Scientific Phone Apps and Mobile Devices

Scientific (Phone) Applications and Mobile Devices (SAMD) is a peer-reviewed open access journal published under APD SKEG Pte Ltd. The first specialized journal in this field, it publishes high quality scientific reports on mobile apps and smartphone dependent devices such as add-on sensors or modifications. Allowing for not only academic recognition for the broader scientific community, it also brings awareness to the general public on the development of such tools. 

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Scientific (Phone) Applications and Mobile Devices


Aims & Scope


Scientific (Phone) Applications and Mobile Devices is a peer-reviewed open access journal published under APD SKEG Pte Ltd. The first specialized journal in this field, it publishes high quality scientific reports on mobile apps and smartphone dependent devices such as add-on sensors or modifications. Allowing for not only academic recognition for the broader scientific community, it also brings awareness to the general public on the development of such tools.



Type of Articles


The journal accepts full research articles, application notes, reviews, editorials, and correspondences related to the development of research or education apps or custom-made devices in all disciplines. The apps or peripheral devices e.g. IoT, off-the shelf microcontroller-based (Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Micro:bit, etc) devices should aim at replacing bulky equipment or to enable processes in research/education. The focus would be on the functionality, displacement of equipment, enabling new processes and/or convenience in research in the various areas or education. On an expanded scope, the journal will also accept webservers, and other software applications, so long they are accessible on the smartphone/tablet Internet browsers.


Application Notes

Brief descriptions specially catered to describing the utility of apps and custom-made devices. Commercial apps are also welcomed. Apps/devices under this category need to reveal their intellectual property or make them widely available, but they must be described appropriately. This category is peer-reviewed.

Correspondence Articles

Correspondence articles can include a substantial re-analysis of a previously published article or more, within and outside of the journal, but within the scope of apps, devices, or webservers.


Commentaries are short, narrowly focused articles of contemporary interest. You may write to the editorial office to find out the suitability.


Editorials cover relevant issues, changes or news regarding the journal and its editorial management, content or policies.

Research Articles

Research Articles reports the results of original research, assesses its contribution to the body of knowledge in a given area. Articles in this area typically focus on results and will require detailed information for the reproducibility of the making/use of the device/app/webserver.


Review articles may provide systematic and substantial syntheses of specific research areas, evaluations of progress in specified research areas within the use of apps, devices, webservers.



Benefits of Scientific Phone Apps and Mobile Devices?


Scientific (Phone) Applications and Mobile Devices's open access allows visibility of articles to a wide, global audience. We also have a fast rolling publication schedule whilst maintaining rigorous peer review. All articles are distributed in PDF form and published rapidly after acceptance and proof-reading. In the area of publication, we allow publication of large datasets, large numbers of color illustrations and moving pictures, in an easily accessible and read form. For software packages, we allow the authors to display the data for themselves, and to create all relevant links.

Authors of articles published in Scientific (Phone) Applications and Mobile Devices retain the copyright of their articles and are free to reproduce and disseminate their work.

All articles are made freely and permanently accessible online immediately upon publication, without subscription charges or registration barriers.



Article-processing charges


Running a journal is not without costs but given our interest in the field, we charge a nominal sum. Therefore, this journal levies an article-processing charge of SGD$800 for each article accepted for publication.
We can waive charges for authors of specific backgrounds, and these charge waivers or discounts are granted on a case-by-case basis.



Publication policy


We utilize peer-review to assess the quality of a manuscript before it is published. Independent researchers in the relevant research area assess the manuscript for the originality, validity and significance.
With the exception of application notes, all manuscripts will generally be reviewed by two to three experts before the editors reach a decision.



How Do I Submit a Manuscript?


  • Read the Conditions of Publication and agree to conditions of submission, the Journal’s copyright and license agreement and article-processing charge (APC).
  • Format your manuscript according to this template. Click here for tips on preparing your manuscript.
  • Submit your manuscript here and email with the subject "Submission to Scientific Phone Apps and Mobile Devices", attaching your cover letter and and editable manuscript format.

Your manuscript will be considered by the Editorial Board for suitability before being sent out for review by at least two reviewers in relevant fields.
We endeavour to provide a decision within 6-10 weeks.

We advise that you check your manuscript for plagiarism before submission even though this journal will routinely do so (using iThenticate). However, high levels of detected plagiarism may result in an immediate rejection.



Article-processing charges


Running a journal is not without costs but given our interest in the field, we charge a nominal sum. Therefore, this journal levies an article-processing charge of USD$800 for each article accepted for publication.
We can waive charges for authors of specific backgrounds, and these charge waivers or discounts are granted on a case-by-case basis.



Further useful links can be found here:




Associate Professor Samuel Ken-En Gan

Antibody & Product Development Lab, A*STAR, Singapore
School of Science & Technology, Singapore University of Social Science, Singapore
James Cook University Singapore



Members of Editorial Board


Professor Anil Wipat

School of Computing, Newcastle University, UK

Dr Edirisinghe EM Nalaka S

School Of Informatics & IT, Temasek Polytechnic, Singapore

Associate Professor Nipon Theera-Umpon

Department of Electrical Engineering, Chiang Mai University, Thailand

Dr Tan Puay Siew

Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology, A*STAR, Singapore

Associate Professor Vivek Tanavde

Division of Biological and Life Science, Ahmedabad University, India

Sankara Rajulu

School Of Informatics & IT, Temasek Polytechnic
School of Science & Technology, Singapore University of Social Science, Singapore

Andy Lee

Republic Polytechnic



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