Journal of Modern Nanotechnology

The Journal of Modern Nanotechnology (JMN, ISSN 2788-8118), published by the Innovation Forever Publishing Group Limited, is an open access quarterly journal striving to provide an academic exchange platform online for researchers and readers in the fields of nano science or nano engineering

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Journal of Modern Nanotechnology


The Journal of Modern Nanotechnology (JMN, ISSN 2788-8118), published by the Innovation Forever Publishing Group Limited, is an open access quarterly journal striving to provide an academic exchange platform online for researchers and readers in the fields of nano science or nano engineering.



Aim and scope


JMN’s intended readership includes physicists and other related professional researchers and technicians who are committed to advancing nanotechnology development.


JMN’s authorship is mainly physicists and researchers but is not tightly constricted as long as papers fit with our scope (research article, review, letter to the editor, editorial, short communication, correspondence, comment, perspective).


JMN welcomes Researchers, Physicists, Research Institutions, etc. to present your authoritative, innovative and insightful works through this journal publication to advance knowledge for nano science or nano engineering.



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Instructions for authors


For instructions for authors please follow this link






Editorial board


The full Editorial Board can be seen here



Collection Information

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