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University of Westminster Press

Based in the heart of Central London, the University of Westminster Press (UWP) is a digital-first open access publisher of peer reviewed academic books, policy briefs and journals that was launched in 2015. It publishes widely in the social sciences, humanities and in environmental studies across its range of 41 books and various journals. A 'New University Press' (NUP) or mircopress, the University of Westminster Press maximises its impact via open access. By June 2020, views and downloads of its publications had exceeded 667,000 with 219 separate authors from 33 countries. The majority of its contributions are from non-UK authors in contemporary and interdisciplinary subject fields that reflect some of the research strengths of the University. 

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University of Westminster Press




Based in the heart of Central London, the University of Westminster Press (UWP) is a digital-first open access publisher of peer reviewed academic books, policy briefs and journals that was launched in 2015. It publishes widely in the social sciences, humanities and in environmental studies across its range of books and journals. 

UWP exists to provide global public access to academic work in multiple formats. In partnership with our authors and editors, we publish in areas that reflect the teaching and research strengths of the University of Westminster in social sciences and humanities, environment and cities, media arts and design and other subject areas. UWP builds upon the strengths and traditions of the academic community and alumni of the University of Westminster.


Goals of the University of Westminster Press


  • UWP works closely with researchers to ensure its publishing meets their needs and reflects the high standards of the respective disciplines in which it is active.

  • UWP, through a thorough peer review process, ensures the validity and quality of scholarship and thus maintains high standards for its academic publications.

  • UWP adds value to scholarly work through considered and diligent editorial input, professional layout and design, and worldwide dissemination.

  • UWP books and journals make essential research and analysis by its academic authors freely available to other researchers, policymakers, opinion leaders, and to the general public.

  • UWP strives to keep open access costs as low as possible, through sustainable and diverse sources of income. Its preferred ethos is that of the commons, supporting and encouraging distributed collective funding mechanisms, responsible metrics and the interests of readers, researchers, librarians, students and the general public. 

  • UWP's logo embodies our message: an open laptop and open book. 




Open Access


Inspired by the movement towards open access that is gathering pace across the world, our mission is to make journals and books free at the point of access in digital form and accessible and affordable in print, giving them the widest possible dissemination thus ensuring researchers around the globe can find scholarly materials without excess cost and with maximum convenience.

The Press provides gratis access to the readers of online journals, monographs and books completely free of charge in a variety of digital formats. We also offer the possibility of purchasing our books in print, trying to ensure that prices for the user are maintained as low as possible.



Publish with UWP


For journal article submissions please go to the submission pages of each journal. If you are interested in starting a new journal or transferring an existing one please contact us stating if you have any existing or alumni connections to the University of Westminster. For books proposals may be submitted via our books platform at We will be happy to explain our publishing protocols and to discuss with you how we may be able to meet your publishing requirements and objectives. UWP is a 'micropress' - it is able to take on limited amounts of new book projects with funding – but currently we are unable to consider large book series and major new journals. 




Active Travel Studies

Active Travel Studies is a peer-reviewed, open access journal publishing authoritative research on walking, cycling and other forms of active travel. In the context of a climate emergency, widespread health problems associated with inactvitity, and poor air quality caused in large part by fossil-fuel transport, this journal is relevant and timely. As well as informing the research agenda, it will provide practitioners and policymakers with access to current and robust findings on all subject relevant to active travel.

Based on high academic standards, and providing a bridge between research and practice, the journal's remit is to share knowledge, from any academic discipline, from bioscience to anthropology, that can contribute to building knowledge to support active travel and remove barriers to it. (publ. by University of Westminster Press)

Created on 2021-10-07

Anthropocenes – Human, Inhuman, Posthuman

Anthropocenes – Human, Inhuman, Posthuman is a global interdisciplinary journal. Moving beyond concerns around global warming and the environment it focuses on diverse theoretical approaches to the anthropocene from social sciences and humanities.  It aims to be at the centre of conceptual debates regarding the current epoch and environment. Anthropocenes –  Human, Inhuman, Posthuman's core contributor base and readership will be in the social sciences, arts and humanities although often social and political thought will be applied to aspects of the natural or ‘hard’ sciences.

(U Westminster Press)

Created on 2020-05-25

Entertainment and Sports Law Journal

The Entertainment and Sports Law Journal is a refereed, online, open access journal. It is located within a dynamic and rapidly expanding area of legal theory and practice. Whilst focussed within legal study, the areas it encompasses are necessarily interdisciplinary. Entertainment Law, Media Law, Sports Law, IP Law, Licensing Law – these are all subjects that are taught at undergraduate and postgraduate level at increasing numbers of Law Schools in the UK and beyond. (publ. by University of Westminster Press)

Created on 2024-09-16

Journal of Deliberative Democracy

The Journal of Deliberative Democracy (formerly the Journal of Public Deliberation) publishes articles that shape the course of scholarship on deliberative democracy. It is the forum for the latest thinking, emerging debates, alternative perspectives, as well as critical views on deliberation. (publ. by University of Westminster Press)

Created on 2021-10-07

Silk Road: A Journal of Eurasian Development

Silk Road is a new journal of social sciences evidence-based research and policy studies on Silk Road countries, Central Asia and their international interactions. Silk Road exists to promote evidence-based scholarly research in social sciences and public policy studies that make the affairs of the Great Silk Road countries an area of significant interest, scholarship and impact. Applied interdisciplinary and empirical papers are welcomed.

Published by the University of Westminster Press its international team of editors and journal board members are located globally with a base at the Westminster International University of Tashkent in Uzbekistan (WIUT). 


Created on 2020-05-25

University of Westminster Press Books

An open access interdisciplinary list featuring titles in media and communication studies; law and the senses; social theory; politics and history; internet studies, education and philosophy.

Created on 2020-05-25

Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture

Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture (WPCC) wishes to engage international scholars in a critical debate about the relationship between communication, culture and society in the 21st century.

WPCC is a peer-reviewed journal, published online. The interdisciplinary nature of the field of Media and Cultural Studies is reflected in the diverse methods, contexts and themes of the papers published. Areas of interest include – but are not limited to – the history and political economy of the media, popular culture, media users and producers, political communication and developments arising from digital technologies in the context of an increasingly globalized and networked world.


Created on 2020-05-25

Collection Information