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Vascular Biology

Fully open-access journal publishing the latest basic, clinical and translational research and reviews in the field of vascular biology, including cardiology, oncology, vascular development, inflammation, wound healing, and bioengineering. (published by Bioscientifica)

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Vascular Biology



This collection includes the latest research from the open-access journal Vascular Biology, published by Bioscientifica.
Vascular Biology publishes the latest basic, clinical and translational research and reviews in the field of vascular biology, including cardiology, oncology, vascular development, inflammation, wound healing, and bioengineering.


Vascular Biology offers to authors the highest possible visibility for their research and through its rapid peer review and publication policy, it aims to return a decision on a peer-reviewed paper in less than a month. Accepted manuscripts are published online and fully citable within 24 hours of acceptance. Where appropriate, published articles are promoted to scientists and clinicians from all over the world to ensure maximum reach and visibility of our authors’ work.

At Vascular Biology you can publish free of charge, as Bioscientifica is sponsoring the Article Publication Charge during the launch years, offering authors far-reaching exposure and impact for their work at no additional cost.



Editorial Board


Co-editors in chief

  • Marie-José Goumans, PhD
    Professor of Cardiovascular Cell Biology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, the Netherlands.
  • Paul Quax, PhD
    Professor of Experimental Vascular Medicine, Leiden University Medical Center; and Head of Experimental Vascular Surgery and Director, Cardiovascular Research Program, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, the Netherlands.


Senior Editors

  • Ayman Al Haj Zen, PhD
  • Sabine Bailly, PhD
  • Jaap D van Buul, PhD
  • David Dichek, MD
  • Shigetomo Fukuhara, PhD
  • Jennifer Gamble, PhD
  • Fumiko Itoh, PhD
  • Elizabeth Jones, PhD
  • Anne Lagendijk, PhD
  • Peter J Little, AM, PhD
  • Paolo Maddedu, PhD
  • Naoki Mochizuki MD, PhD
  • Maurizio Pesce, PhD
  • Gianfranco Pintus, MSc, PhD
  • Seppo Ylä-Herttuala, MD, PhD


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