Journal of European Landscapes

Journal of European Landscapes (JEL) is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal launched to accelerate research and free information exchange in European landscape research. (Journal of European Landscapes is published by Amsterdam University Press (AUP))

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Journal of European Landscapes


Journal of European Landscapes is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal launched to accelerate research and free information exchange in European landscape research. Landscape is often described as a typical European theme, which is increasingly studied on a European level. However, there is no journal that focuses on the international dimensions of landscape and heritage. The Journal of European Landscapes fills this gap by stimulating and promoting both empirical research and reflexive thinking on the history and heritage of the landscapes of Europe.

Journal of European Landscapes is a Diamond open access journal and provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge (Creative Commons Attribution License CC BY 4.0).



Aims & Scope


As a result of growing economic interdependence and political integration, Europe becomes ever more important as a spatial framework for research. This is particularly true for landscape research. The development of landscapes is highly dependent on the politics of the European Union. Policies on landscape and heritage are increasingly influenced by international cooperation.

For disciplines with a spatial dimension, such as geography, archaeology, landscape research and heritage studies, this results in comparative research in regions in Europe and, sometimes, on Europe as a whole. As a result, there is a growing awareness of the European dimensions of landscape and heritage. Although landscape is a theme that is increasingly studied on a European level (in fact, landscape is often described as a typical European theme), there is no journal that focuses on landscape and heritage.

The Journal of European Landscapes fills this gap by stimulating and promoting both empirical research and reflexive thinking on the history and heritage of the landscapes of Europe. In our opinion, the proposed journal should focus on the history and heritage of landscape. For the historical dimension, the tradition of ‘landscape history and archaeology’, a successful research tradition on the British Isles, could be seen as a good basis. This tradition is also of growing importance in continental Europe. Heritage, defined as the present use of the past, is a good addition to this as it connects historical research with modern planning and management.

Journal of European Landscapes is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal launched to accelerate research and free information exchange in European landscape research. In addition to local and national focused journals the Journal of European Landscapes wants to stim­ulate debate, research and other forms of international cooperation.

Journal of European Landscapes publishes papers with an international comparative perspective on (rural, urban as well as industrial) landscapes in Europe, as well as European landscapes elsewhere. The Journal of European Landscapes also wants to document research projects in order to enable the academic community to access, discuss and scrutinize the value and meanings of the outcomes for future landscape research, policy and practice.

Journal of European Landscapes aims to offer a platform for interdisciplinary research into landscape. The historical and heritage dimensions of landscape are important, but the spatial, physical, visual, rep­resentational, philosophical and other landscape di­mensions are also included. In many cases this requires interdisciplinary research across academic disciplines ranging from archaeology, anthropology and art his­tory, to geography, earth sciences, economics, tourism studies and sociology. The Journal of European Landscapes aims to publish studies on the historical and heritage aspects of land­scape against the backdrop of challenges that Europe is facing today: the challenges of European unification, international cooperation and conflicts, migration, climate change, energy transition, increase of tourism, digitization and urbanization.



Editorial Board


Linde Egberts 
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Hans Renes 
Utrecht University
Utrecht, Netherlands

Arjan Conijn 
Managing Editor
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Groningen, Netherlands

David Koren
Leiden University
Leiden, Netherlands

Jan Kolen
Leiden University
Leiden, Netherlands

Julia van Duijvenvoorde
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, University of Heidelberg, Newcastle University

Bénédicte Gaillard
GPB College, International Graduate School: Heritage Studies


Advisory Board

Henk Baas, Cultural Heritage Agency, Amersfoort, Netherlands

Gert-Jan Burgers, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Andreas Dix, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, Bamberg, Germany

Graham Fairclough, Newcastle University, Newcastle, United Kingdom,

Carola Hein, Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands

Thomas Meier, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany,

Hannes Palang, Tallinn University, Tallinn, Estonia

Stefano Piastra  University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy,

Nicolas Schroeder, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium

Magali Watteaux, Université de Rennes, Rennes, France



Submitting an article


The Journal of European Landscapes is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal launched to accelerate research and free information exchange in European landscape research. In addition to local and national focused journals the Journal of European Landscapes wants to stimulate debate, research and other forms of international cooperation. JEL is a Diamond Open Access journal; authors do not have to provide open access chargers to publish in this journal. The Journal of European Landscapes considers the following papers: scientific papers, project descriptions, book reviews, and interviews. Articles should be submitted via the button Submit a manuscript. Please consult our Author Guidelines before submitting an article or other contribution for proposal. Please also fill out Consent to Publish form that can be downloaded here



Open Access Policy


Journal of European Landscapes is a Diamond open access journal and provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge (Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)).

For publication in Open Access for this journal, no contribution by the author is obligatory and authors keep the copyright to their works. So far, the journal has been able to support all publications in Open Access thanks to the support of our sponsors. Yet the editorial board strongly advises researchers in funded projects to make a voluntary contribution to the journal. Please contact Amsterdam University Press via for exact instructions to the voluntary Open Access contribution, or consult the guidelines in the Manuscript Submissions System.



Abstracting and Indexing


Archived: Portico, National Library of the Netherlands

Indexed: AltmetricASOS IndeksBaidu ScholarBASECabell's DirectoryChronosHubCNKICrossRefDimensionsERIH PLUSEZBGALE Academic OneFileGoogle ScholariDiscover (University of Cambridge)JournalTOCsLibrary of CongressLIVIVONAVIGANorwegian RegisterOpenAIREQOAM (Quality Open Access Market)ScilitSemantic ScholarSherpa/RomeoSOLO (Search Oxford Libraries Online)UnpaywallWeb of Science Researcher Profile (ex-Publons)WorldCatZDB



Call for Papers

Journal of European Landscapes

We are pleased to announce the second call for papers for the Journal of European Landscapes (JEL), a novel scientific peer-review publication that offers a platform for international exchanges on landscape studies. JEL particularly aims at stimulating and documenting research which explores the complex and varied crossovers between the traditions, histories and landscapes of Europe. By focusing on transnational comparative studies, JEL seeks to stimulate debate among different stakeholders and academia as well as to foster other forms of international cooperation.

The Journal of European Landscapes offers a platform for interdisciplinary research around the concept of landscape. A variety of landscape dimensions ranging from heritage to the spatial, physical, visual, representational, symbolic and philosophical are included and encouraged. In many cases, this requires research spanning across multiple disciplines such as archaeology, anthropology, art history, geography, earth sciences, economics, tourism studies and sociology.

JEL publishes not only research papers, but also project descriptions, book reviews and interviews of prominent researchers in the field of landscape studies.

Last published articles:

- The importance of landscape for identity in the aftermath of devastation and dislocation past and present. Authors: Ms Julia van Duijvenvoorde, Mr Graham Fairclough, Dr. Stelios Lekakis, Prof. Dr. Thomas Meier, Prof. Dr. Sam Turner & Mr Nikola Vuletic

- Research paper: The experience of common European heritage: A critical discourse analysis of tourism practices at Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe. Author: Daphne Martens

Papers on these topics can be submitted following our online system at 



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