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ScienceOpen Preprints

ScienceOpen welcomes submissions of preprints of unpublished research and offers a wide array of peer review tools on the platform. There is no charge associated with preprint publication.

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Submit your preprint via the “Submit a manuscript” button on our ScienceOpen Preprints collection page. The simple upload form allows you to link your ORCID ID, add co-authors, declare funding, link to datasets and more. After submission your preprint will undergo a quick editorial review to check for completeness and basic scholarly integrity in line with our general publication guidelines. After acceptance by the editorial team, the preprint will be posted on ScienceOpen with a Crossref DOI, a CC BY 4.0 attribution license and a preprint flag. Posting a preprint is free of charge. The “Preprint” is a format to share early stage results with a larger community for immediate feedback, while retaining the right to publish formally in scholarly journal at a later date. Wikipedia hosts a list of academic journals by preprint policy and publisher policies can also be found at can also be found at SHERPA/RoMEO.

PLEASE NOTE that once submitted, the posted preprint cannot be deleted and is officially part of your publication history.

The only way of removal is by formal retraction and a retraction fee of $50.00 does apply. For further information see also our Policy for Handling Retractions, Withdrawals, and Expressions of Concern and guidelines on retractions here.

If you have any questions, your feedback is particularly welcome, just contact me, the Editor-in-Chief.

If your preprint has been posted online with a Creative Commons Attribution License CC BY 4.0 license to ScienceOpen Preprints and assigned a Crossref pre-print DOI (Digital Object Identifier) that may be added to your ORCID record: Your research is now open for community peer review on ScienceOpen but has been not peer-reviewed in this stage. We therefore encourage you to invite reviewers and gather feedback on the ScienceOpen platform and share your work widely in social networks or by e-mail (you can make conveniently use of that function on the document site). This is an important step either to receive qualified feedback by peers in order to improve your work or to confirm and approve your findings.

How does peer review work and how can your support the reviewing process on ScienceOpen? You may easily invite potential peer reviewers just by clicking on the “Review” button at your publication site and select “Invite someone to review” by email or via the system.  There you can invite peers on ScienceOpen to let them review your work next: In the menu which will open next you will find a pre-defined search for potential reviewers on the basis of the categories of your work. You may refine that list by using filters or include or exclude certain keywords. It’s just straightforward and you can browse quickly to the suggested list of reviewers to select some of them to review your work.

NEW: If you want to improve your manuscript and make use of our peer review service to let ScienceOpen search and invite qualified experts in the field to receive two peer review reports, just contact the editor to qualify for this service. The peer review service fee of 200 USD will be completely refunded if we won't have succeded to provide you with two reviewers' reports within 3 months. 

Eventually, if you will have received at least two positive statements by peers as peer review, you can decide to let us finally publish your work after a potential revision, copyediting and typesetting (to be provided by ScienceOpen) as publication on ScienceOpen Research. See how it works: or just contact me please to let me assist you.

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