The Journal of Physiology

The Journal of Physiology publishes research in all areas of physiology and pathophysiology that illustrates new physiological principles, mechanisms or premises. Papers on work at the molecular level, cell membrane, single cells, tissues or organs, and on systems physiology are all encouraged. We are particularly keen on research that has a clinical or translational focus, to help further our understanding of the role physiology plays in health and disease. A publication of The Physiological Society

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The Journal of Physiology is the leading general research journal in the discipline, with the highest number of citations of any physiology journal. Since 1878 it has published research that significantly advanced our knowledge of physiology and increased our understanding of how the body functions in health and disease.

Physiology Shorts are The Journal of Physiology’s short and informative research snapshot videos. Hear directly from the authors of research papers selected by our Editors here.



The Journal of Physiology welcomes submitted research papers in all areas of physiology and pathophysiology. We are particularly keen to publish papers that have a clinical or translational focus, to help further our understanding of the role physiology plays in health and disease. Authors should present original work that illustrates new physiological principles, mechanisms or premises. Papers on work at the molecular level, cell membrane, single cells, tissues or organs and on systems physiology are all encouraged. We are also keen to publish work on lower vertebrate or invertebrate models or preparation (eg. Drosophila, C. elegans and zebrafish), as long as they further the understanding of the functioning of other organisms including mammals. Theoretical papers and papers that use computational models to further our understanding of physiological processes will be considered if based on experimentally derived data and if the hypothesis advanced is directly amenable to experimental testing.

The Journal of Physiology publishes full-length original Research Articles and Techniques for Physiology, which are short papers aimed at disseminating new techniques for physiological research. Articles solicited by the Editorial Board include Perspectives, Symposium Reviews and Topical Reviews, which highlight areas of special physiological interest. Opinion articles enable authors toforward timely, focused comments and personal views on current, emerging, and/or controversial areas relevant to physiology. Letters to the Editor and Journal Club articles are also published. All categories of papers are subjected to peer review.


The Journal of Physiology assigns papers to the following Table of Contents categories: 

  • Alimentary
  • Cardiovascular
  • Computational Physiology and Modelling
  • Endocrine, Nutrition and Metabolism
  • Exercise
  • Molecular and Cellular
  • Muscle
  • Neuroscience
  • Placenta, Pregnancy and Perinatal Physiology
  • Renal
  • Respiratory



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We are currently looking for ideas for Special Issues. If you are interested in submitting your own proposal for a Special Issue for The Journal of Physiology, Click here!

Authors pay no submission fees or page charges. See full instructions for authors or submit a manuscript. See the Editorial Board.

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