Karger Publishers

Karger Super Collection

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Karger Publishers



Connecting and Advancing Health Sciences


Karger Publishers, headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, is a globally active publishing house in health sciences. It is independent and family-run in the fourth generation by Chairwoman and Publisher Gabriella Karger. Committed to “Connecting and Advancing Health Sciences”, Karger Publishers helps to carry the spark of great ideas and findings with knowledge that matters and experiences that make a difference – a spark which it aims to spread both within the scientific community as well as to clinicians and patients. The company puts great emphasis on direct and personal relationships with all of its partners.

The Karger publishing program for the research community encompasses over 100 peer-reviewed journals, including a growing number of Gold and Platinum Open Access journals. Over 200 editors-in-chief affiliated with important clinical or research centers ensure the high scientific standard of the publications. They are supported by around 5,000 editorial board members and close to 10,000 independent experts acting as peer reviewers.

Karger’s booklist contains well over 9,000 titles, with a focus on review-type series and volumes. The research-oriented portfolio is published predominantly in English, reflecting the international character of the scientific community. All of Karger’s content is also available in appropriate digital formats.

Increasingly, scientists will be able to turn to Karger along the whole research cycle and not just when they are ready to publish their results. One example of this is the cooperation with the biomedical discovery company Quertle. This company provides integrated discovery from research sources for the health sciences community. Rather than relying on metadata, Quertle uses Artificial Intelligence, including neural networks and other modern technologies, to analyze document text directly. This enables more effective and powerful discovery that immediately finds relevant results. More services and partnerships in the Open Research space will be announced soon.

Karger Publishers also supports the knowledge transfer from scientific research to clinical practice through its “Karger Clinical” and “Karger Healthcare Clients” businesses. The portfolio for clinicians is centered around the Karger Kompass journal series, the Fast Facts handbook series and, most recently, a number of endeavors in the area of clinical decision support and educational application space. Knowledge transfer to patients and their caregivers is achieved by using guidebooks, doctor-patient interaction material, and topic-specific online content.

Karger Publishers is an independent Swiss publishing company with 240 employees worldwide. S. Karger AG consists of the publishing company Karger Publishers (est. 1890) and the International Subscription Agency Karger Libri (est. 1960). Chairwoman and Publisher Gabriella Karger leads the publishing company and S. Karger AG together with CEO Daniel Ebneter and COO Andre Janssen. In addition to the company headquarters in Basel, Switzerland and subsidiaries in Freiburg, Germany and Abingdon, United Kingdom, there are Karger regional offices or representatives in Australia, China, France, India, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, the Russian Federation, Thailand, the United Arab Emirates, and the United States. Karger is a major shareholder of Quertle, a biomedical discovery company.


Publishing Program

The broad scope of the Karger publishing program includes books on current themes such as pediatrics, HIV and aging, itch-management, ophthalmology, as well as oncology – topics in which our publications have received Medical Book Awards by the British Medical Association (BMA). Karger Journals encompass almost the entire medical spectrum, with titles including DermatologyCardiology, as well as high Impact Factor journals such as Psychotherapy and PsychosomaticsLiver Cancer and Gerontology. One of our new Open Access journals is Digital Biomarkers which explores the field of digital health data and combines computer science and biomedicine. This program is enhanced by special projects such as thematic issues in journals, individual books, events, and a variety of multimedia products, which all continuously broaden the range of Karger services and materials in print and mainly online.




Under Resources for Authors you find all the necessary information about the publishing process at Karger. Our teams of experienced product managers, production editors and editorial staff will guide you expertly through the submission, publication and dissemination of your research article. For detailed information and queries on specific topics please refer to the contact details on each journal's homepage.





Diabetes: Karger Topical Article Package

This collection presents preselected journal articles dealing with diabetes from the entire range of the Karger publishing program

Created on 2017-02-14

Karger: Cardiovascular System

Karger Cardiovascular System covers a wide spectrum of topics in basic and clinical research, which are also connected to Nephrology and Neurology in some of our journals

Created on 2020-02-26

Karger: Coronavirus / COVID-19

In December 2019, a novel coronavirus COVID-19 has resulted in the outbreak of a respiratory illness with its origin in Wuhan, China. Since then it has spread to other countries. Karger Publishers supports research in this area by providing free access to relevant articles (listed below). To enable fast access to research articles, we have signed the consensus statement by Wellcome about Sharing research data and findings relevant to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

Created on 2020-03-30

Karger: Dermatology

Karger publications in dermatology are more than skin deep and always on the pulse of new developments. Our flagship publications encompass long-standing and well-established journals such as Dermatology and Skin Pharmacology and Physiology

Created on 2020-02-25

Karger: Digital Health

Digital transformation affects and empowers researchers around the globe in many ways. The new tools, methodologies, and increasing knowledge in digital health allow researchers to gain greater insights within their respective fields - Karger Publishers

Created on 2020-03-02

Karger: Endocrinology

Endocrinology at Karger Publishers offers endocrinologists diverse basic or clinical information. Our publications (4 journals and 3 books series) cover a wide range of topics such as pediatric endocrinology, thyroidology, neuroendocrinology as well as diabetes

Created on 2020-02-26

Karger: Gastroenterology

Karger Gastroenterology covers a wide spectrum. Our international journal of gastroenterology focusing on clinical research reports is Digestion, whereas Digestive Diseases deals with the latest in diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal disorders.

Created on 2020-02-26

Karger: Nephrology

A comprehensive range of topics covered by leading scientists characterizes Karger Nephrology. Nephron, the first journal worldwide solely dedicated to nephrology, is managed by Ariela Benigni supported by Chih-Wei Yang as Section Editor of ”Second Opinion”

Created on 2020-02-26

Karger: Neurology and Neuroscience

In the field of Neurology and Neuroscience at Karger you will find a large portfolio of journals and book series dedicated to the transfer of knowledge in the fields of Neurology, Neuroscience, Neurobiology, and Neurosurgery

Created on 2020-02-26

Karger: Nutrition and Dietetics

Karger Nutrition deals predominantly with human nutrition and metabolism including clinical and translational research as well as diabetes, lifestyle diseases, and prevention medicine


Created on 2020-03-02

Karger: Oncology

From stomach to skin, from blood to liver – oncology at Karger adopts an interdisciplinary approach and covers all aspects of cancer with a host of journals and with a strong focus on clinical research.

Created on 2020-03-02

Karger: Ophthalmology

Ophthalmologists will find a variety of highly relevant content in ophthalmology. Karger publications address the management of retinal diseases using new imaging methods or case reports in therapy as well as surgical treatment of, for example, ophthalmic cancer

Created on 2020-03-02

Stroke: Karger Topic Article Package

This collection presents preselected journal articles dealing with the topic of stroke from the entire range of the Karger publishing program

Created on 2017-02-14

Collection Information