Journal of Mine Automation, whose former name was Coal Mine Automation, was founded in 1973 and published publicly since 1978. It is a monthly publication supervised by China Coal Technology & Engineering Group (CCTEG) and sponsored by CCTEG Changzhou Research Institute. It is the only professional scientific and technical journal that focuses on the automation, informatization and intelligent technology of coal mines in China.
Journal of Mine Automation, whose former name was Coal Mine Automation, was founded in 1973 and published publicly since 1978. It is a monthly publication supervised by China Coal Technology & Engineering Group (CCTEG) and sponsored by CCTEG Changzhou Research Institute. It is the only professional scientific and technical journal that focuses on the automation, informatization and intelligent technology of coal mines in China.
The journal has been selected as Chinese Core Journal, Chinese Science Citation Database(CSCD), Key Magazine of China Technology, RCCSE Chinese Core Academic Journal (A), High-quality Scientific Journal of Geology (Tier 2), and High-quality Scientific Journal of Coal Science (Tier 2). According to the citation reports published by Institute of Scientific & Technical Information of China (ISTIC), the journal’s 2021 Core Impact Factor is 1.468, ranking 6th among journals of the same field.
The journal aims to promote advanced experience, scientific research results, professional knowledge, and scientific information related to coal science and technology, and hereby contribute to the development and application of coal mine automation, informatization and intelligent technology.
Monitoring technology for coal mine safety; intelligent mining technology of coal mine; automatic control technology of coal mine machinery; monitoring and control technology for coal mine electromechanical equipment status; coal mine electric drive and control technology; coal mine communication technology; equipment and technology for coal mine rescue and disaster relief; mining sensors, instruments and meters; anti-explosion technology for mining products; coal mining electrical supply technology; coal mining information technology; intelligent mining and Internet of Things technology, etc.
The readers of Journal of Mine Automation are mainly scientific researchers, teaching staff in colleges and universities, and professional engineers in the fields of coal science and technology, and mining engineering.
Contact us
Address: No.1 Mushu Road, Zhonglou District, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China
Post Code: 213015
Editor-in-Chief: TIAN Hua Yonghui Li(Australia)
Deputy Editor-in-Chief: WANG Hui
Editors: ZHANG Qiang, LI Ming, HU Xian, SHENG Nan, ZHENG Haixia
Clerical Staff: ZHANG Ju
Tel: 0519-86998515 (Editors), 86998217 (Clerical Staff)
For information on the Editorial Board please visit the journal website here
For information on the Publishing Ethics please visit the journal website here
For information on the Open Access Policy please visit the journal website here
For information on the Submission of Journal of Mine Automation please visit the journal website here