Town Planning Review, the first academic journal devoted to Planning as a discipline, is a leading urban planning and regional planning journal providing a principal forum for communication between researchers and students, policy analysts and practitioners. The first three issues of Town Planning Review Volume 92 (2021) are special viewpoint issues which provide a snapshot of thought, critique and scholarship about the world condition in which we found ourselves in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Town Planning Review: COVID-19 Viewpoint Series includes over fifty viewpoints commissioned by the journal's co-editors; Daniel Baldwin Hess, John Sturzaker, and Alex Lord. The viewpoints come from thought leaders in both the academic and professional communities, looking at the impact of the pandemic on how we live, work, and play. The editors commisioned the series in the hope that the viewpoints will be useful for policy makers, advocates, scholars, students and indeed anyone with an interest in the future of our cities. Both as a means of stimulating reflection and improving practice in the present and near future, as planning seeks to address the changes wrought by the pandemic, and as a record of this ‘moment in time’ which future planning scholars and others can draw upon.