The journal publishes manuscripts on different approaches of non-substance addictions, research reports focusing on the addictive patterns of various behaviors, especially disorders of the impulsive-compulsive spectrum (publ. by Akadémiai Kiadó/ Akademiai Kiado)
The aim of the journal is to create a forum for the scientific information exchange with regard to behavioral addictions. The journal is a broad focused interdisciplinary one that publishes manuscripts on different approaches of non-substance addictions, research reports focusing on the addictive patterns of various behaviors, especially disorders of the impulsive-compulsive spectrum, and also publishes reviews in these topics. Coverage ranges from genetic and neurobiological research through psychological and clinical psychiatric approaches to epidemiological, sociological and anthropological aspects.
The Journal of Behavioral Addictions declares its support for and follows the ethical principles enshrined in the Farmington Consensus.
The Journal of Behavioral Addictions is full member of the International Society of Addiction Journal Editors (ISAJE).
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