CABI Agriculture and Bioscience

CABI Agriculture and Bioscience is an international, open access journal publishing high-quality, rigorously peer-reviewed multi-, inter- and transdisciplinary research focused on agriculture, food security, and the environment. 

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CABI Agriculture and Bioscience



CABI Agriculture and Bioscience is an international, open access journal publishing high-quality, rigorously peer-reviewed multi-, inter- and transdisciplinary research focused on agriculture, food security, and the environment. 
Global agriculture faces many challenges today. How can we produce more safe, nutritious food in the face of climate change? Can we balance greater efficiencies with the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect biodiversity?  Can we meet changing market demands and yet develop more equitable economies? Can agriculture provide a livelihood and opportunities for women and young people? 
These problems require increasingly complex and urgent solutions from researchers and policymakers. The journal editors are committed to encouraging an inclusive culture of scientific discussion and rapid information sharing among researchers worldwide.  



Journal themes and topics  


CABI Agriculture and Bioscience publishes both large and incremental advances in science in primary and multidisciplinary fields across the biosciences, agriculture, agronomy, microbiology, social sciences, and the environment. 

 Journal sections: 

  • Agroecology 
  • Animal Science, Management & Health 
  • Climate Change 
  • Conservation, Restoration & Sustainability 
  • Entomology & Pest Management 
  • Environmental & Soil Science 
  • Evidence-Based Agriculture 
  • Food Security, Nutrition & Planetary Health 
  • Forestry 
  • Genomics 
  • Horticulture 
  • Invasive Species
  • Microbiomes 
  • Plant Pathology 
  • Plant Science & Breeding 
  • Precision Agriculture, Robotics & Technology 
  • Social Sciences 




CABI Agriculture and Bioscience articles are indexed in: 

  • ESCI 
  • CAB Abstracts 
  • CNKI 
  • Dimensions 
  • DOAJ 
  • EBSCO Discovery Service 
  • Google Scholar 
  • Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China 
  • Meta 
  • Naver 
  • OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service 
  • ProQuest-ExLibris Primo
  • ProQuest-ExLibris Summon   

The full text of all articles is deposited in Portico to guarantee long-term digital preservation. 
ISSN: 2662-4044 


Editorial Board

CABI Agriculture and Bioscience has a highly interdisciplinary Editorial Board to ensure that the journal is equipped with the necessary expertise to handle manuscripts relating to all topics within agriculture, the related biosciences and the environment with efficiency and integrity. The Editorial Board has been grouped according to the journal sections listed below. The subject areas cover the majority of the content relevant to CABI Agriculture and Bioscience, but may be expanded over time to be as inclusive as possible.


To learn more about the primary and cross-cutting subjects of interest, click on the links below:

Agroecology  |  Animal Science, Management & Health  |  Climate Change  |  Conservation, Restoration & Sustainability  |  Entomology & Pest Management  |  Environmental & Soil Science  |  Evidence-Based Agriculture  |  Food Security, Nutrition & Planetary Health  |  Forestry  |  Genomics  |  Horticulture  |  Invasive Species  |  Microbiomes  |  Plant Pathology  |  Plant Science & Breeding  |  Precision Agriculture, Robotics & Technology  |  Social Sciences | Mentees 

The full Editorial Board is available here.


Editorial Leadership



  • Niklaus Grünwald, USDA Agricultural Research Service, USA, North America

Niklaus Grünwald, Ph.D., is a Distinguished Senior Research Plant Pathologist with the USDA Agricultural Research Service in Corvallis, Oregon and a courtesy professor at Oregon State University in the Department of Botany and Plant Pathology. He is widely recognized for his contributions to the study of oomycete plant pathogens, particularly Phytophthora species. His research combines tools from genomics, epidemiology and bioinformatics, with translational research approaches to strategically address some of the fundamental challenges posed by emerging plant pathogens. Dr. Grünwald is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and American Phytopathological Society (APS) and served as APS President in 2023-24.

ORCID | LinkedIn | Website | Google Scholar


Senior Editors

  • Nicolas Desneux, INRAE, France, Europe
  • Sileshi Gudeta Weldesemayat, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia, Africa
  • Pablo Marquet, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile, South America
  • Mamta Sharma, International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, India, Asia


Editorial Policies


The editorial policies which apply to CABI Agriculture and Bioscience are available here and include:

  • Peer review process
  • Authorship criteria
  • Author name changes
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Conflicts of interest
  • License to publish and open access
  • Pricing transparency
  • Availability of data and materials
  • Preprints and prior publication
  • Research ethics and codes of conduct
  • Research involving humans and informed consent
  • Research involving animals
  • Reporting sex and gender in research
  • Study registration
  • Allegations of misconduct
  • Corrections, retractions, and updates to Version of Record
  • Appeals
  • Complaints
  • Journal contacts
  • Author submission guidelines


Submission Guidelines


CABI Agriculture and Bioscience provides a personal and proactive publishing service to its authors. We want to help you describe your work in a way that maximises its impact while retaining its research integrity – so our author guidelines are designed to ensure that you provide us with the necessary content and information to do just that – and no more.  

Before submitting your article, please ensure that your article fits the journal’s Aims and Scope and please read the Editorial Policies which include information on authorship criteria, conflicts of interest, peer-review process, and research and publication ethics.  

If you have questions or need assistance, please contact the journal editorial office


The submission guidelines are available here and include:

  • Submission checklist
  • Article types
  • Manuscript structure and specifications
  • Manuscript submission process
  • Open access article processing charge
  • Process for accepted articles
  • CABI Staff Contacts


Key features of CABI Agriculture and Bioscience

  • Q1 of the Journal Citation ReportsTM (Agriculture, Multidisciplinary) and Scopus (Agricultural and Biological Sciences)
  • Publishes a wide range of special issues and article types including Research articles, Reviews, and Systematic reviews
  • Offers a 50% discount on the article processing charge (APC) for Commentaries, Data Notes, Mini Reviews, Rapid Communications, and Research Methods and Protocols
  • Generous waivers and discounts (Research4Life partner) are available, including discretionary waivers by request
  • Priority for discretionary waivers is given to the following author groups: students without access to funding support, practitioners, and researchers not affiliated with a research institution
  • Actively encourages research and participation from the Global South, including early career researchers

Collection Information