relativity about the apparent time dilation.”


      Reply to Comment 2:

      The conclusion that "the higher the energy density in space, the slower the time" is concluded after summarizing the conclusion of special relativity that the faster the speed the slower the time and the conclusion of general relativity that the stronger the gravitational field the slower the time.

      The formula for the relation between time and speed in reference [10] is mathematically exactly the relation of special relativity, but completely different in physical interpretation.

      The velocity in reference [10] is the absolute velocity of the moving body relative to the etheric system in which it is located, whereas the velocity in special relativity is the velocity of the body relative to any inertial frame of reference.

      In addition, the quantitative formula that time is proportional to the fourth power of absolute temperature is finally obtained in this paper, namely formula (21).

      2021-12-03 08:10 UTC

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