Blockchain in Healthcare Today

Blockchain in Healthcare Today (BHTY) is the world’s first peer review journal that amplifies and disseminates distributed ledger technology research and innovations in the healthcare sector. The Gold open-access journal facilitates sharing, discussion and consensus building for a multi-disciplinary global ecosystem engaged in discovering, implementing and modernizing quality affordable health systems and care for health citizens. 

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Blockchain in Healthcare Today


Aims & Scope


Blockchain in Healthcare Today (BHTY) is the world’s first peer reviewed open access journal that amplifies and disseminates distributed ledger technology research and innovations in the healthcare information systems, clinical computing, network technologies and biomedical sciences. Fields of interest include utility for data integrity, privacy preservation, health information systems interoperability, permissioned security for health data, clinical support and clinical trials management, supply chain management, revenue cycle automation, cost and impact, and the integration of AI and machine learning tools in this emerging specialty field of research.

The preeminent international journal is published on a continuous basis to accelerate sharing rigorously vetted theoretical and experiential knowledge required for a global multi-disciplinary ecosystem. A world-class peer review board endeavors to offer rapid peer review and includes constructive commentary to strengthen work.



Editorial Focus:


  • USE CASES:  contact tracing,  supply chains and management, distributed data storage, security and privacy, cybersecurity, enterprise grade, discovery frameworks, roadmaps, key learnings from successful and unsuccessful experiences
  • SPECIAL REPORTS: public health impact, pandemic core challenges and opportunities with DLT, consensus statements, guidelines and recommendations from a task force or work group, technology adoption and market trends, regulatory healthcare compliance and the impact of relaxed policies. These manuscripts are neither reviews nor original reports of primary research. 
  • MODELS for TRUST: Zero knowledge proofs and data privacy, Secure multiparty computation and privacy preserving technology, consensus algorithms and data provenance, transactional data sharing and integrity.  
  • NEW BUSINESS MODELS: value based health economics, incentive models, cashless economy, internet of value, ecosystem structure and dynamics, scalability, sustainability, and disintermediation
  • HIT: Electronic Health Records, interoperability, medical devices, clinical trials, provenance,  Internet of Things (IoT), wearables, sensors, smart  homes and health environments
  • LEGAL, REGULATORY and ETHICS: health ploicy, regulation, governance, consumer protection, ethical considerations for new technology, health insurance, fraud, liability, indemnification
  • EDUCATION: technology fundamentals, innovation management, managing digital transformation, workforce transformation

In addiion, BHTY publishes a BLOG, where authors can share experiences and reflections including commentary, discussion and debate on any aspect of healthcare, policy, and technology around the globe. The submission should be approximately 1000 words.



Time Stamped Ledger of Record for Researchers 


BHTY is pleased to offer the first life science research portal for authors and global communities. The portal registers each original research article’s provenance on the blockchain for every author to create a permanent and immutable public record of their work on the blockchain for the scientific community.
The BHTY+ARTiFACTS portal provides custom dashboards so authors and research teams can:

  1. Transact smart contracts on the blockchain to secure the provenance of their research files and receive citations in real time
  2. Control access to their research materials
  3. Synchronize with their ORCID ID’s and works and many other capabilities and features

In addition, authors can include relevant software code and data in the peer review workflow by uploading it to BHTY’s Code Ocean computational reproducibility workflow. 



Submission Categories


Authors around the globe are invited to submit original papers in the following categories:

  • Proof of Concept
  • Use Cases, Pilots
  • Technical Briefs
  • Special Reports to include original consensus statements, guidelines, or recommendations
  • Methodologies/API
  • Production, Deployment
  • Original Research
  • Original Market Research
  • Narrative/Systematic Reviews/Meta-Analysis
  • Opinions, Perspectives, and Commentary on a current trend or issue impacting the sector
  • Training and Tool Kits



Editorial Team


Blockchain in Healthcare Today (BHTY) requires all board and staff members to disclose conflict of interests and financial relationships.  An individual has a relevant financial relationship if he/she and/or a spouse or partner had a financial relationship in any amount occurring in the last 12 months, and reported below. 

All editorial team members including are asked to review manuscript submissions. In addition, Editorial Stewards are asked to provide strategic journal input.  




Bill Buchanan, OBE, Professor, School of Computing, Edinburgh Napier University; Fellow of the BCS, United Kingdom

Competing interests 

I have no commercial interests to disclose.


John D. Halamka, MD, MS,  President, Mayo Clinic Platform, USA

Competing interests 

Arcadia Healthcare Solutions Advisory Board

New Leaf Venture Partners Advisory Board

Orion Healthcare Board of Directors

Gates Foundation Consultant


Douglas Shinsato, Editor Emeritus 



Editorial Stewards


Combiz Richard Abdolrahimi, Emerging Technologies & Innovation Leader, Deloitte, USA

Competing interests 

I have no commercial interests to declare.


Gil Alterovitz, PhD, Faculty, Harvard Medical School/Boston Children's Hospital, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

Competing interests 

I have no commercial interests to declare.


Mate Beštek, BSc, National Institute of Public Health, Center for Healthcare Informatics, Republic of Slovenia; Faculty, Computer and Information Dept., University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Competing interests 

I am Advisor to


Uli Broedl, MD, VP Medical & Regulatory Affairs, Boehringer Ingelheim Canada

Competing interests 

I work for Boehringer Ingelheim


Kevin A. Clauson, PharmD, Associate Professor, Lipscomb University College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences, USA

Competing interests 

I have served as a consultant through a third party consultancy for blockchain companies focused on healthcare and health care companies exploring blockchain solutions. I have fluid cryptoasset/cryptocurrency holdings.


Mercury Fox, Director, CODATA-UA Center of Excellence in Data for Society, Data7 + iSchool, University of Arizona, USA

Competing interests 

 I have no commercial interests to declare.


Florence D. Hudson, Founder and CEO, FDHint, Special Advisor of NSF Cybersecurity Center of Excellence at Indiana University, Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub at Columbia University, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society - Standards Committee, USA

Competing interests 

I have no commercial interests to declare.


Mike Jacobs, Technology Fellow and SVP of Engineering, Optum, USA

 Competing interests 

Employee of Optum (part of Unitedhealth Group)

Stock shareholder of Unitedhealth Group (UNH)

Holder of intellectual property rights and patents


Taha Kass-Hout, MD, MS, Former FDA Chief Health Informatics Officer, USA

Competing interests 

I have no commercial interests to declare.


Anjum Khurshid, MD, PhD, Director, Data Integration, Co-Chief, Health Information and Data Analytic Sciences, Assistant Professor of Population Health, Affiliate Faculty, Center for Health Communication, Dell Medical School  and  The University of Texas at Austin, USA

Competing interests 

Employee, University of Texas at Austin

Consultant, Booz Allen Hamilton, 2018- 2019


George Kolostoumpis, BSc, PhD, External Scientific Expert, ECDC; Technical Expert, EUREKA, Germany

Competing interests 

I have no commercial interests to declare.


Prasad Kothari, MS, Vice President - The Smart Cube, USA

Competing interests 

I have no commercial interests to declare.


Tim Ken Mackey, MAS, PhD, Associate Professor of Anesthesiology and Global Public Health, UC San Diego School of Medicine and Director of Healthcare Research and Policy, UC San Diego, USA

Competing interests 

Tim K. Mackey serves as the Co-Chair for the IEEE Standards Association Supply Chain/Clinical Trials Technology Implementation Industry Connections Program, is an invited participant in the DSCSA & Blockchain Study by the Center for Supply Chain Studies, and is a member of the Advisory Board for the company FarmaTrust, a blockchain company developing technology for the pharmaceutical supply chain.


Manouchehr (Mitch) Mokhtari, PhD, Professor, School of Public Health, University of Maryland, College Park, USA

Competing interests 

I have no commercial interests to declare.


Jim Markwith, Founder, Markwith Law PS, Faculty and Mentor, Santa Clara University School of Law, Entrepreneurs' Law Clinic, USA

Competing interests 

In my capacity as a technology, IT, and healthcare IT attorney, I am outside legal counsel to multiple healthcare related entities:

Apervita, Inc.

Blue Cross Blue Shield of South Carolina

Blue Health Intelligence

CommonWell Health Alliance, Inc.

Discover Alliance, Inc.

Eligible, Inc.

Health Data Link, Inc.

Stryker Corporation


Jim Nasr, ​CEO, Acoer, USA

Competing interests 


Eric Pisini, Global VP Blockchain, IBM Watson Health, USA

Competing interests 

I have no commercial interests to declare.


Susan Ramonat, CEO, Spiritus Partners, USA

Competing interests 
I am a shareholder and board member of Spiritus Partners, Inc.


Ammar Rayes, Ph.D., Distinguished Engineer / vCTO AI Analytics, Cisco Systems, USA

Competing interests 

I have no commercial interests to declare.


Tom Savel, MD, Director, Informatics Innovation Unit, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology and Laboratory Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), USA

Competing interests 

I have fluid cryptoasset/cryptocurrency holdings.


Khaled Salah, PhD, Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Khalifa University, UAE

Competing interests 

I have no commercial interests to declare.


Weisong Shi, PhD, Charles H. Gershenson Distinguished Faculty Fellow and Professor of Computer Science, Wayne State University; Program Director of the Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), Wayne State University, USA

 Competing interests

I have no commercial interests to declare.


Mona Siddiqui, MDMPH, Senior Vice President, Clinical Strategy and Quality, Enterprise Clinical Management at Humana, USA

Competing interests

I have no commercial interests to declare.


Sweta Sneha, PhD, Executive Director of Healthcare Management Informatics. Professor of Information Systems, Coles College of Business, Kennesaw University, USA 

Competing interests

I have no commercial interests to declare.



Peer Reviewers


Elizabeth Breeden, DPh, MS, CPHIMS, Assoc Professor, Chair, Health Care Informatics, College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Lipscomb University, USA

Competing interests 

I have no commercial interests to declare.


Debbie Bucci, Former ONC IT Architect, USA

Competing interests 

I have no commercial interests to declare.


Wendy Charles, PhD, CIP, CCRP, CBP, Chief Scientific Officer, BurstIQ

Competing interests 

I am employed by BurstIQ, a blockchain platform provider that implements blockchains for healthcare and life sciences organizations. 


Vikram Dhillon, Research Fellow, Institute of Simulation and Training at University of Central Florida, USA

Competing interests 

I have no commercial interests to declare.


Cees Hesp, Director mHealth Research Labs, PharmAccess Foundation, and Director, Digital Impact Alliance (DIAL), United Nations Foundation, Netherlands

Competing interests 

I am employed at PharmAccess, serve on the board of Directors of DIAL, and have an unpaid advisory role at SuretyBlock. SuretyBlock is a blockchain-based online insurance marketplace. I have no other commercial interests to disclose.


Louis O. Jeansonne IV, MD, Chief Medical Information Officer, Ochsner Health, Ochsner Medical Center Baton Rouge, USA

Competing interests 

I have no commercial interests to declare.


Anh L. Ngo, MD, MBA, Co-Founder, Pain Specialty Group, Committee on Admissions, Harvard Medical School, USA

Competing interests

I am the owner of Safety Medical Laboratories 


Tina Penman, AuD, Regional Research Administrator, Department of Defense Hearing Center of Excellence (HCE), National Center for Rehabilitative Auditory Research (NCRAR), VA Portland Health Care System, USA

Competing interests 

I have no commercial interests to declare.


Dennis Porto MD, MPH, FAAD, is the Lewis Wendell Hackett award recipient at Harvard where he contributes to the blockchain and bitcoin curriculum at Harvard Business School, USA

Competing interests 

I have equity or agreements for future equity investments in several private companies to be disclosed upon request. I have equity investments in the following public companies: Google, Netflix, Amazon, and Facebook. I am an investor in artificial intelligence, robotics, and biotech exchange-traded funds. I own bitcoin. I am a peer-reviewer for JAMA Dermatology and the Journal of Cosmetic dermatology. I am an editor of the textbook Botulinum Toxins in Dermatology and do not receive royalty.


Karl A. Poterack, MD, Medical Director, Applied Clinical Informatics, Mayo Clinic, Associate Medical Information Officer, Mayo Clinic Arizona and Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, USA

Competing interests 

I have no commercial interests to declare.


Ana Santos Rutschman, Assistant Professor of Law, Center for Health Law Studies, Saint Louis University School of Law, USA

Competing interests 

I have no commercial interests to declare.


Amanda Stanhaus is a Health Management and Policy Ph.D. student at The University of Michigan. Formerly,  J.P.Morgan’s Blockchain strategist for Quorum, USA

Competing interests 

I have no commercial interests to declare.


Jin Wei-Kocsis, Ph.D., Assistant Professor in Computer & Information Technology, Purdue University, USA

Competing interests 

I have no commercial interests to declare.



Publishing and Operations Staff


Tory Cenaj
Founder, Owner, and Publisher, Partners in Digital Health, USA

Competing interests 

I am the founder and owner of Partners in Digital Health, including the journals Blockchain in Healthcare Today, Telehealth and Medicine Today, all related activities and initiatives associated with these titles, and company portfolio. I volunteer for, and own, SolarCoin.  I am advisor for IEEE-SA and NixWhistle.


John Russo Jr., PharmD, Managing Editor, USA

Competing interests 

I am the owner of The MedCom Resource.


Ron Ribitzky MD, Marketing & UX Strategy Advisor, USA

Competing interests and/or Financial disclosure

Stock shareholder of iSpecimen. Business Partner of, East-West Digital News, ACTIMIRA., and TALENTGRID VENTURES.  Strategic Advisor and token rights holder ARNA Genomics, BitMED. MarketsandMarkets Honorarium recipient.  Komodo Health

Collection Information