Journal of Applied Bioanalysis (ISSN 2405-710X)

Journal of Applied Bioanalysis is a fully open access peer-reviewed journal by Betasciencepress Publishing that publishes high-quality articles on all aspects of bioanalytical chemistry. Submissions are welcome from across the field of Bioanalysis.

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Collection details

Journal of Applied Bioanalysis



Prof.dr. Roland J.W. Meesters, Adjunct Professor of Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia.


The Journal of Applied Bioanalysis (JAB) is a fully Open Access peer-reviewed journal which focuses on the publication of scientific articles on all aspects of Bioanalysis. JAB delivers essential scientific information in concise, at-a-glance article formats. JAB provides the Bioanalytical Chemist with a forum for the publication of different types of scientific communications including original research and critical reviews of latest relevant and significant developments and improvements in the bioanalysis discipline.

The audience of JAB are bioanalytical chemists, scientists and technicians working in pharmaceutical sciences, clinical laboratories, toxicologists, forensic toxicologists as well as sports doping. More information here

Aims & Scope

Manuscripts dealing with but not only limited to following subjects are encouraged for submission:

  • Separation sciences and hyphenated techniques in bioanalysis.
  • Sample preparation techniques and collection.
  • Data processing, automation and miniaturization.
  • Mass spectrometry technologies.
  • Immuno-assays and ligand-binding assays.
  • Clinical chemistry and Biomonitoring studies.
  • Bioanalytical guidelines and regulatory issues
  • Instrumentation developments and/or improvements
  • Development and validation of bioassays in;
  • Drug metabolism studies, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics.
  • Life sciences (“omics”- sciences).
  • Therapeutic drug monitoring and clinical– and forensic toxicology.

All published contents are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) International License. Betasciencepress Publishers is a CrossRef, Crossmark and SimilarityCheck (formerlyCrossCheck) member.


For Authors

The JAB journal welcomes the submission of papers on all aspects of bioanalytical methodologies, sample treatment, theory and innovative instrumental developments and/or improvement. Manuscripts describing the application of routine methods or straightforward extension of these methods to new sample matrices will per definition not be considered for publication unless a certain degree of novelty is highlighted by the authors that demonstrate clear and quantifiable advantages over existing routine methodologies. More information here

Article types published include editorial, critical review, original research, opinion, expert communication, rapid communication, conference reports, and letters-to-the-editor. Manuscripts should properly present statistical treatment of the observed results. Relevant literature references should be cited applying the journals reference style.


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