JMIRx ( is a new journal series (announced end of 2019) and new type of journal, which we call "superjournals". Superjournals, as we define them, sit on top of preprint servers and organize peer-reviews and also curate (edit, copyedit, publish) the version-of-record, i.e. the final accepted version (PRC model). (note that more recently the PRC model was also adopted by eLife, but the JMIR model - which precedes eLife, differs in important ways, most importantly we still have a binary accept/reject decision).

These metrics are updated across the whole ScienceOpen platform every 24 hours.

Collection details


What is JMIRx?


JMIRx ( is a new journal series (announced end of 2019) and new type of journal, which we call "superjournals" [1]. Superjournals, as we define them, sit on top of preprint servers and organize peer-reviews and also curate (edit, copyedit, publish) the version-of-record, i.e. the final accepted version (PRC model). (note that more recently the PRC model was also adopted by eLife, but the JMIR model - which precedes eLife, differs in important ways, most importantly we still have a binary accept/reject decision).


Starting in 2020, JMIR Publications launched the following superjournals:

  • JMIRx|Med - sitting on top of the medRxiv preprint server and covering the subjects covered in medRxiv (launched 2020)
  • JMIRx|Bio - sitting on top of the bioRxiv preprint server and covering the subjects covered in bioRxiv (launched in 2023)
  • JMIRx|Psy - sitting on top of the PsyArXiv preprint server and covering the subjects covered in PsyArXiv (forthcoming)
  • JMIRx|CS - on top of Arxiv (forthcoming) 

In addition, manuscript submissions can be transferred from the JMIR preprint server and JMIR journals to JMIRx and vice versa.

JMIRx journals are all Diamond journals, funded by institutions and research funding agencies through Plan P [6] (see below and For example, authors of Plan P member organizations enjoy benefits such as priority peer-review of their preprints (pathway B in the diagram above), free publication in a JMIRx journal (if funding is available, we also ask for $1000 from the funder), and $1000 off the APC of a ethical "Plan P compatible" gold open access journal.

As of 2024 we consider the University of California a Plan P member. For other authors we waive the requirement of being a Plan P member as long as they fill in a referral form so we can talk to the library/institution.

All JMIR journals (Portfolio) are compatible with Plan P as they also pick manuscripts from the JMIRx manuscript marketplace.



"Preprint First" JMIRx Submission Pathway





Collection Information