The present research aims to analyze the power of anime and manga in promoting the expression of emotions and their elaboration by students of the 6th year of Elementary School. The study is anchored in the theoretical-methodological assumptions of Vygotsky's cultural-historical psychology. The author understands human development as a complex, permanent and continuous process, which takes place in the subject's interaction with culture. In order to fulfilled our objective, the research is proposed within the qualitative studies, as an intervention research, seeking to unite the research with the psychological practices that aim to transform the social conditions of the participants. Classroom meetings will be organized with students participating of a State School in the city of Campinas. In the meetings we will make use of the Japanese media materiality “anime”. Animes are animations that are mostly based on "mangas" (Japanese comics), and can be presented in various genres, demographic, and age classifications, addressing different themes of human behavior/expression. Will be proposed 11 meetings in which a different anime episode will be presented each day. Various themes were chosen, with the aim of encouraging the expression of young people's emotions, thoughts, and reflections. At the end of the episode, a debate will begin with triggering questions to deepen impressions, meanings, and future analyses. Blank sheets will be given to them so they can draw or write about their experiences and feelings on the day. Every meeting will be recorded and transcribed, and a field diary will be created with the researcher's observations. The students' productions at the meetings will also be part of the information. The analysis will gather these data based on the senses and meanings expressed by the students, relating anime, manga, and their educational context. It is also expected to contribute to substantiate the contribution of these media in the work of psychology in a school context.