Special feature: Lessons Learned From Professional Doctorates

London Review of Education special feature.

Collection details

Lessons Learned From Professional Doctorates

London Review of Education special feature


From the Introduction by Ingrid Lunt: 'This special feature is a welcome addition to the literature on professional doctorates and a fitting celebration of 20 years of the IOE EdD. A number of the papers make specific reference to the dynamic development of the EdD at the IOE, reflecting the continuing efforts to create a doctoral degree fit for the various purposes and aspirations of its wide range of participants. In her paper, Taylor discusses some of the tensions inherent in the EdD as an apprenticeship for a particular leadership role, while Burnard et al. present in their paper some of the challenges faced by two senior professionals immersed in their ‘EdD journey’. Particularly welcome is the international participation of writers for this special feature in the London Review of Education, including India (Misra), Ireland (Moran), Israel (Bamberger) and Singapore (Chua).'


Publication date: 27 March 2018. Volume 16, Issue 1.


Guest editors

Denise Hawkes, UCL Institute of Education, UK
Sridevi Yerrabati, Sohar University, Oman
Susan Taylor, UCL Institute of Education, UK


Article list

Editorial: The EdD at 20: Lessons learned from professional doctorates

Authors: Denise Hawkes, Sridevi Yerrabati and Susan Taylor
Publsihed: 27 March 2018


Introduction to ‘The EdD at 20: Lessons learned from professional doctorates

Author: Ingrid Lunt
Published: 27 March 2018


A systematic review of research on professional doctorates

Authors: Denise Hawkes and Sridevi Yerrabati
Published: 27 March 2018


Academic degree recognition in a global era: The case of the doctorate of education (EdD) in Israel

Author: Annette Bamberger
Published: 27 March 2018


Voicing the professional doctorate and the researching professional’s identity: Theorizing the EdD’s uniqueness

Authors: Pamela Burnard, Tatjana Dragovic, Karen Ottewell and Wai Mun Lim
Published: 27 March 2018


Pensive professionalism: The role of ‘required reflection’ on a professional doctorate

Author: Bryan Cunningham
Published: 27 March 2018


Being written: Thinking the normative in the EdD

Author: S.M.J. Chua
Published: 27 March 2018


The landscape of professional doctorate provision in English higher education institutions: Inconsistencies, tensions and unsustainability

Author: Carol Robinson
Published: 27 March 2018


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