Computational Drug Repurposing Reviews (REPO4EU)

This is the collection of computational drug repurposing review papers gathered by WP2 partners for D2.1.

These metrics are updated across the whole ScienceOpen platform every 24 hours.

This is the collection of computational drug repurposing review papers gathered by WP2 partners for D2.1.
The collection comprises reviews with a focus on clinical applications of in-silicon drug repurposing, computational approaches used in the field, or specific implementations of those, i.e., tools and software.

(("drug repositioning"[Title] OR "drug repurposing"[Title]) AND (review[Title] OR "systematic review"[Title] OR "meta-analysis"[Title] OR "scoping review"[Title] OR "narrative review"[Title] OR "comprehensive review"[Title])) AND (computational OR bioinformatics OR "machine learning" OR "artificial intelligence" OR "systems biology" OR "network analysis" OR algorithm OR software OR database OR "in silico" OR "real world" OR clinical OR "computational method") AND ("2010"[Date - Publication] : "3000"[Date - Publication])

Collection Information