Methods by AKJournals

The Methods by AKJournals collection offers three interdisciplinary Open Access journals: Resolution and Discovery, Nanopages, and Acta Chromatographica with a special focus of the fields of microscopy/imaging, nanoscience and chemical analysis respectively (publ. by Akadémiai Kiadó/ Akademiai Kiado)

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Collection details

Methods by AKJournals 


This collection contains articles from the following journals:

  • Resolution and Discovery
  • Nanopages
  • Acta Chromatographica


Resolution and Discovery

Resolution and Discovery is a Gold Open Access, peer-reviewed journal covering all kinds of microscopy in materials science and in life sciences, as well as new developments and microscopy techniques. The journal provides a forum for the publication of original research in subject areas such as structure and imaging of biomolecules; microscopic applications in plants, microorganisms and environmental sciences; microscopy in carbon-based materials, semiconductors and magnetic materials; advances in 3D imaging and tomography electron diffraction techniques and analytical microscopy; correlative microscopy, and more. Papers submitted are subject to single blind peer review performed by two independent reviewers. Papers accepted for publication by the Editorial Board are subject to editorial revision.



Nanopages is a peer-reviewed journal whose primary goal is to disseminate the newest results of nanotechnology research. Article types that are featured include both experimental and theoretical contributions. are Especially welcome are works which may promote the transfer of new scientific results to application-oriented development. Such research on revealing structure-property relationships and developing novel materials and methods will help in achieving the goal of translating novel findings into practical applications.


Acta Chromatographica

Publishing research in every field of chromatography, Acta Chromatographica is an Open Access, online only, peer-reviewed journal of the Institute of Chemistry, University of Silesia. Topics of focus include the theory of chromatography; progress in synthesis and characterization of new stationary phases; chromatography of organic, inorganic and complex compounds; enantioseparation and chromatography of chiral compounds; applications of chromatography in biology, pharmacy, medicine and food analysis; environmental applications of chromatography; analytical and physico-chemical aspects of sample preparation for chromatography; hyphenated and combined techniques; chemometrics and its applications in separation science. 



Collection Information