Intelligent Marine Technology and Systems

Intelligent Marine Technology and Systems (IMTS) is a high-quality international platform for the exchange the latest discoveries from global artificial intelligence in marine technology and systems. IMTS is an Open Access (OA) journal. The journal is intended for marine artificial intelligence and marine big data, marine environment perception (including physical environment perception and biological environment perception), and marine instruments and engineering.


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Intelligent Marine Technology and Systems (IMTS)


Aims and scope

Intelligent Marine Technology and Systems (IMTS) is a high-quality international platform for the exchange the latest discoveries from global artificial intelligence in marine technology and systems. IMTS is an Open Access (OA) journal. The journal is intended for marine artificial intelligence and marine big data, marine environment perception (including physical environment perception and biological environment perception). The journal will publish original papers of innovative idea and concepts, new discoveries and improvements as well as novel applications.

The areas that the journal cover include, but are not limited to:

  1. Marine artificial intelligence and Marine big data: including ocean phenomenon recognition, ocean data super resolution, ocean phenomenon prediction, ocean multimodal data processing, underwater pattern recognition, big data collection and transmission, ocean big data storage and management, ocean big data information mining, ocean big data visualization and analysis, etc.
  2. Marine environment perception: (1) Physical environment perception, including underwater acoustics, underwater optics, marine remote sensing, marine internet of things; (2) Biological environment perception: including using all kinds of intelligent technology and systems to understand biological oceanography, interactions between marine organisms, marine ecosystem dynamics, marine biotelemetry, etc.
  3. Marine instruments and engineering: including marine exploration equipment, ocean energy utilization, deep-sea operation instruments, underwater robots, and other instruments and application technologies related to marine resources exploitation and marine environment governance, etc.



Editorial Board



Prof. Junyu Dong, Ocean University of China, China
Research area: Ocean big data, AI


Honorary Editor-in-Chief

Prof. Witold Pedrycz, University of Alberta, Canada
Research area: Computational intelligence, Granular computing, and Machine learning


Advisory Board Memeber

Prof. Sheng Chen, University of Southampton, UK
Research area: Learning theory and neural networks, Adaptive signal processing for communications
Prof. Weibiao Chen, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Research area: All-solid-state laser technology, Lidar, Laser communication
Prof. Xingwei Jiang, National Satellite Ocean Application Service, China
Research area: Marine satellite engineering, Physical oceanography, Marine remote sensing
Prof. Huajun Li, Ocean University of China, China
Research area: Port, coastal and offshore engineering
Prof. Juncheng Wang, Laoshan Laboratory, China
Research area: Marine environment monitoring technology
Prof. Zhiqiang Wei, Qingdao University, China
Research area: Intelligent information processing, Multimedia big data analysis
Prof. Mengjie Zhang, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Research area: AI, Machine learning, Big data
Prof. Qiangfu Zhao, Aizu University, Japan
Research area: Mathematical informatics, Machine learning


Section Editor

Prof. Ge Chen, Ocean University of China, China
Research area: Ocean remote sensing and big data
Prof. Lei Guan, Ocean University of China, China
Research area: Ocean remote sensing
Prof. Zhao Jing, Ocean University of China, China
Research area: Small and medium scale marine dynamic processes
Prof. Bingchen Liang, Ocean University of China, China
Research area: Learning theory and neural networks, Adaptive signal processing for communications
Prof. Kehou Pan, Laoshan Laboratory, China
Research area: Mariculture and marine ecology
Prof. Gaige Wang, Ocean University of China, China
Research area: Marine artificial intelligence and Marine big data
Prof. Nengyou Wu, Qingdao Institute of Marine Geology, China
Research area: Marine Geology, Gas Hydrate


Preliminary Editorial Board

Prof. Hongsheng Bi, University of Maryland, USA
Research area: Fisheries Oceanography, Imaging systems
Prof. Ying Bi, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Research area: Marine Image Analysis, Intelligent Systems, Evolutionary Computation
Prof. Long Chen, Imperial College London, UK
Research area: Underwater object detection, Underwater image enhancement
Prof. Long Chen, University of Macau, Macau, China
Research area: Computational Intelligence and Its Application, AI in Biology and Chemistry
Prof. Qi Chen, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Research area: Machine Learning, Regression, Classification, Pattern Recognition, Evolutionary Computation, Genetic Programming
Prof. Shuguo Chen, Ocean University of China, China
Research area: Ocean optics, Water color remote sensing
Prof. Wei Gao, Ocean University of China, China
Research area: Ocean acoustics
Prof. Amir H. Gandom, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Research area: Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Genetic Programming, Engineering Optimization, Evolutionary Computation, Smart Cities, Data-Driven IoT
Prof. Yakun Ju, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Research area: Computational photography, Computer vision, Image processing
Prof. Daniel Killeen, The New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research, New Zealand
Research area: Analytical chemistry, Chemometrics
Prof. Zhongping Lee, Xiamen University, China
Research area: Natural water radiative transmission, Ocean color remote sensing inversion algorithm
Prof. Ivy Liu, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Research area: Statistical learning, Cluster analysis, Categorical data analysis
Prof. Bingkun Luo, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysic, USA
Research area: Remote sensing
Prof. Laurent Nana, Université De Bretagne Occidentale, France
Research area: Safety and security of information and systems
Prof. Jie Nie, Ocean University of China, China
Research area: Multimodal big data mining, Multimedia content analysis
Prof. Wei Pang, Heriot-Watt University, UK
Research area: Machine learning, Data mining
Prof. Kyung-Ae Park, Seoul National University, Korea
Research area: Remote sensing, satellite oceanography
Prof. Jun Wang, Western Sydney University, Australia
Research area: Construction automation, Digital asset management, Knowledge graph
Prof. Sen Wang, Imperial College, UK
Research area: Robot localisation, Robot vision
Prof. Xu Wang, Heriot-Watt University, UK
Research area: Remote sensing, AI
Prof. John Watson, University of Aberdeen, UK
Research area: Ocean Optics, Underwater Imaging
Prof. Junhui Xing, Ocean University of China, China
Research area: Marine geophysics, Sea ice acoustic
Prof. Wei-Chang Yeh, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, China
Research area: Network Reliability, Optimization Problem, SSO and Soft Computing
Prof. Jingwei Yin, Harbin Engineering University, China
Research area: Underwater acoustic communication, Polar acoustics
Prof. Hui Yu, University of Portsmouth, UK
Research area: Visual computing, Data classification
Prof. Guang Yuan, Ocean University of China, China
Research area: Infrared optics, nanomaterials
Prof. Haiyong Zheng, Ocean University of China, China
Research area: Intelligent information perception and processing
Prof. Huiyu Zhou, University of Leceister, UK
Research area: Applied algorithms, AI
Dr. Wenwen Chen, Ocean University of China, China
Prof. Limin Yang, Ocean University of China, China


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