Hematology and Oncology Discovery

Hematology and Oncology Discovery is a peer reviewed, open access journal on hematology and oncology research, spanning from basic laboratory, translational to clinical investigations.  The journal aims to provide a platform for hematologists and oncologists to communicate practical experiences to facilitate real-case diagnosis and treatments as well as adoption of latest physiological and biological advances and new technologies derived, and to inspire researchers to tackle challenges from clinical settings. 

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 For more information on Hematology and Oncology Discovery please see https://hod-journal.org/background/


 Editorial Board information is available at https://hod-journal.org/editorial-board/


 Submissions to Hematology and Oncology Discovery are made using ScholarOne, the online submission and peer review system. Registration and access are available at https://mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/hemoncdisc


 Instructions to Authors are available at https://hod-journal.org/instructions-to-authors/


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