The Journal of College of Sharia and Islamic Studies (JCSIS) at Qatar University is a peer-reviewed, bilingual, open access journal.
The Journal of College of Sharia and Islamic Studies (JCSIS) at Qatar University is a peer-reviewed, bilingual, open access journal. It provides a forum for quality research in multidisciplinary classical and contemporary Islamic studies in both Arabic and English from all over the world. Since 1980, JCSIS has established itself as a valuable resource both for scholars and students of Islamic Studies as well as for libraries. JCSIS encourages contributions from all branches of Islamic Studies with a view to deepening historical research on Islam, in both theory and practice, from historical and social-science perspectives since its emergence until modern times. JCSIS bridges East-West researchers and readers and presents up-to-date research.
Topics covered include:
Quranic and Hadith Studies
Islamic Creed and thought
Islamic Law
Islamic Education
Islamic Economics
Islamic Manuscripts
Islamic Minorities
Contemporary Islamic Issues
The journal is international in its coverage and it publishes original and theoretical articles by leading scholars and expert consultants.
Our vision is to reach a diverse readership from the East and West to increase the understanding of Islamic principles throughout the world.
Our values are rooted in compassion and equity. We value the natural world, history and our fellow human beings.
Our purpose is to bring a multidisciplinary approach to researching Islam that reaches and connects with the contemporary world.
Functions and responsibilities include but are not limited to:
Bringing perspectives from around the world that further develop both classical and contemporary Islamic Studies;
Offering an open access journal that reaches a diverse international readership;
Providing a bi-lingual journal, in Arabic and English, that provides opportunities for East-West research and collaboration;
Publishing original high quality scholarly research papers that bring a multidisciplinary perspective to classical and contemporary Islamic studies;
Striving for excellence in publishing refereed academic papers in Islamic Studies, and being ranked amongst the world’s most respected journal publications in databases such as Scopus.
Dr. Ibrahim Abdulla Al-Ansari, Ph.D (University of London), Qatar University, Qatar
Prof. Abdallah Abdulrahman El-Khatib, Ph.D (University of Manchester), Qatar University, Qatar
ORCID: 0000-0003-0904-0159
Scopus Author ID: 8433939400
Prof. Mohammed Amezzian, Ph.D (University of Mohamed I), Qatar University, Qatar
Prof. Muhammad A S Abdel Haleem, Ph.D (University of Cambridge), SOAS University, UK
Prof. Zulkifli Alhaj Mohdammed Yousuf, Ph.D (University of Wales), Malay University, Malysia
Scopus Author ID: 57195424723
Prof. Ahmad Khaled Yousef Shukri, Ph.D (Islamic University of Madinah), Qatar University, Qatar
Prof. Hamid Goufi, Ph.D (Yarmouk University), Qatar University, Qatar
Prof. Salih Qadir Karim Al-Zanki, Ph.D (University of Baghdad), Qatar University, Qatar
Dr. Abdollatif Ahmadi Ramchahi (Editor), Ph.D (University Islam Antarabangsa (UIAM)), University of Malaya, Malaysia
Scopus Author ID: 55876580800
Dr. Mourad Laabdi, Ph.D (Toronto University), Qatar University, Qatar
Scopus Author ID: 57221815630
Dr. Abdulrahman Helli, Ph.D. (Ez-Zitouna University), Qatar University, Qatar
Scopus Author ID: 57355352100
Prof. Walid Salih, Ph.D (Yale University), University of Toronto, Canada
Prof. Omar Hassan Kasoule, Ph.D (Harvard University), The International Institute of Islamic, USA
Prof. Abdur Raheem Kidwai, Ph.D (University of Leicester), Director, K. A. Nizami Centre for Quranic Studies, Aligarh Muslim University, India
Prof. Qahtan Abdulrahman Al-Douri, Ph.D (Cairo University), College of Sheikh Nouh alkudat for Shari'ah and Law, Jordan
Prof. Mehmet Akif Aydın, Ph.D (Istanbul University), School of Law, Istanbul Medipol Universitesi, Turkey
Prof. Peter Riddell, Ph.D (Australian National University), University of London, UK
Scopus Author ID: 16556335800
Prof. Andreas Görke , Ph.D (University of Hamburg), University of Edinburgh, UK
Scopus Author ID: 27367893400
Prof. Konrad Hirschler, Ph.D (University of London), Freie Universitat Berlin, Germany
ORCID: 0000-0002-6012-7711
Dr. Boris Liebrenz, Ph.D (Leipzig University), Leipzig University, Saxon Academy of the Sciences and Humanities, Germany
Dr. Rui Oliveira Lopes, Ph.D (University of Lisbon), Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei
Scopus Author ID: 57212563069 | ORCID: 0000-0001-7608-2370
Dr. Joseph Lumbard, Ph.D (Yale University), Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar
Prof. Cam Caldwell, Ph.D (Washington State University), University of Illinois – Springfield, USA
Prof. Turgay Gunduz, Ph.D (Bursa Uludağ University), Bursa Uludağ University, Turkey
Scopus Author ID: 57192388254 | Researcher ID: E-8048-2010
Prof. Ahmad Moussalli, Ph.D (University of Maryland, USA), American University of Beirut, Lebanon
Scopus Author ID: 36506993800
Dr. Alba Fedeli, Ph.D (University of Birmingham, Germany), Associate Researcher Universität Hamburg
Prof. M.Kabir Hassan, Ph.D (University of Nebraska, USA), University of New Orleans, USA
Scopus Author ID: 55612441400 | ORCID: 0000-0001-6274-3545
Prof. Ahmad Al-Raysuni, Ph.D (Mohammed V University), Qatar University, Qatar
The papers submitted to JCSIS should make some noticeable contribution to classical and contemporary Islamic studies.
The papers will be held to imply that it contains original unpublished work and is not being submitted for publication elsewhere. Each author must sign the transfer of copyright from which acknowledges that the paper is original, is not submitted elsewhere, and does not include copyrighted elements.
The manuscript extracted from a thesis/dissertation must be unpublished or not submitted for publishing, and the researcher must indicate that the manuscript submitted for publishing in the journal is extracted from a thesis/dissertation.
Since JCSIS sends all papers for review, a copy should be submitted in a form suitable for sending anonymously to the reviewers. Manuscripts are evaluated by anonymous peer review, therefore, authors must remove all identifying information from their texts. Authors should refer to themselves in the text and citations in the third person. For example, instead of writing "I argue (Salem 2009)...", write "Salem (2009) argues..." All submissions are assessed by a number of, no less than two, specialized reviewers.
Furthermore, when the manuscript is accepted without revision, the publication procedures are completed, and the author is informed of the acceptance of his or her manuscript in writing. If minor essential revisions or major compulsory revision is requested, the manuscript shall be returned to the author with the comments of the reviewers for amendment. If the manuscript is rejected, the author will be informed of that. Moreover, the editorial board reserves the right to decide what articles will be published first.
Full name(s) of author(s) must be listed, along with university or professional affiliation, address, city, state, country, phone/fax number(s), and email address where they can be reached. Provide a two-sentence biography that we can use in the article. Please provide current information only.
The abstract is only 200 words long, and each subheading should be stated directly and briefly compiled in the following order (puropse, methodology, findings, originality and keywords):
Purpose: research objectives shall include answers to why you chose to write this research paper. What topic did you discuss? And if your research is based on previous studies, what prompted you to do this research then? (Explain briefly why you did the research?) This is an opportunity to explain to the reader why you chose the topic and its importance, and inform them of the topic and discussion around which the research revolves, and the focus of your findings.
Methodology: describe what you have done. Explain to the reader here exactly what you did to reach the findings you mentioned. What approach did you use in your research? (Some of the approaches followed in Islamic studies are: the inductive, analytical, deductive, historical, descriptive, editing manuscripts, and case study approach). What tools, methods, or statistics did you use and based your study upon? For example, did you make an interview form and then benefit from its outcomes? Have you done scientific tests? Did you read the previous literature and based your search results on?
Findings: explain accurately what the study found, and how the study answered the questions you raised, or did the study indorse the idea or theory on which your study was based? (You should specify exactly what your study found, without generalization, exaggeration).
Originality / value: here you explain to the reader your research’s scientific value with the new information and results it found. You can also talk about the extent to which your research contributes to future studies, and mention some recommendations.
Keywords: They are the most important basic words indicating the topic of the research, in order to facilitate later citations of the research and access to it by researchers on the same topic. State these words (they should not exceed five words).
It is strongly advised that the length of the article should not exceed 9000 words. Book reviews and conference reports must not exceed 1500 words. All pages should be numbered consecutively. Arabic - Numerical System : must be used all over the articles.
All papers should have an introductory section in which the objectives and methodology of the article are explained, as well as a final section which summarizes the main points discussed and the conclusions reached.
For papers written in Arabic, the bibliography cited in the text must be transliterated and (Romaized) according to the style used by the Library of Congress, (see below: references section). For papers written in English, authors are expected to adhere to the convention of transliterating single words and phrases, and short sentences, in italic roman script as per the Library of Congress transliteration scheme. Authors are responsible for the accuracy and consistency of their transliteration. Arabic, Persian, Turkish etc. words found in a standard unabridged English dictionary are not to be transliterated or italicised, but treated as English words (e.g. sura, Qur'an, Islam). Otherwise, words should be transliterated and italicised, and plurals should follow the Arabic (i.e. isnād, asānīd).(Transiliteration System)
Footnotes should be placed at the bottom of each page, and the sources should be cited as follows:
For papers written in English, the author should set a bibliography of sources and references at the end of the manuscript, in the same style of citing footnotes, but arranged in alphabetical order by the author’s family name.
For papers written in Arabic, the author should set a bibliography of sources and references at the end of the manuscript, in the same style of citing footnotes, but arranged in alphabetical order by the author’s family name, in the same style of citing footnotes, then s/ he translates (Romanize) them into English alphabetically.
There are two types of Arabic sources:
1. The Arabic references and research papers whose titles are not translated into English should be Romanized and transliterated as per the following:
ابن رشد، أبو الوليد محمد بن أحمد بن أحمد القرطبي، فتاوى ابن رشد، تحقيق المختار بن الطاهر التليلي، (بيروت: دار الغرب الإسلامي)، ط1، 1407هـ 1987م.
Ibn Rushd, Abū al-Walīd Muḥammad b. Aḥmad al-Qurṭubī, Fatāwā Ibn Rushd , (in Arabic), ed. Al-Mukhtār b. Ṭāhir al-Ṭalīlī,(Beirut: Dār al-Gharb al-Islāmī, 1987), 1st ed.
2. The Arabic sources and research papers whose titles have been translated into English should be cited as follows:
قادري، عبد الله أحمد، دور المسجد في التربية، (جدة: دار المجتمع للنشر والتوزيع، 1987).
Qādirī, ʿAbdallāh Aḥmad, The Role of the Mosque in Education, (in Arabic), (Jeddah: Dār al-Mujtamaʿ for Publishing and Distribution, 1987).(Transiliteration System)
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Journal of College of Sharia and Islamic Studies, 2008-2017,
ISSN 2523-1715 (Online), ISSN 2305-5545 (Print)
The Journal of College of Sharia and Islamic Studies (JCSIS) is currently indexed in and abstracted by the: Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index, Arabic Citation Index (ARCI), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Google Scholar, Crossref, EBSCO Discovery Service, Ulrichs, Arab Citation & Impact Factor (ARCIF by e-Marefa), Al-Mandumah and CORE.
The journal is available on Kudos. To view our journal on Kudos, please click here.
JCSIS is a member of: The Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers in USA, & Association of University Presses in USA.
All submissions are screened by iThenticate: Plagiarism Detection Software.
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All submissions first go through an internal peer review process by a specialized editor assigned by the editorial board. Each submission is reviewed by the assigned editor who makes an initial decision to send the manuscript out for peer review or to reject without external review. The editorial board makes the final decision. Articles can be rejected at this stage for a variety of reasons such as similarity with a recently published article, the topic is outside of the scope of the Journal, little new information is provided, important flaws in the scientific validity, or an unprofessional presentation. If the editor believes the article may be of interest to our readers, it is then sent out for external peer review.
We employ a 'double-blind' reviewing system (where the reviewer remains anonymous to author, and the reviewer is unaware of the identity of the author). All submissions are assessed by a number of, not less than two, specialized reviewers.
In the external peer-review process, the editorial board identifies potential reviewers. Potential reviewers are contacted about their availability and interest in reviewing. Inquiries to reviewers are sent via RR automated E-mail messages, which include the manuscript abstract and the assignment deadline. When prospective reviewers agree to serve, they are permitted access to the manuscript and reviewing instructions. Reviewers send their critique back to the Journal of College of Sharia and Islamic Studies (JCSIS) using the RR system. Once a sufficient number of two thoughtful reviews are obtained, the editorial board makes a judgment that takes into consideration the critiques and recommendations from the peer reviewers. We also take into account the number of manuscripts in the queue to be published as well as our impression that the paper can be suitably revised. Moreover, the editorial board reserves the right to decide what articles will be published first. Frequent reasons for rejection after peer review are based on an assessment that the paper doesn't provide enough new information, or if the message is too complex or too narrow.
Further more, when the manuscript is accepted without revision, the publication procedures are completed and the author is informed of the acceptance of his or her manuscript in writing. If minor essential revisions or major compulsory revision is requested, the manuscript shall be returned to the author with the comments of the reviewers for amendment. When the manuscript is rejected, the author is informed of that.
The Journal of College of Sharia and Islamic Studies (JCSIS) at Qatar University is a peer-reviewed, bilingual, open access journal committed to publishing original high quality scholarly research papers in classical and contemporary Islamic studies in both Arabic and English. JCSIS is available in print and online and published twice a year, the journal seeks to achieve leadership in publishing refereed academic papers in its field and to rank amongst the world’s most renowned scientific data bases. Further, the journal aims to bring perspectives from around the world to developments in the classical and contemporary Islamic Studies.
THE POSITION OF JCSIS ON PUBLISHING ETHICS Council. Ethical guidelines for peer reviewers (September 2017) and A Short Guide to Ethical Editing for New Editors (January 2016). Authors who are concerned about the editorial process may refer their concerns to COPE.
EDITORIAL BOARD'S RESPONSIBILITIES JCSIS Editorial Board members oversee the peer review process for the journal, including evaluating submissions, selecting reviewers and assessing their comments, and making editorial decisions. Together with Advisory Editorial Board Members they are involved in the development of journal policies and ethics standards and work to promote the JCSIS mission to provide resources, support and advice for early stage researchers in their journey from writing to publishing their scientific papers while at the same time making free public access to scientific research.
Authors should sign and adhere to publication requirements that submitted work is original, is not plagiarized, and has not been published elsewhere. Fraudulent or knowingly inaccurate statements constitute unethical behavior and are unacceptable. If the authors have used the work and/or words of others, that this has been appropriately cited or quoted and accurately reflects individuals' contributions to the work and its reporting. JCSIS reserves the right to reject papers the Editors believe have been plagiarised from other sources, including the author’s own previous work. In case of plagiarism, misuse of published articles, and/or illegal distribution of research papers are proven, JCSIS is very aggressive in the legal actions it takes so as to prevent such unethical action.
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JCSIS provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. The journal is also archived in LOCKSS system and Qatar University institutional repository (QSpace)
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ScienceOpen disciplines: | Religious studies & Theology |
Keywords: | Islamic banking, Islamic finance, Qatar, Islamic Jurisprudence, Prophetic tradition, hadith, Islamic Theology, Quran, Muslim, Islam |
DOI: | 10.14293/S2199-1006.1.SOR-RELIGION.CLLCTFY.v1 |